Ballarat Japan Community Committee
Special Committee Of Council
June, 2008
Ballarat Japan Community Committee
The Ballarat-Japan Community Committee was established in 1988 (originally the Sister-City Committee) and has been a driving force in establishing and continuing the SisterCity relationship with Inagawa-cho in Japan.
Over the years, the work of the Committee continues to be supported by a small group of dedicated people who believe strongly in the concept of SisterCity relationships and the social, cultural, educational and economic benefits, that can be derived from such friendship associations.
The Committee is comprised of enthusiastic and interested individuals, and community representatives who are committed to the philosophy of Sister Cities and its underlying principles.
The Ballarat-Japan Community Committee is primarily concerned with promoting and facilitating a range of SisterCity activities. It is also focused on developing and maintaining a strong and vigorous on-going SisterCity relationship with Inagawa-cho to.
a)promote and encourage community interest and support for Ballarat’s SisterCity relationship with Inagawa Japan.
b)ComplementCouncil SisterCity activities and significant cultural and heritage celebrations.
c)Advise Council on and contribute to the development of a diverse range of activities that enrich the cultural diversity of the Ballarat community whilst leading to enhanced international relations.
The Ballarat Japan Community Committee operates through the Ballarat City Council and is a not for profit community committee. Any surplus of income raised through fundraising activities in any given year of operation will be used for the promotion and development of future events.
To advise Council on :
- Implementation of policies specifically related to Sister Cities and particularly in regards to Inagawa-cho, Japan.
- All matters related to SisterCity relationships with Inagawa-cho referred by Ballarat City Council, to enhance improved cultural understandings and development of international links throughout Japan.
- Strategies for maintaining a strong and viable ongoing SisterCity relationship with Inagawa-cho and thereby promoting greater awareness and understanding about Japanese society and culture.
- Appropriate activities for visiting delegations from Japan that complement Ballarat City Council functions and arrangements, including practical ways that the Committee might assist the success of such delegations
- The promotion of enhanced cultural understandings between Australia and Japan via teacher and student Exchanges and the like.
- Support and direct assistance available to local schools with International Days and other related educational activities and / or annual cultural celebrations.
- The committee shall operate within the financial parameters approved by the Council in its annual and five year budgets.
Membership will be sought through an annual public Expression of Interest process.
Members will be appointed to the Committee for a one calendar year term and may renominate for Committee membership in subsequent years.
A broad range of community interests and representation will be sought in constituting the Committee to cater for a diverse range of interests and expertise. Membership may include;
- BallaratCity Councillor(s)
- Ballarat City Council Officer(s)
- Service Club Delegate(s)
- Student Exchange Organisation Delegate(s)
- Educational Representatives(s)
- Business Interests
- Exchange student(s)
- Community Delegates
The Committee will also have the capacity to co-opt delegates with special expertise and/or interests, as required to it fulfilling its workplan.
All appointments to the Committee are subject to Council ratification.
a)The Committee will be provided with secretariat support by the Community Strengthening & Services Business Unit.
b)Only persons present shall be entitled to vote.
c)Minutes of actions, discussions and decisions will be recorded.
d)Minutes and agendas will be circulated prior to the meeting.
The Committee’s Councillor Representative will Chair the Committee.
In the absence of the Chair another Councillor will chair the meeting, or the senior Council officer.
Decisions will be made upon a majority vote with the Chairperson having a casting vote if appropriate.
Quorum of the meeting shall be 60% members
The Community Committee shall meet on a minimum of nine (9) occasions each year at a time and location to be agreed.
Sub committees may meet between general meetings and as authorised by the full Committee.
a)The Special Committee shall cause Minutes of all meetingsto be maintained and forwarded to the Governance Unit for circulation to Councillors & inclusion on the Council Agenda.
b)The Special Committee must make a presentation of its activities and performance to the Council or the appropriate Council Committee when required by Council.
c)The Committee is required to report to Council on an annual basis through means of a Council report with Council Officers responsible for the development of the report.
d)Subcommittees are required to report to the full committee on a monthly basis.
The Council shall formally delegate to the Special committee such powers as are necessary for the special Committee to carry out its functions and responsibilities.
a)Committee members are bound by the Pecuniary Interest provisions of the Local Government Act 1989 sections 78 and 79.
b)Committee members must not make improper use of information acquired as a Committee member and are bound by section 77 of the Local Government Act 1989.