TF071093:South-South Experience Exchange Between Practitioners (SEETF)

Idea Brief(One pagemaximum)

Proposed Activity Name:

Requesting Country[ies](i.e., Country[ies] Receiving Knowledge):

Country[ies] Providing Knowledge:

Proposed Grant Amount (US$):

Estimated Experience Exchange Period: Estimated Grant Closing Date:

Task Team Leader: Estimated BB Budget Commitment (US$):

Regional South-South Coordinator Name (see list attached):

(1) Brief description of the knowledge gap that the requesting country or countries want to address and link to country/sector priorities(Note: SEETF cannot finance activities that support implementation of ongoing Bank activities in a given country)
(2) Brief description of the concrete, applied experience(s) from other countries that the requesting country wants to learn from to address the identified knowledge gap.

(3) Brief description of activities to be undertaken

(4) Brief description of tangible outputs and knowledge products that can be shared and disseminated on a wider scale (include expected results for the requesting country).

Idea Brief/Proposal Evaluation Criteria

In addition to compliance with SEETF requirements, the following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals:

  • The proposed experience exchange should be intended to lead to a specific concrete action, such as a policy decision or new legislation.
  • It should be clear what follow up action is expected.
  • A letter from the government, copied to the Ministry of Finance (if it is not from that Ministry). Letters need not follow any standard format(Note: required at the proposal formulation stage).
  • The proposed experience exchange should not be supply driven.
  • The proposed experience exchange should not be continuation of an activity that has already been supported by the World Bank.
  • The proposed experience exchange should not be intended as the preparatory step for a possible large activity that would again require trust funded support.
  • The proposed experience exchange should not be to facilitate learning on how to write studies or research proposals – they should be exchanges of experience between practitioners or policy makers.
  • The proposal should not be for work that is typically done as AAA or ESW Bank work.
  • The associated BB needs to be indicated.


Please submit the Idea Brief to the respective Regional South-South Coordinators (RSSCs)listed below.


Africa: Nils O. Tcheyan (Phone: 202-473-8445, Email:)

EAP: Emmanuel Y. Jimenez (Phone: 202-473-3481, Email: )

ECA: Xiaonan Cao(Phone: 202-473-8917, Email: )

LAC: Denis Robitaille(Phone: 202-458-4740, Email:)

SAR: Fayez Omar (Phone: 202-458-8658, Email:)

MNA: Omer M. Karasapan(Phone: 202-473-8177, Email: )

For information about the overall SEETF policy framework please contact Helena Nkole,

Phone: 202-473-4149. Email: .