Civil war Battles Webquest

Search through the websites given below to answer the accompanying question about the battles of the Civil War. Make sure you answer the questions at the completion of the webquest.

Fort Sumter

1. What state did this battle take place in?____________________

Date? _____________________

2. How many casualties?____________

3. Who were the generals of each army?__________________

4. Who won?_____________________________

5. What is the significance of this battle?_______________________

Bull Run

1. What is another name used for this battle? __________________

Date? _________________________________

2. In which state did it take place?__________________________

3. How many casualties?____________

4. Who were the generals of each army?__________________

5 Who won?_____________________________

6. What is the significance of this battle?_______________________



1. In Which state did the battle take place?____________________

2. Date of battle? ____________________________

3. How many casualties?____________

4. Who were the generals of each army?__________________

5 Who won?_____________________________

6 What is the significance of this battle?_______________________


1 In Which state did the battle take place?____________________

2 Date of battle? ____________________________

3 How many casualties?____________

4 Who were the generals of each army?__________________

5 Who won?_____________________________

6 What is the significance of this battle?_______________________


1 In Which state did the battle take place?____________________

2 Date of battle? ____________________________

3 How many casualties?____________

4 Who were the generals of each army?__________________

5 Who won?_____________________________

6 What is the significance of this battle? ___________________

View this website to see pictures of Gettysburg

View this website to see photos of the devastation caused by Sherman’s March from Atlanta to the coast

Appomattox Courthouse

1 In Which state did the battle take place?____________________

2 Date of battle? ____________________________

3 How many casualties?____________

4 Who were the generals of each army?__________________

6 Who won?_____________________________

7 What is the significance of this battle? ___________________

Which battle was the costliest as far as casualties are concerned?

How long did the war last? ________________________________

Why do you think the war lasted so long even though the North clearly had the advantage? ______________________________
