Hari Om
BalaGokulam Shlokas & BhajansNovi/Farmington
Hari Om.
Shloka / Meaning1. Om Bhoor - Gayatri Manthra
Om bhoor bhuwah swaha
That savithur varenyam
Bhargo dhevasya dheemahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodhayaath / (May the Almighty God illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path.)
Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life,
Remover of pain and sorrow,
The Bestower of happiness,
Oh! Creator of the Universe,
May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light,
May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction.
2. Sahanavavatu
Om Saha naavavatu
Saha nau bhunaktu
Saha veeryam karavaavahai.
Maa vidvishaavahai
Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaantih ! / (Om, May the Lord protect us,
May He cause us to enjoy, May we exert together,
May our studies be thorough and faithful, May we never quarrel with each other.
Om Peace Peace Peace !)
3. Karaagre vasathe - Early morning prayer
Karaagre vasate Lakshmeeh,
Karamoole Sarasvatee
Karamadhye tu Govindah
Prabhaate karadarshanam / (On the tip of your fingers is Goddess Lakshmi, on the base of your fingers is Goddess Sarasvati, in the middle of your fingers is Lord Govinda – in this manner you look at your palms.)
4. Saraswathi Shloka - Before Studies
Sarasvati nasmastubhyam,
Varade kaamaroopini
Vidyaarambham karishyaami
Siddhir bhavatu me sadaa
Padma patra Vishalaakshi
Padma kesari varnini
Nityam padmaalaya devi
Saamam paatu sarasvati / (Oh, Goddess Sarasvati, my humble prostrations unto Thee, who are the fulfiller of all my wishes. I start my studies with the request that Thou wilt bestow Thy blessings on me.)
5.Gurur Brahma - Guru Stotra
Gurur brahmaa gurur vishnuh
gurur devo maheshvarah
gurur saakshaat parabrahma
tasmai shree gurave namah. / The Guru is Brahma (The God of Creation)
The Guru is Vishnu (The God of Sustenance)
The Guru is Shiva (The God of Annihilation)
My Salutation to such a Guru, who is verily the Supreme God
6. Shaaanti Paat - Ending Shlokas
Twameva maataa cha pithaa twameva
Twameva bandhus-cha sakha twameva
Twameva vidyaa dhravinam twameva
Twameva sarvam maama dheva dheva / O Lord, You Are My Mother, Father, Kinsman And Friend.
You Are My Wealth Of Knowledge, Strength, Velour And Power.
You Are My All God Of Gods
7. Kayena vacha (Aatmasamarpan Shloka)
Kayena vacha manasendriyairva
Buddhyatmana va prakritheh svabhavat
Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai
Narayanayeti samarpayami.(Shreemaan..) / Whatever I do with my body, speech, mind or with other senses of my body, or with my intellect and soul or with my innate natural tendencies I offer (dedicate) everything to Lord Narayana.
8. Asathoma – Ending Shloka
Om asatho maa sadh gamaya
Thamaso maa jyothir gamaya
Mrithyor maa amritham gamaya
Om shanti shanty shantihi. / Lead us from unreal to real, Lead us from darkness to light,
Lead us from the fear of death
To knowledge of immortality
9. Shuklam - Ganesha Shloka
Shuklam baradharam vishnum
Shashi varnam chaturbhujam
Prasanna vadanam dhyayeth
Sarva vighnopa shaantaye / For the removal of all obstacles I meditate on Lord Vighnesvara who is clad in white, is all-pervading, is white like the moon, sports four arms and is always of serene aspect
10. Vakratunda (Shloka on Ganesha)
Vakratunda Mahakaaya
Surya-koti Samaprabha
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva
Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada / The Lord with the curved trunk and a mighty body, who has the luster of a million suns, I pray to thee Oh Lord, to remove the obstacles from all the actions I intend to perform
11. Agajaanana (Shloka on Ganesha)
Agajaanana Padmarkam
Gajaanana Maharnisham
Anekhadhamtam Bhaktaanaam
Ekadantam Upaasmahe / I meditate day and night on him, the elephant faced one, (on seeing whom) Parvati's face blossoms like a lotus flower, the one who bestows many (boons) to his devotees
12. Sarve bhavantu (Concluding Shloka)
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah,
Sarve santu niraamayaah
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu
Maa kashchid duhkhabhaag bhavet / May all be happy.
