2017-2018School Year
A complete Digest of Band Policies and Regulations
WarrensburgHigh School
Warrensburg, Missouri
Stephanie Sekelsky, Director of Bands
Sarah Ray, Associate Director of Bands
Dr. Michael Sekelsky, Fall and Winter Drumline Instructor
Matthew Haltom, Bailey Carson, Emalee Martin, Guard Directors
Band Manual
Table of Contents
Band Activities
Credit and Awards
Band Regulations
School Equipment
In all you do...
A. Marching Band
1. Home Football Games - The band will perform pregame and half-time of every home football game, and will play as a group in the stands throughout the entire game. Parents may pick up students at the conclusion of the game and band performance once all uniform and instrument storage needs are met. Normal report time for Friday night games is 5:30PM-10:00PM at the UCM Stadium. Parents and friends are invited to watch the band performance from the stands, but may not interfere with the performance of the group. The bleachers where the band sits is for band members only, but there is seating along the side for family members.
2. Competitions - The band will attend several field show marching competitions during the school year, the location and number of which will be decided annually by the directors and principal. Attendance at all competitions is required. We will work through school related conflicts.
3. Parades - The band will participate in parades in the Warrensburg and surrounding communities as well as parade competitions that are included with field competitions.
4. Rehearsals - In addition to regular morning rehearsals before school beginning at 6:45AM, the marching band will rehearse Thursday evenings during marching season from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the High School.
5. Pre-season camp is mandatory as we are preparing for competitions. Anyone who misses camp is required to make up time missed. Time can be made up second quarter during zero hour, helping with outside of class band events, i.e. rummage sale, or by completing extra recital reports.
B. Concert and Symphonic Bands
Concert Band:
Our full concert band forms upon the completion of marching season and performs a concert early in December. After that we split into two ensembles. Our concert band, while there are still seating auditions, is a less competitive environment than our auditioned Symphonic/Honors Symphonic Band.
Symphonic/Honors Symphonic Band:
This is our top concert ensemble that is filled through successful auditions at our WCMMEA District auditions held in November of each year. Freshmen are eligible, but may not take the class for Honors credit. Sophomores-Seniors may take it for Honors credit and will have a few extra requirements to meet than the freshmen. Members of the Symphonic Band (Honors and non-honors) are expected to take a solo and/or a small ensemble to our district event in March.
1. Home Concerts - Each band will give several concerts throughout the year, including the annual Christmas Concert, Winter“Pops” Concert, Spring Concert, Final Concert and Commencement. Other concerts may be scheduled as deemed necessary by the directors.
2. Away Concerts - Efforts will be made for both performing groups to travel to area schools and communities as opportunities arise. These may or may not occur during school hours.
3. Festivals - The Concert and Symphonic Bands will participate as a large ensemble at the State Music Festival held at Boonville each spring.
4. Conference Band - This event consists of an honor band formed from all of the schools in our conference and conducted by a guest clinician. Interested students should sign up for the band.
5. All-District Band - All members are eligible and strongly encouraged to audition for this ensemble, made up of the best band students from all the schools in our district. There will be two concert bands for the students to participate in. After auditions are completed, the bands rehearse two days and then present a concert at UCM. See the band calendar for audition and performance dates. Students who wish to be considered for a seat in the WHS Symphonic Band must audition for district band and do well.
6. All-State Band - This elite ensemble is made up of musicians from across the state of Missouri, all of whom are members of their local District Honor Band. The audition materials are the same as for All-District band, with the exception of the addition of minor scales. You must have been a member of your All-District Honor band to audition for All-State Band. Auditions are held the first Saturday in December in Columbia at Hickman High School. This ensemble rehearses and performs during the Missouri Music Educators Association State Convention held in January at the Tan-Tar-A resort on the Lake Of The Ozarks.
7. Brass and Woodwind Choirs - These ensembles may be formed with members of the Band in the spring for the purpose of performing in concert and at State Music Festival at Boonville. They may also perform at various school and community events as the opportunities arise. Rehearsals for these groups may happen before school. A rehearsal schedule will be provided.
8. Winter Drumline/Concert Percussion Ensemble – This auditioned group will meet after marching season and prepare for performances for local eventsand for the MSHSAA State Music Festival at Boonville.
