Appling Band Booster Meeting Agenda – April 6, 2017
Old Business:
-Congrats to the honor band for their concertfestival performance on March 7 – excellent ratings on stage and a superior rating in sight reading. Thank you to all parents that helped chaperone and with equipment.
-Congrats to everyone that participated in the Solo/Ensemble Festival on April 1 – we had about 90% of our students earn medals with 72 superiors and 29 excellent ratings!
New Business:
-Election of officers for next year – President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and uniform chairperson
There will be a car wash this Saturday April 8 from 11-3 at the Autozone on Stage Rd. Wear your band shirt and bring car wash supplies. We need a lot of parents to help work and supervise students. Money raised at this will help reimburse some of what the boosters are paying for the spring trip and also be used toward the banquet.
Honor Band will travel to Oak and Ellendale Elementary schools this Monday, April 10. Students are to bring gym shorts, black shoes, and long black socks to school and will be called approximately 8:15 to change into uniforms and leave by 8:30. We will need several parents with turcks/vans/SUVs to meet to help load equipment at 8 and take ahead of us so that we can keep the schedule. Thanks in advance!
The 6th grade preview night is scheduled for Tuesday April 11 at 6 pm. The jazz band will plan to perform from 5:45-6 as students and parents arrive (wearing full concert black uniform) and should report to the cafeteria at 5:30. Honor Band will be changing into uniforms and warming up in the band room from 5:30-6 and I will need parents to help with this because I will be with jazz band in the cafeteria. I am not sure when our performance time is, but students are free to leave when done.
Make sure to sign up for to get text messages about reminders. Also check our Facebook page at A.M.S. Band Bartlett, TN and our Appling Middle Atlanta trip page for reminders and pictures.
Jazz band will be participating in the West TN jazz festival this Thursday April 21 at Bartlett High School. We warm up at 4:10 and perform at 4:40. Students need to bring all black uniform and $5 for pizza when we return. We will need parents to help transport students and equipment. A permission slip letter will go out.
April 29 is the Spring Fling from 3-7. Both honor and jazz bands will be performing but I don’t have times yet. We are also hosting a booth and selling pizza and will need people to help in shifts. Please let us know if you are available to help.
*****Spring concerts are Thursday May 11 (6th and Jazz Band) and Tuesday May 16 (7th, 8th, and honor bands) at 6:30 at New Hope Christian Church. Students should be there at 6:00in concert dress (black bottoms, white tops - guys wear a tie, and black shoes and socks. We need help with transporting equipment, ticket sales ($2 each), monitoring, and set up/tear down – Sign up sheets tonight at meeting.
I am working on scheduling another nursing home tour for our jazz band that will probably be Wednesday May 18, Thursday May 19, or Monday May 23. I will need at least 6 parents to help transport students and equipment.
-Band Banquet – Scheduled for May 12 at New Hope Dinner will start at 5:30 (will have details and menu soon) and awards start at 6:30. Every student will get something and several will get several things – certificates, medals, trophies. We will need a banquet committee to help with decorations/set-up – Sign up sheets tonight. Reservation information with details will be passed out soon with a quick turn around for deadline.
-End of the year DVD to show at our banquet. We will need LOTS of pictures for this. Last year we had a parent volunteer to do this instead of hiring a professional – is there anyone interested in putting this together? Any interest in purchasing copies? Cost will be between $10-$15.
-There are several music camps this summer: Prizm Music camp (Shady Grove Pres. First week of June), University of Memphis Music Camp (June - more info at )and Bellevue Baptist Music camp, and lessons/programs at Bartlett Music Academy or Bartlett Percussive Arts. I also encourage some of our older students to consider performing in the Bartlett Community Band on Monday nights from 7-9 at Whitten Baptist and we perform many times throughout the summer.
-Students will not need instruments in class during May 22 week because we will not be playing that last week, so all instruments can be kept at home and school instruments need to be turned in on May 20. All unwanted music and books can be donated so that we can file them for future use.
-The Pigeon ForgeSpring trip meeting is tonight after the general meeting and we will sign all permission forms and go over details for the trip including itinerary, what to bring list, chaperone introductions, rules/procedures, etc…. Good luck to our honor and jazz bands!