May all be healthy.
May all experience what is good and let no one suffer.
13. Om Poornamadah
Om Poornam Adah Poornam Idam
Poornat poornam Udachyate
Poornasya Poornamaadaaya
OM Shantih Shantih Shantih / That is full, this also is full. This fullness came from that Fullness Though this fullness came from that fullness. That fullness remains forever full. OM Shantih Shantih Shantih
14. Brahmaarpanam (Meal time)
Brahmaarpanam Brahma havir
Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa hutam
Brahmaiva tena gantavyam
Brahmakarmasamaadhinaa / In the term Brahmaarpanam the word Arpana refers to the long spoon. So Brahma is the spoon. He is also the oblation or Havis. He is the fire, the person who sacrifices, the sacrifice itself as well as the goal to be reached. That person who sees the Lord while doing the act is Brahma- karmasamadhina. This is possible by being happy in any action and getting only happiness in action. Sadhana is to enjoy every action, small or big.
15.Om Thrayambakam (Shloka on Shiva)
Om Thryambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam
Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaan
Mrityor Muksheeya Maamritat
Om Saanti Saanti Saantihi. / We worship the all-seeing one Fragrant, he nourishes bounteously From fear of death may he cut us free To realize immortality Om Saantih Saantih Saantih.
16.Ya Kundendu (Shloka on Saraswathi)
Ya Kundendu Tushara Hara Dhavala
Ya Shubra Vastravrita
Ya Vina Varadanda mantita Kara
Ya Sveta Padmasana
Ya Brahmaachyuta Sankara Prabhitibhir
Devai Sada Pujita
Sa Mam Patu Sarasvati Bhagavati
Nishyeha Jatyapaha / Salutations to the supreme Goddess Saraswati...whose face is fair as a jasmine flower, Luminescent like the moon and delicate as a snow flake ; who is dressed in brilliant white (shubhra-) garments (vastraA-). She holds the musical instrument (vINA-) in her hands to bestow boons (varada.nDa-) to her disciples as she sits on her white (shveta-) lotus (padma-) throne (aasanA-).
17.Mangalam Rama Chandraya (Mangalam Shloka on Rama)
Mangalam Rama Chandraya
Mahaneeya Gunabdaye
Chakravarthi Tanujaya Saarva
Bhaumaya Mangalam
Mangalam Satyapalaya Dharma
Samsthita Hetave
Seeta Manobhi Ramaya
Ramachandraya Mangalam
18. Shree Raghavam (Shloka on Rama)
Sree Raghavam DasharatmajAmaprameyam,
Seetapatim RagukulanvayaRatnaDeepam
Ajanubhahum Aravindadalayataksham
Ramam nishacharavinashakaram Namami
19. Shree Ram Ram Rameti (Shloka on Rama)
Sriram Ram Rameti
Rame Raame Manorame
Sahasranaama TatTulyam
Sri Ram Naama Varaanane / Lord Shiva told this shloka to Parvati I meditate upon Sri Ram as Sri Rama Rama
Rama, the thrice recital of Rama’s name is equal to Recitation of the thousand
names of Lord Vishnu (Vishnu Sahasranama)
20. Om Vande Shambhu Umaapatim (Shloka on Shiva)
Om Vande Shambhu Umaapatim
Surgurum Vande Jagad KaaraNam
Vande Pannaga BhushaNam
Mrigadharam Vande Pashunaam Patim
Vande Surya Shashaak
Vahninayanam Vande Mukundapriyam
Vande Bhakta Janaashrayan Chavardham
Vande Shivam Shankaram / Praise to shambhU; husband of umA; guru of the dEva; hail, the cause of the universe [as the transformer, shiva causes the absorption of the universe for the recreation]; praise to the one whose oranaments are the gemstone bearing cobras; one who bears the animals; praise to the protector of animals; praise one whose eyes are the sun, moon and fire; praise to the one dear to viShNu; and praise to the refuge of devotees; to the giver of boons; praise to the auspicious shankara
21. Ramaskandham (Bed Time)
Ramaskandham Hanumantam
Vainateyam Vrikodaram
Shayaneya Smarennityam
Dusvapnam Tasya Nashyati / Meditating upon Hanumanta, Bhima and Garuda before going to bed ensures a sleep without disturbing dreams.
