Ross Drive School Council Sign In
September 26
Lisa MillerWood
Norma Dwyer (VP)
VijayaLavu (teacher)
Eunice Boateng
Karen Brooks
Man preetKaur
Sandra Poc
Jigna Patel
Jayesh Patel -
Yanniquea Reid
Michael Reid
Vivian Avotri
Hetal shah
Welcome and Introductions:
Mrs. MW introduced everyone. She spoke about and explained what reorganization means. In spring we received a projection from the school board regarding our numbers for fall. This fall our classes were too large, therefore we had to reorganize to have smaller classes. September 27, we will be getting ready for the new classes.
School Council:
It's an advisory to the principal. She spoke about what a school council does, such as fundraising, parent nights, etc. It is not a place to complain, but rather a place to set goals and be supportive of events that support children.
A discussion of school council executive took place. The School Council Executive is a leadership role in the council. We had a question period. A discussion of what the commitment looks like.
Treasurer: Jayesh Patel
Secretary: Vivian Avotri
Code Of Conflict:
Informationwas shared. Speaking notes for school council meetings was given out.
Brainstorming took place as to what we would like to support as Ross Drive School Council
Math night - strong speakers such as Cathy Marks Krpan
Health Initiative was discussed. It's a community effort. Harold Braithwaite, Great Lakes P. S.,
Parental involvement is key. How can we support this initiative?
25 students will be going on a Health Initiative Kick Off on October 6th at the soccer centre.
What can we do as a community? Packing healthy lunches is one way we can help. An idea of a possible menu for the week, home cooked meals daily instead of McDonald's.
Our Public Health Nurse came in and we decided that we would not be selling cookies. Having students grocery shop with parents, bike to school, a game of cricket, etc.
Restorative Practices:
An explanation of what is restorative practices is. It's important for students to have a voice at Ross Drive. Community circles were discussed so students have a voice.
Parent Reaching Out Grant:
Funding we can use so our parents fell welcome and feel valued. We received $1000.00 and we are thinking of using it to fund dual language library for caregivers to utilize as well as students.
Karate Kids
Parks and Rec are willing to
Fitness Night
Open House: October 6 from 6:30 - 8:00pm
Discussion of portables took place. They are new to Ross because of our increase of numbers.
Discussion of meeting dates took place and we agreed upon the following dates for future School Council meetings:
October 24, 2016
November 28, 2016
January 30, 2017
February 27, 2017
March 27, 2017
April 24, 2017
May 29, 2017