C. Jazz Bands
1. Any person who plays an appropriate jazz instrument and is enrolled in regular band class is eligible to participate in Jazz bandwith director approval. Honors Jazz is for students that show exceptional jazz skills. JV Jazz is for students with less jazz playing experience. These groups rehearse every other day according to the block schedule. Occasionally players who play an instrument that is not used in the regular band are allowed to audition. Auditions will be held each spring for musicians wishing to participate. A student may not drop band class and be in jazz band only unless so approved by the director.
2. Home Concerts - The Jazz Bands perform a minimum of four concerts per year, scheduled by the director.
3. Away Concerts - The bands travel to area schools and communities as the opportunities arise for performance. Some of these will occur during school hours, some will occur outside of school time.
4. Home Basketball Games - The Jazz Bands perform at selected boys and girls basketball games. The performances include playing before and between JV and Varsity games and during half-time of the games. Attendance is required.
5. Competitions - The Jazz Band will participate in a minimum of three competitions during the year, the location and date of which will be selected by the directors.
6. All-District and All-State Jazz Bands - Anyone is eligible to audition for the District Jazz Band, provided they are a performing member in their own jazz band. Members who are selected for this ensemble are eligible to audition for the All-State Jazz Band. Honors Jazz members are required to audition for All-District Jazz Band.
D. Solos and Ensembles
1. Everyone is encouraged to participate in solos and small ensembles throughout the year. Although we usually think of this activity occurring during the spring for Music Festival, year-round participation is strongly encouraged. See the directors for help in choosing music and forming ensembles. Symphonic Band members are required to take a solo or ensemble to contest.
2. Public Performances - This includes performing for local clubs (Rotary, Lions, etc.) and churches, and recitals. The more performances you or your ensemble gives, the better you will perform, and the less nervous you will become!
3. Festivals - Solos and ensembles participate in the District Music Festival for ratings, a “1” rating being the highest given. Those receiving a “1” rating at District are then sent on to the State Festival in Columbia to again perform for a judge based on the same rating scale.
E. Private Lessons
Students are strongly encouraged to study privately on their instrument with teachers in Warrensburg and surrounding communities. UCM offers a lesson program, as do a few respected teachers in the community. The cost of lessons varies with the experience of the instructor, but regardless, will pay off in the amount of accelerated progress that will occur in your ability to play your instrument. Remember that lessons alone will not turn you into an outstanding player. Nothing can take the place of dedicated hard work on your part and you know what that means...PRACTICE! We in Warrensburg are very fortunate to have not only the University musicians available for private instruction, but also many talented community residents.You are wasting a wonderful opportunity if you do not take advantage of them. If you are interested in taking lessons, see the directors for information regarding who to contact.
F. Social Activities
1. Band Party - The annual Band Party is held at the conclusion of marching band camp. This event comes complete with a full smorgasbord of food for the family!
2. Band Awards Banquet (“Band-quet!”) - This informal event is held in the spring of the year and features the presentation of numerous awards to band members. The event is held at the WHS Commons Area and desserts are provided!
3. Other events as needed/requested.
A. A student is required to have one full credit of fine arts in order to qualify for graduation.
B. Marching band, Concert band, Symphonic band, and Jazz band all give the student 1 credit per year of participation that may be applied toward the fine art credit for graduation. Honors Jazz,Honors Band and Honors Symphonic Band now exist with extra requirements for those who take the classes for honors credit.
C. A student must be enrolled in Band in order to enroll also in Jazz band.
D. Students must be enrolled in band for the full year. It is not a semester course! Occasional exceptions may be granted, with director approval, for extenuating circumstances (student moving in after school begins, etc.).
E. All band students must be enrolled in zero hour for 1/4 credit. This class functions during the fall marching season, and occasionally during contest season. All school attendance policies apply to zero hour. Students earn a ¼ credit upon successful completion of the course.
A. Band Letters - Each student is eligible to receive a band letter, provided the total number of points needed for the year has been earned by the student. For a concise breakdown of the point system and the total number of points needed to letter, see the letter points chart.
B. State Music Festival medals will be given to all participants in the following events:
1. State solo “1” or “2” rating
2. State ensemble “1” or “2” rating
3. Symphonic/Concert Band “1” or “2” rating
4. Woodwind or Brass or Percussion Choir “1” or “2” rating
C. District Music Festival medals are available for those events receiving a “1” or “2” rating.
D. Scholarshipsand Awards
1. In 1996 the Russell Coleman College scholarship was created. The Russell Coleman UCM College Scholarship will be awarded to a senior. The amount of this scholarship will be $500. This person does not need to be a music major or minor, but must participate in a large instrumental ensemble each semester during their freshman school year in college.