22. Sarva Mangala Mangalye (Devi Sthuti)
Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
Sharanye Tryambake Devi Narayani Namostute / I salute to Narayani (consort of Narayana), the three-eyed Goddess, who is the most auspicious of the auspicious, who makes all desires possible, and in whom I can take refuge.
23. Lakshmi Ksheera (Prayer to Lakshmi)
Lakshmi Ksheera Samudra Raaja Tanaya Sree Ranga Dhaameshvari
Daasi Bhootha Samasata Deva Vanithaam Lokaika Deepankuram
Sreeman Manda Kataaksha Labdha Vibhava Brahmendra Gangaadharam
Tvaam Trailokya Kudumbineem Sarasijam Vande Mukunda Priyaam / I salute to Goddess Lakshmi, who is the daughter of the king of the ocean of milk, whose abode is Srirangadham, Who is served by all the celestial maidens and who is the source of light (knowledge) for the universe, Who has received the sustained glance (Grace) from Brahma, Indra and Shiva, Who is the guest of the three worlds (universe comprised of Bhu, Bhuva, Svaha), who is seated on a lotus and who is the beloved of Mukunda (Lord Narayana).
Siddha Lakshmir moksha Lakshmir Jayalakshmi Saraswati
Srilakshmir Varalakshmischa Prasanna mama sarvada
Varankusau pasam bheeti mudram karairvahantim kamalasanstham
Balarka koti pratibham trinetram bhajeham amvam jagadeeshwareem tam / Oh Goddess Lakshmi, who bestows success in life, who liberates us from the cycle of birth and death, who provides victory, knowledge (in the form of Saraswati), beauty, and boons, please make me always blissful.I pray to You Mother, who is the Lord of the universe, who has the goad* and the noose* holding dreadful posture, from whose hands emanates light affecting body and spirit, who is seated on a lotus and whose three eyes are like the brilliantly radiating sun.
24. Kara Charana (Daily prayer)
Kara Charana Kritim Vaak
Kaaya Jam Karma Jam Vaa
Sravana Nayana Jam Vaa
Maansam Vaa Aparadham
Vihitam Avihitam Vaa
Sarvam Etat Kshmaswa
Jaya Jaya Karunaabdhe
Sree Mahadeva Sambho. / Please forgive all my mistakes, Lord, Made by my hands, feet, body or karma, By my speech, ears, eyes or mind, By intent or through neglect, Lord, May all glory be unto thee, Lord. Sacred ocean of mercy.
25. Surya Namaskars (Salutations to Sun)
1. Om Mitraaya Namaha
2. Om Ravaye Namaha
3. Om Suryaaya Namaha
4. Om Bhaanve Namaha
5. Om khagaaya Namaha
6. Om Pooshney Namaha
7. Om Hiranayagarbhaaya Namah
8. Om Mareechayeh Namaha
9. Om Adityaaya Namaha
10.Om Savitre Namaha
11.Om Arkaaya Namaha
12.Om Bhaaskaraaya Namah / Salutations to:
1. the Friend of All
2. the Shining One
3. he who induces activity
4. he who illumines
5. one who moves through the sky
6. the giver of strength and nourishment
7. the Golden Cosmic Self
8. the Rays of the Sun
9.the Sun of Aditi (the Cosmic Mother)
10. the Stimulating power of the Sun
11. he who is fit to be praised- arka:energy
12. the one who leads to enlightenment
Shri Hanuman Chalisa
Shri Guru Charana saroja raja nija manu mukuru sudhari
varanao raghuvara vimala jasu jo dayaku phala chari
After cleansing the mirror of my mind with the pollendust of holy Guru's Lotus feet. I Profess the pure,untainted glory of Shri Raghuvar which bestows the four-fold fruits of life.(Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha).
budhihina tanu janike sumirau pavan kumara
bala buddhi vidya dehu mohi harahu kalesa vikar
Fully aware of the deficiency of my intelligence, Iconcentrate my attention on Pavan Kumar and humblyask for strength, intelligence and true knowledge torelieve me of all blemishes, causing pain.
