Animal Regulations

What are the regulations regarding dogs, horses, coyotes, and other animals indigenous to the area?

All dogs must be licensed through an annual application submitted to the Village. The number of dogs allowed by Village Ordinance varies by lot size:

  • No more than three dogs on a lot less than 80,000 square feet
  • No more than four dogs on an 80,000 to 120,000 square foot lot
  • No more than five dogs on a 120,000 to 160,000 square foot lot
  • No more than six dogs on a lot at least 160,000 square feet

You may not allow your dog to run free in the Village, and you are responsible for removing dog waste. In addition, it is unlawful for any dog to make excessive noise that disturbs the peace and quiet of the neighborhood.

Instructions for applying for a dog license :

Completely fill out the Dog License Application and include:

  • the name and phone number of the dog’s veterinarian
  • date of the dog’s rabies inoculation
  • rabies tag number

Include the appropriate application fee—$10 per spayed or neutered dog, $20 per non-spayed or non-neutered dog—and return the application and fee to the Bannockburn Village Hall at 2275 Telegraph Road. If you have any questions, please call the Village Hall at 847-945-6080.

Remember, this license must be renewed annually. Consult the Village of Bannockburn ordinances regulating dogs for other rules and regulations about dog ownership.

To download a dog license application, click here.

Horses within the Village of Bannockburn only have to be registered once. There is no fee for registering a horse, but the Village wants to maintain records of horse ownership. Complete the registration form and return it to the Village Hall at 2275 Telegraph Road. If you have any questions, please call the Village at 847-945-6080.

To download a horse registration form, click here.

Coyotes, Deer, and Other Indigenous Animals
Because of the rural nature of Bannockburn, some wildlife continues to make a home here. We occasionally see coyotes and they are usually very shy. There have only been a couple of incidents involving these animals, but we do keep a record of coyote sightings so let us know if you see one.

We also occasionally see deer roaming about the Village. We’ve had a few traffic accidents involving deer and the Police Department records all these incidents.

Others animals, such as raccoons, opossums, squirrels, birds, and other species are native to this area as well. If any become a problem, these animals are best handled by a professional wildlife expert. The Police Department will respond to emergency calls but we don’t have the means to deal with all wildlife. We recommend you call one of the animal services listed in the local phone directory.

©2007 Village of Bannockburn