2. The Angel Conant Memorial Scholarship. Students must apply for this by whatever deadline the guidance office sets. Check with the guidance office for an application!
3. The John Philip Sousa Award - This is given to the outstanding senior band musician each year. It consists of a desk piece, pin, and certificate.
4. The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award - This award is given to the outstanding senior jazz musician. It consists of a desk piece, pin, and certificate.
5. Director Award – goes to student/s who exemplifies all that is band – outstanding musicianship, outstanding service, and outstanding attitude.
6. Certificates of Achievement are also given – outstanding musicianship, outstanding service, and outstanding attitude.
A. To avoid tardies, be IN YOUR SEAT OR ON THE FIELD when the bell rings with your INSTRUMENT OUT and ready to go! Tardies count toward perfect attendance.
C. No studying, reading or doing homework from another class will be permitted during rehearsals. Make a contribution to each rehearsal.
D. You are expected to have your instrument, pencil, chartsand/or tiger tracks (marching season) and music for each rehearsal.
E. If you are going to be absent or late for a rehearsal, please contact Mrs. Sekelsky. If she cannot be reached, contact Mrs. Ray and have her deliver the message.
F. Beverages are NOT ALLOWED in the band room except water without a screw top lid.
G. Take your instrument home EVERYDAY so you may practice.
H. You must have a PENCIL ON YOUR STAND OR IN BINDER for every rehearsal. Having it elsewhere does you no good.
I. Foul or abusive language or gestures shall not be used during any band activity or in the presence of any staff member.
J. Cell phone usage is strictly prohibited during rehearsal and performance time. Cell phones used during class or performance may be taken to the principal’s office and demerits will be assessed and performance expectation met points will be lowered. All school policies apply during band concerts and performances.
K. Fines or Fees
Students owing money to the school will not be eligible for extra-curricular activities until all fines have been paid or arrangements have been made for payment by the student. Students will not be eligible for final exemptions until fines are paid. Students will not receive their diploma upon graduation until all fines have been paid.
A. Playing Tests - These will be given periodically throughout the term. Some will be announced in advance, while others will be unannounced. These tests will cover scales, etudes, sight-reading, and music in the folder.
B. Written Tests - These will be given regularly, usually covering basic knowledge of terms and symbols or information covered in class or in this Band Manual. Study sheets will sometimes be given prior to written tests.
C. Rehearsal and Concert Performance Expectation Met - Each rehearsal and performance carries a performance expectation met grade which makes up a large portion of your overall quarter grade. To receive the total number of points in this area, simply be on time, with your instrument and music, and actively participate to the best of your ability.
D. Recital Attendance - Students can grasp the proper instrumental sounds and the varying styles of solo and band music if they are exposed to a number of live performances. Also, because the arts must be supported through live audience attendance and appreciation, students will be asked to attend University concerts or recitals or other outside performances each semester. Several written performance critiques will be required through the school year.
E. Pencil Tests - This will be a periodic check to see if you have a pencil on your music stand. This is an announced, pass/fail exam.
F. Instrument Check - Periodically the directors will check for any instruments left at school overnight. Your instrument should not be there unless you have received prior permission. Failure to comply will result in a lowering of your performance expectation met grade by 5 points.
G. ATTENDANCE - Students should be present as much as possible to avoid loss of points (grade and letter). Students missing a band performance with an excused absence may make up the points by doing an in-class performance or doing extra recital reports. Students missing a rehearsal may make up the time before school by coming in and practicing. Points are awarded at each event for time/effort/expectations metat each event. Students seeking an excused absence from a performance or rehearsal must fill out the Excused Absence Request Form (EARF) at least 1 week prior to the absence – earlier if possible for planning purposes. (Emergencies obviously excluded). Work related absences will not be excused. Students involved in other school activities will need to provide us with a calendar of those events and we will work around them (an EARF will not be needed).
Letter points cannot be made up.
After marching season any missed events, i.e., concerts, must be made up within 2 weeks – either extra recital report or zero hour practice, depending on points needed.