Jaya hanumana jnana guna sagaraJaya kapisa tihuloka ujagara ||1||
Mahavira vikrama Bajarangi
Kumati nivara sumati Ke sangi ||3||
Hatha Vajra Au Dhvaja Virajai
Kandhe moonj janehu sajai ||5||
Vidyavana guni ati chatura
Rama kaja karibe ko aatura ||7||
Sukshma roopa dhari Siyahi dikhava
Vikata roopa dhari lanka jarava ||9||
Laya Sanjivana Lakhan Jiyaye
Shri Raghuvira Harashi ura laye ||11||
Sahasa badana tumharo yasha gaavai
asa kahi Shripati kantha lagavai ||13||
Yama Kubera Digpala Jahan te
Kavi kovida kahi sake kahan te ||15||
Tumharo mantra Vibheeshana mana
Lankeshwarabhaye saba jaga jana ||17||
Prabhu mudrika meli mukha mahi
Jaladhi langhi gaye acharaja nahi ||19||
Ram duare tuma rakhavare,
Hota na agya binu paisare ||21||
Aapana teja samharo apai
Teeno loka hanka te kampai ||23||
Nasai roga harai saba pira
Japata nirantara Hanumata bira ||25||
Suba para Rama tapasvi raja
Tinake kaja sakala Tuma saja ||27||
Charon Yuga paratapa tumhara
Hai parasiddha jagata ujiyara ||29||
Ashta sidhi nau nidhi ke data
asa vara dinha Janaki mata ||31||
Tumhare bhajana Ramako pavai
Janama janama ke dukha bisaravai ||33||
Aura Devata Chitta na dharai
Hanumata sei sarva sukha karai ||35||
Jai Jai Jai Hanumanagosai
Kripa Karahu Gurudev ki nai ||37||
Jo yaha padhai Hanumana Chalisa
Hoya siddhi sakhi Gaureisa ||39|| / Ramaduta atulita baladhama
Anjani-putra pavana-suta nama ||2||
Kanchana varana viraja subesa
Kanana Kundala Kunchita Kesa ||4||
Sankara suvana kesari Nandana
Teja pratapa maha jaga vandana ||6||
Prabu charitra sunibe ko rasiya
Rama Lakhana Sita mana Basiya ||8||
Bhima roopa dhari asura sanhare
Ramachandra ke kaja samvare ||10||
Raghupati kinhi bahuta badai
Tuma mama priya bharatahi sama bhai ||12||
Sanakadika Brahmadi Muneesa
Narada Sarada sahita Aheesa ||14||
Tuma upkara Sugreevahin kinha
Rama milaya raja pada dinha ||16||
Yuga sahastra jojana para Bhanu
Lilyo tahi madhura phala janu ||18||
Durgam kaja jagata ke jete
Sugama anugraha tumhare tete ||20||
Saba sukha lahai tumhari sarana
Tuma rakshaka kahu ko dara na ||22||
Bhoota pisacha Nikata nahin avai
Mahavira jaba nama sunavai ||24||
Sankata te Hanumana chudavai
Mana Krama Vachana dyana jo lavai ||26||
Aura manoratha jo koi lavai
Sohi amita jeevana phala pavai ||28||
Sadhu Santa ke tuma Rakhware
Asura nikandana Rama dulare ||30||
Rama rasayana tumhare pasa
Sada raho Raghupati ke dasa ||32||
Antha kala Raghuvara pura jayee
Jahan janma Hari-Bakhta Kahayee ||34||
Sankata katai mitai saba pira
Jo sumirai Hanumata Bala bira ||36||
Jo sata bara patha kara koi
Chutahi bandhi maha sukha hoi ||38||
Tulasidasa sada hari chera
Kijai naatha Hrdaya maham dera ||40||
Pavana tanaya sankata harana Mangala murati rupa
Rama Lakhana Sita sahita hrdaya basahu sura bhupa
Oh! conqueror of the Wind, Destroyer of all miseries, you are a symbol of Auspiciousness.
Along with Shri Ram, Lakshman and Sita, reside in my heart.
