Balmer Lawrie & Co LtdTravel & Vacations

(A Government of India Enterprise) Scope Complex, Core 8, 4th Floor, 7 Lodhi Road,

NEW DELHI 110 003

Phone: (011) 46412245

Fax-(011) 24361405


Tender Ref No.RHRNR/TPT/17-18/0003

M/s______Tender enquiry date-13.06.2017 Tender enquiry due date -19.06.2017by 2.00 pm

Tender enquiry opening date -19.06.2017at 4.00 pm



Sub: Quotation for safe and secured Transportation of Contact Center Goods fromGurugram (Haryana) to

Kolkota West Bengal.

Dear Sirs,

1]Sealed / closed quotations are invited from Company Registered Venders/Parties only, for transportation of Contact center goods (detail of items given in Annexure- A) by Appropriate Vehicle, duly subscribed with enquiry date, due date and QUOTATION FORTRANSPORTATION OF CONTACT CENTER GOODS FROM GURUGRAM TOKOLKOTA.

Contact center goods
To be loaded from / Contact center goods
To be un- loaded at
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.
11th Floor, Unit No.1116 -1119 Welldone Tech Park, Sector -48
Sonha Road Gurugram, Haryana 122018, India.
Contact Person: Kartik Varun Chadha - 9810328688 / Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.
21, Netaji Subhas Road
Kolkata-700001, India.
Contact Person: Mr. Delip Das - 9007842221

2]The prospective transporters are advised to note that the lowest quotation would be evaluated on the basis of total aggregated amount, as has been asked for, at serial No.3.

3]Please mention the following in the quotation –

NO / VALUE in Rs.
1 / Transportation Charges for transportation of
Contact center goodsby Appropriate Vehicle, including all other expenses such as toll tax expenses etc.
2 / Loading & Un-loading charges
3 / Transit Insurance-List of items given in Annexure-A
4 / Placement of Appropriate Vehicle / Successful transporter would be required to ensure placement of Appropriate Vehicle within 24 hours from the time of giving communication.
Proper Packaging / Plastic wrap for water proofing and bubble wrapping for damage protection of all goods.
5 / Service Tax/ Octroi / To be reimbursed by BL, subject to submission of receipts.
6 / Detention Charges
Please quote the same in case the vehicle
is detained for more than 24 hrs from the
time of reporting subject to written confirmation
7 / Payment terms / Company's standard payment terms are 30 days from the date of submission of bill along with duly acknowledged challan. Please specify your payment terms.


4]In order to maintain secrecy and transparency, your sealed / closed quotation should reach us on or before the due date i.e.19.06.2017by 2.00 pm positively, at our above office, super scribing on the envelop Enquiry date, due date and QUOTATION FORTRANSPORTATION OF CONTACT CENTER GOODS FROM GURUGRAM TO KOLKOTA.Quotations should be addressed to Administration Department, Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. NR.


  1. Your offer should specify all the elements, mentioned above, as has been asked for and be valid for our acceptance for 30 days, and execution of job to be done within the given time.
  1. Your offer must accompany this enquiry duly signed and stamped on each page, as your acceptance to the terms and conditions mentioned herein.
  1. You will ensure placement of vehicle at the site for uploading items within three (3) days from the date of receiving the letter of intent/acceptance. In case placement of Appropriate Vehicle is not done as per given schedule, we reserve the right to cancel the order placedon you.
  2. Successful transporter would be responsible to ensure safe delivery of Contact center goods at the above given address at Kolkota. Any damage and or loss/pilferage during transit would be to transporter account and the loss, if any, would have to be made good by transporter.
  3. The transporters are specifically advised to note that the Company normally would not carry out any negotiations except with such parties who is / are the lowest tenderers originally. As such, it would be in the interest of the tenderers to quote lowest possible rates.
  1. Escalation / De-escalation would be applicable as per following formula –

The escalation / de-escalation will be calculated as per following formula:-

0.20 x A x (C - B )


Where A = Base Rate for transportation as agreed / PO

B = Ruling price of HSD applicable at Gurugramas on date of enquiry

C = Increased / Decreased price of HSD at Gurugram

The date of escalation / de-escalation will be from the date of increase / decrease of HSD price at Gurugram

No other price escalation on any account will be entertained during the contract period. Escalation / De-escalation in rate will only be applicable if increase/decrease in HSD price is more than Re.1.00 per liter

from the existing price.

7.The vehicles must have the national permit covering the entire route and NO TRANSHIPMENT WILL BE

ALLOWED during transportation. If trans-shipment is required to be done, that should be done after obtaining written consent.

8.In case a conflict of interest is arisen between the bidder and the Companyat any stage during tender processing, the Company reserves the right to reject the bids of the tenderer.

  1. In case of any dispute is arisen during validity of contract, the same will fall under the jurisdiction of Gurugram


  1. Procedure of Arbitration

Any dispute or difference arising out of this Contract shall be referred for adjudication at Kolkata to a sole

Arbitrator to be appointed by the Chairman &Managing Director of Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd. The fees of the

arbitrator, if any, shall be shared equally by both the parties.

11. In case any clarification is required, we would be glad to furnish the same. Please contact Shri Pawan Kumar Tripathi at his mob no. 9717929384 or Kartik Varun Chadha at his mobile no. 9810328688


AM (ADMIN & OL)Signatures of the tenderer with official seal/stamp