Inthe month ofJuly2011comes "NATIONALBALLETOFURUGUAY"
(SODRE)directive by MasterJulioBocca.
InhisfirstEuropean Tourthe B/N/S – Sodre National Ballet will present their performances invarioustheatersandfestivalsof great cultural interestsuch as thefestivaloftheGRANJAor Santiago deCompostela one , among some others,andthey will also perform at Spanish andItaliantheaters.
NationalBalletof Uruguay(S.O.D.R.E)-
Direction: JulioBocca Performance:NIGHTOFDANCE
FirstEuropean TourbytheNationalBalletinits75thanniversary.-Approx.1.45withan intervalincluded-Classical and Contemporary Dance-
30dancerson stageto present a programthatwill includeplays such as“Nuestros Valses” form Master VicenteNebrada,Doble Corchea,"Drum"andFusión Tango / candombeworkof
AnaMariaStekelman, amongothers ...
Since its foundation on August 27, 1935 Dance Body Sodre art has been the artistic organization in charge of developing the passion for ballet in Uruguay and to bring the vast repertoire of classical dance to a wide range of audiences with some regularity.
It was not entirely inconceivable that a professional company came up in Uruguay, which in those years was attended by prestigious ensembles and international figures.The beginning was under the direction of Maestro Alberto Pouyanne scene that led to the first show of ballet: Native Night, inspired by folk elements.
French aestheticism came to these parts of the hand of Roger Fenonjois and amplified expression of the Russian school flashed the national list with input from Gala Chabelska and Tamara Grigorieva.Also Vaslav Veltcheck, YurekShabelevsky, Mary Ruanova and William Dollar, among other prominent twentieth-century masters who were responsible for outlining and grow in these lands the calligraphy of the lightness and grace capable of representing the entire human experience which implies the ballet.
The presence and excitement of experiences favored by dancers and masters from European stages, and the efforts of the leading figures, allowed the art of balletto become part of the life of Montevideans.
French luminaries as Marianne Ivanov and Lolita Parent-to mention just some of the étoiles of the era embodied the fantastic real and unreal characters, who have the classical repertoire.
Among the cast members of Uruguay's early days, we must mention Olga Banegas and Flor de Maria Rodriguez, who nowadays can be seen in the photos of the era like delicate porcelain dolls whoknew how to interpret the peak moments of poetic emotion.As Tola Leff, Hebe Arnoux, Leah dell'Ara, Sunny Lorinczy, Alfredo Corvino, Miguel Therekov, Raul Severo, Micha Dimitrievich, Eduardo Ramirez, Marina Korolkov, Olga Bergolo, and Sara Nieto, who staged galas that were at bestmemory of ballet lovers.
As a separate chapter in the history of ballet Sodre, we have the legendary couple of first dancers formed by Margaret Graham and Tito Barbon coming from La Plata Argentinian Theater, who knew how to inspire successive generations.
Meanwhile, galas outdoor RiveraPark or ParqueRodóLakeaccompanied by the orchestra rolled Sodre, became the favorite show of Montevidean of those times.The most memoirs say that "people were hanging on the bus to see them."Equally successful were the free shows for workers so as to "the masses of workers in the capital could grow their feelings higher in the beauty of art."
Of this period dated plays such asIstar,Dream of a summer night, Chopiniana, Les Shylphides, The Swan Lake, The Golden Cockerel, The Three-Cornered Hat, La Peri, The Moor of Venice, Coppelia, The Two Pigeons, among others.
The 70's opened a new period for the company that took decades to recover from the night that left it without a theater.Nevertheless, it still did not stop to enriched with the contribution of rich personalities of dance as the Soviet Vilen Galstian, the charismatic Françoise Adret, Elena Madan Cuban and Argentinians Rodolfo Vera Lastra, Adriana Coll and Graciela Piedra.Subsequently, the unwavering courage of the first Uruguayans dancers like Eduardo Ramírez, Sandra Giacosa, Rossana Borghetti Alejandro Godoy despite the difficulties kept alive the flame of ballet during the following decades.
From this period date the contributions of notable choreographers of international reputate as the Argentinian Oscar Araiz, Mauricio Wainrot and Romanian-French Gigi Caciuleanu that gave new impetus to the choreographic expression and provided an important renovation.
The brilliant new National Auditorium Adela Reta currently installed, and recently reopened,under theartistic direction of Master Julio Bocca (whobecame effective on June 2010). The National Ballet Sodre (BNS), such is the new name for himself, opened newand challenging horizons.Bocca, dedicated in body and soul to revitalize the state list and give it an international level, took up the ancient tradition of relations with important figures of the dance world and make more accessible the pleasure of watching a good ballet.
In recent months, masters like Wilhelm Burmann, choreographs and repositories like Yanis Pikieris, Zane Wilson, Raul Candal and Sara Nietoparticipated in the prestigious project.
More than 20 000 spectators enjoyed the premiere of Giselle in Montevideo and about 12 thousand people cheered the dancers for the tour through the interior of the country who visited several cities far away from the capital.But these achievements are only the preamble of what is already announced as a new golden age in which the state company is getting closer to what once looked like a utopian future.The ballet, destinated to transcend the reality, and restore harmony to the universe and recreate the sense of his followers, is in Uruguaymore alive than ever.
Silvana Silveira