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Professor Seth G. Neugroschl
Chairman, Monthly Seminar “Computer, Man and Society”
Columbia University

Dear Seth:
(1) Many thanks for your phone call yesterday.
Upon your suggestion, I have read the following news article with great interest;

Jonathan Zittrain
Lost in the Cloud”
The New York Times, July20, 2009

(2) The New York Times article I mentioned in the Item (1)-(a) in my July 15th msg to you (see below) claimed that IBM is very good at the security issue, which Zittrain raised with regard to the use of the cloud computing.
This is one of my reasons why I chose IBM among many other similar service vendors, to have their help to our project.
(3) Pls visit the following paper;

"Globally Collaborative Environmental Peace Gaming (GCEPG)"

BTW, when I presented this project at the First International Conference on Computer Communication (ICCC) in Washington, DC in October, 1972, only the scientist from IBM requested me further information.

As said in it, we would like to have our colleagues in various countries construct their countries’ national energy, economy, environment simulation models, which are to be interconnected together to form Globally Distributed Socio-Economic-Environmental Simulation System (GDSEESS);


NOTE: Globally Distributed Climate Simulation System (GDCSS) may be constructed and linked with GDSEESS later, since there is severe disciplinary chasm between environmentalists and economists.

This GDSEESS may also eventually serve as the Global Early Warning System (GEWS), which was firstly proposed by the U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown at the G20 Summit in London last April, and has been followed by Ho. Mrs. Maur of India;

(06/28/09) Statement by Ho. Mrs. Preneet Maur, Minister of State for External Affairs of India about the Global Early Warming System and our GCEPG/GSEEED projects.

(4) We hope that the GDSEESS will promote the “quantitative” policy analysis basing on the “facts and figures,” particularly for local confrontation prone area of developing countries. To achieve this, we would need to educate young would-be decision-makers with rational analysis and critical thinking capabilities. This would be vital necessity if you consider when most of targets of the UN’s “Millennium Development Goals” would not be met with in 2050 and the decision-makers at that time would be the current 10s and 20s youngsters.
Our project would then have the following two-tier system;

(a) One for training young would-be decision makers for understanding interwoven world phenomena with rational analysis and critical thinking, and then in crisis management, conflict resolution, and negotiation techniques basing on "facts and figures" and
(b) The other for helping decision makers constructing a globally distributed decision-support system for positive sum/win-win alternatives to conflict and war.

Each Global University System (GUS) (which is an associating project) <http://tinyurl.com/sfgm7> of various countries will maintain the sub-models of their countries autonomously – along with construction and maintenance of its databases, modification of their sub-models, and supply of game players in cooperation with their overseas counterparts through the global Internet. See <http://tinyurl.com/65wrk7> for the list and description of partners of this GSEEED project – [See also MOU_Polytechnic_GLOSAS (the founder of GUS) <http://tinyurl.com/6oljpy>].
(5) We firstly envisioned to use the so-called Beowulf mini supercomputer (clusters of PCs) at each of various countries and interlink them through broadband Internet.
However, if we can use the Cloud Computing, we may be able to eliminate the construction of Beowulf computers and Internet telecom software for the linkages of country models. It may also be much easier to conduct “Global Lecture Hall (GLH)” multipoint-to-multipoint, multimedia, interactive videoconferences, -- which I conducted with much difficulties once or twice every year for a decade in the late 1980s to 90s with the use of hybrid technologies and many domestic and overseas satellites spanning the globe <http://tinyurl.com/6r8c63>.
(6) I would greatly appreciate it if you can kindly introduce some one at IBM who may know their Cloud Computing activities — out of your over thirty years working experiences at the IBM.
(7) Lastly, I recently received a newsletter from the Columbia University monthly seminar administration saying that the renovation of their faculty house was completed and it will be open from August 1st. I then hope that your monthly seminar “Computer, Man and Society” will be resumed from this fall — after long absence of the entire last year!! -- I have been its associate member more than two decades!!
Best, Tak

From: Tak Utsumi <
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 21:29:18 -0400
To: seth neugroschl <
Cc: Tak Utsumi <
Subject: Re: IBM article and requesting introduction to some one there
Dear Seth:
(1) Pls visit my following list distribution which I mentioned of the use of the Cloud Computing to our Nigeria project and Globally Collaborative Environmental Peace Gaming (GCEPG) project;

(20090713) Possible use of Cloud Computing for GCEPG project

Looking forward to receiving your response soon,
Best, Tak

From: Tak Utsumi <
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 21:13:10 -0400
To: seth neugroschl <
Cc: Tak Utsumi <
Subject: IBM article and requesting introduction to some one there
(1) Referring to our conversation, pls visit the following New York Times article;

(a) Steve Lohr, “I.B.M. to Help Clients Fight Cost and Complexity,” June 14, 2009
(b) White paper: Unlocking the Power of Cloud Computing for the Enterprise

(2) I would greatly appreciate it if you can kindly introduce some one at IBM who may know their Cloud Computing activities.
Take care yourself very well.
Thanks in advance.
Best, Tak

* Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D., P.E., Chairman, GLOSAS/USA *
* (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association in the U.S.A.) *
* Laureate of Lord Perry Award for Excellence in Distance Education *
* Founder and V.P. for Technology and Coordination of *
* Global University System (GUS) *
* 43-23 Colden Street, Flushing, NY 11355-5913, U.S.A. *
* Tel: 718-939-0928; Email: *
* http://www.friends-partners.org/GLOSAS/ *
* U.S. Federal Tax Exempt ID: 11-2999676 <http://tinyurl.com/534gxc> *
* New York State Tax Exempt ID: 217837 <http://tinyurl.com/47wqbo> *