Guidance on Completion of Flying Start NHS® Development Programme
This guidance is designed to address the frequently asked question from both Flying Start learners and mentors regarding completion of the Learning Programme.
It is expected that all newly qualified nurses, midwifes and allied health professionals will be supported by their employer to complete Flying Start NHS® development programme to provide evidence for their NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework development review. This guidance aims to support learners and their mentors understand what completion means.
There are four key principles to apply to completion of the learning programme:
- The learning outcomes of all 10 Learning Units must be achieved.
- A portfolio of evidence must be available (either electronically or paper based) demonstrating sufficient evidence of the learning being applied in the workplace.
- There must be evidence of growth over time, i.e. the learner has demonstrated increased confidence and capability over the course of twelve months.
- All 10 concluding activities must be completed with clear objectives identified for the learner’s personal development plan for the coming year.
Roles and responsibilities
Flying Start NHS® is based on a tripartite relationship between the learner, mentor and line manager. Each of these partners must play their part for completion of the learning programme to be meaningful.
Learners must commit to:
- Registering on the programme
- Familiarising themselves with the programme
- Completing the programme
- Discussing with manager a strategy for appropriate mentor support and other support mechanisms
- Populating their portfolio
- Recognising and seeking out appropriate learning opportunities
- Recognising that other development activity can be used to evidence learning
- Developing a clear understanding of reflection
- Seeking time to reflect with mentor and gain feedback
- Seeking help from mentor, manager and other colleagues
- Recognising their professional responsibility to undertake CPD and lifelong learning
Mentors must commit to:
- The principles of SLAIP and in promoting an effective learning environment
- Registering on the Flying Start NHS® programme as a mentor and engaging with recommended resources and available forums
- Having knowledge of the local frameworks to support learner progression and completion of the F/S programme and plan regular meeting points with the NQP i.e every 3 months
- Recognising when it isn’t successful and look for ways to ensure that the NQP receives the support they require
- Agreeing to the tripartite partnership of NQP, mentor and manager
- Agreeing a learner / supervision contract
- Completing a prepared format/ template / proforma which would be used for documenting discussions, actions, and plans which will form the basis of the portfolio.
Line managers must commit to:
- Promoting a whole learning environment that involves integration of the Flying Start NHS® programme
- Exercising their responsibility for promoting CPD
- Facilitating the process for identifying and delivering personal development plans
- Actively listening to staff on personal development needs
- Facilitating engagement with the Flying Start NHS® learning programme
- Matching newly qualified practitioner with suitable experienced mentor
- Monitoring and auditing of programme delivery, act on feedback
- Supporting and mentoring the mentors
- Network with colleagues in practice development / education – learning and development
Learners and mentors often ask how they will know the learning programme has been completed. It’s a good question, unfortunately with no straight answer! There are two main guidelines for completing Flying Start NHS®
- That the learning outcomes from all 10 learning units have been achieved and concluding activities in all 10 units.
- That the learner can provide sufficiency of evidence of applying learning in practice to be able to demonstrate they are meeting the requirements of the NHS KSF post outline.
Beyond the NHS KSF Foundation Gateway many learners continue to use the resources with Flying Start NHS® to keep up to date, and to develop themselves and others.
Developing Others
A natural development at the end of the Flying Start NHS® programme is to think about developing others. Flying Start NHS® provides a sound foundation on which to build mentorship skills for students and other learners.