Siyavara ramachandraki jai
Pavanasuta Hanumanaki Jai
Bolo bhai Santanaki jai
Shri Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
Mahalakshmi, who is the consort of Vishnu is worshipped as goddess of wealth by the Hindus. In the beginning of creation she took form from the left side of Vishnu and was later born again from the sea of milk, when the devas churned it for getting nectar. She resides on the chest of Maha Vishnu as “Sri Vatsa”. It was she who took birth as Seetha and Rukmni. This very simple prayer is very ancient and has been chanted by generations for solving all their problems.
Namosthesthu Maha Maye,Sree paade, sura poojithe,
Sanka , chakra, Gadha hasthe,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe. ||1||
Namasthe garudarude,
Kolasura bhayam kari,
Sarva papa hare , devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe. ||2||
Sarvagne Sarva varadhe,
Sarva dushta Bhayam karee,
Sarva dukha hare, devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe. ||3||
Sidhi budhi pradhe devi,
Bhakthi mukthi pradayinee,
Manthra moorthe, sada devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe. ||4|| / Adhyantha rahithe, devi,
Adhi Shakthi maheswari,
Yogaje yoga sambhoothe,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe. ||5||
Sthoola Sukshma maha roudhre,
Maha Shakthi Maho dhare,
Maha papa hare devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe. ||6||
Padmasana sthithe, devi,
Para brahma swaroopini,
Para mesi, jagan matha,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe. ||7||
Swethambara dhare, devi,
Nanalankara bhooshithe,
Jagat sthithe, jagan matha,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe. ||8|
Phala Sruthi:
Maha lakmyashtakam stotram,
Ya padeth Bhakthiman nara,
Sarva sidhi mavapnothi,
Rajyam prapnothi sarvadha.
Those men who read this octet praising Mahalakshmi,With devotion and discipline,Would make all powers as his own, And also would attain the kingdom for ever.
Sri Lingashtakam
Brahma Muraari Suraarchita LingamNirmala Bhashita Shobhita Lingam
Janmaja Dukha Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam ||1||
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods, which is praised by pure and holy speeches and which destroys the cycle of births and deaths.
Devamuni Pravaraarchita Lingam
Kaamadaham Karunaakara Lingam
Raavana Darpa Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sada Shiva Lingam ||2||
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is the destroyer of desires, which the Devas and the sages worship, which is infinitely compassionate and which subdued the pride of Raavana.
Sarva Sugandha Sulepitha Lingam
Buddhi Vivardhana Kaarana Lingam
Siddha Suraasura Vanditha Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam ||3||
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is lavishly smeared with variegated perfumes and scents, which elevates the power of thought and enkindles the light of discrimination, and before which the Siddhas and Suras and Asuras prostrate.
Kanaka Mahaamani Bhushitha Lingam
Phanipathi Veshtitha Shobhitha Lingam
Daksha Suyajna Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam ||4||
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, the destroyer of Dakshas sacrifice, which is decorated with various ornaments, studded with different gems and rubies and which glows with the garland of the serpent Lord coiled around it. / Kumkuma Chandana Lepitha Lingam
Pankaja Haara Sushobhitha Lingam
Sanchitha Paapa Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam ||5||
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is smeared with saffron and sandal paste, which is decorated with lotus garlands and which wipes out all accumulated sins.
Devaganaarchitha Sevitha Lingam
Bhaavair Bhakti Bhirevacha Lingam
Dinakara Koti Prabhakara Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam ||6||
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga which is worshipped by the multitude of Gods with genuine thoughts full of faith and devotion and whose splendor is like that of a million suns.
Ashta Dalopari Veshtitha Lingam
Sarva Samudbhava Kaarana Lingam
Ashta Daridra Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam ||7||
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, destroyer of all poverty and misery in its eight aspects, which is the cause of all creation and which stands on the eight petalled Lotus.
Suraguru Suravara Pujitha Lingam
Suravana Pushpa Sadaarchitha Lingam
Paraatparam Paramatmaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam ||8||
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga which is the Transcendent Being and the Supreme Self, worshipped by all Suras and their preceptor (Brhaspathi), with innumerable flowers from the celestial gardens.