Baildon Town Council LETTINGS POLICY for Baildon Library
1. This Policy concerns the terms of lettings of Baildon Library by Baildon Town Council (BTC) within the terms of the lease between BTC and Bradford Council.
2. This Policy only applies to lettings during the times when the Library itself is closed. (any lettings during times of Library opening are managed by Bradford Council Libraries Service)
3. This lettings policy applies to the main public library areas (ground floor and mezzanine) , and, at the discretion of the clerk, the kitchen and toilet areas – to be left as found.
3. All applicants who wish to hire the library out of hours must complete the current Booking form , held by BTC and available on - line. This can be returned via the Library reception.
4. One - off bookings are not acceptable for this facility.
5. Priority will be given to the following uses which are compatible with the library setting:
- Book Groups
- Historical Groups
- Craft groups
6. Other non-commercial uses will be considered on their merits, and dependant on availability.
7. All bookings must be for a period of at least 6 months, and payment must be made at least one week in advance of each individual booking.
8. All groups must leave the facility as it is found, otherwise a charge will be made for restoration. This includes any movement of tables or chairs.
9. Charges will be agreed annually by BTC, according to the following schedule:
a)Charge for caretaking - ie open and closing the facility, setting the alarm.
b)An hourly hire charge
10. At the discretion of the clerk, and subject to a trouble free period of 6 months lettings, the clerk may agree to a named person in a group being approved as a key holder and caretaker, such that this charge (9a) can then be waived.
11. Income from Library lettings will be monitored and reported to BTC Economy committee twice per year.
12. Income from Library lettings will form part of BTC budget, but proposals to re-invest funds within the year generated by the library facility can be considered by the Economy Committee.
13. Any existing Bookings will continue on existing terms for up to 1 year from the date of adoption of this Policy, and after this time will come within this Lettings Policy.
14.The implementation and monitoring of this Letting Policy is delegated to the Economy Committee, who may make minor amendments in the light of operational experience, and as advised by the Clerk.
15. Cancellation of Hiring - see enclosed attachment
November 2017
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