Baden United MethodistChurch

420 Dippold Avenue

Baden, PA 15005-1716

D. Edward Bailey, Pastor

Time Value Mail Change ServiceRequested



Schedule of Services

Sunday…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Chapel – 8:15 a.m.

Sunday…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Sanctuary – 10:30 a.m.

Saturday……………………………………………………………………….……………………Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.

Last Saturday of Each Month………………………………………… Contemporary Service - Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.


Confirmation classes begin / 2

6:00p Aldersgate
practice / 3
7:00p Trustees Mtg / 4
9:30a LET Bible
6:00p Bell Choir
7:30p Sanctuary
Choir / 5
9:00a Busy Bees
/ 6

Church open for prayer 6a-6p / 7
9:00a Men’s prayer
6:00p Worship

9a -12n Pancake
11:30a GEMS
meeting / 9
6:00p Aldersgate
practice / 10
7:00p Church
Council meeting / 11
9:30a LET Bible
6:00p We Care
6:00p Bell Choir
7:30p Sanctuary
Choir / 12
/ 13
9:30a Confirmation
Field Trip / 14
6:00p Worship

and Serving From the Heart Celebration after 10:30 worship / 16
Gleam Deadline
5:30 – 8:30 pm
We Care Food Distribution
6:00p Aldersgate
practice / 17
/ 18
9:30a LET Bible
6:00p Bell Choir
7:30p Sanctuary
Choir / 19
9:00a Busy Bees / 20
7:00p Friday Night
Diners Club at
New Hope
in Economy
/ 21
Fellowship Hall
in use 2-5pm
6:00p Worship
11:30a Sunday
School Teacher
Fellowship Hall
in use 11:30 - 1:30 / 23
6:00p Aldersgate
practice / 24 / 25
9:30a LET Bible
6:00p Bell Choir
7:30p Sanctuary
Gleam Assembly / 26
/ 27 / 28
6:00p Worship
with Aldersgate
Fellowship Hall
in use / 30 / 31 / Sunday Worship:
8:15am in Eaton
10:30am in the
Sunday School:
9:15am Opening
in the Sanctuary / Chapel Café
open from 9:00am until 10:15am / Weight Watchers meets in Fellowship Hall every Wednesday at 6:00pm / AA meets in Fellowship Hall every Sunday evening at 6:00pm


The Gleam March2009

Baden United MethodistChurch * 420 Dippold Avenue * Baden, Pennsylvania * (724) 869-2720

Lent 2009

Dear Friends:

Lent may be a time of reconsideration, a time in which we re-examine the foundations of life and adjust our activity. The Lenten season may also remind us that we do not live by bread alone, that there is a vertical as well as a horizontal aspect to life...But in its simplest terms, Lent is a time to start cleaning up dirt...During this time of cleaning up, Christians and many churches think about the suffering and death of Jesus. It reminds us of how much Jesus loved us and how our sins put him on a cross. Lent lasts for forty days, and then we celebrate the glorious time of Easter.

Centuries ago, when people got sad because of their sins, they would put ashes on themselves. They would get dirty on the OUTSIDE to remind themselves and others of the sin on the INSIDE. When Job in the Bible felt bad about his sin, this is what he said, “I have become like dust and ashes...” (Job 10:19b) Job’s wrongdoing made him feel dirty! On Ash Wednesday many people still go to church to have their pastors put a little bit of ash on them as a reminder of their sins.

God doesn’t need the ashes on our foreheads to tell him how dirty we are. God already knows it! But when God looks at us, God sees us with eyes of love. And God doesn’t want us to stay dirty. God sent Jesus to show us a better way to live. Eventually, this better way leads to Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins. You and I deserved to die on the cross because of our sins, but Jesus died so we wouldn’t have to.

It doesn’t matter how we sin. If we come to God, confess our sins, and are sorry, God makes us clean again. Jesus’ death takes away sin. What great news! We need Lent to remind us that we are “dirty” sinners. But even more, we need to remind ourselves that God has made us clean saints!

My prayer for you is that during this Lenten season you and your family will be drawn to closer to God and experience the joy of God’s grace!

It’s great to be your Pastor!

Ed Bailey, Pastor

World Day of Prayer

March 6, 2009.

The church will be open for prayer from 6am - 6pm for anyone who would like to spend time in prayer. There will be prayer stations where you can pray for missionaries who carry out Christ’s work around the world.

Serving From the Heart Celebration March 15, 2009

The Lay Leadership Development Committee will hold a job fair March 15, 2009 following worship for the purpose of educating folks to the various ministries that are offered for opportunities to serve here at Baden UMC. There will be sign up sheets for folks to consider and to be considered to serve in areas of interest at some future time.

Servants/Leaders are the backbone of the ministry here at Baden UMC. Folks who serve and lead often pour a lot of prayer, sweat, time, and energy into Christ’s ministry. As the LLDC we hope that we are able to serve the ministry areas by identifying others who can continue to carry on the ministry of Christ here at Baden UMC. Come and browse our job fair while having lunch with the GEMS. If you are a chairperson of a ministry area and do not have a display for the Job fair, you may get a display board from the office. If you made a display board last year for your area, the LLDC saved it for you.

PLEASE PRAY FOR....Donald Bailey; Stacey Black; Christina Blinn; Judy Blinn; Pauline Bruning; Norman Cap; Howard Carrodus; Katherine Collingwood; Dan Cook; Evelyn Domenick; Ryan Dorrier; Charles Fennell; Linda Fleming; Esther Fox; The Fritz Family; Maggie Gall; Jean Garlitz; Mary Jane Hartge; Jack Hayes; Jason Hazelwood; Mary Jo Hess; James Johnston; Ken Jones; Alice Keister; Susan Kickle; Lindsey Kinkel; Lucas Kline; John Krepps; Sue Kronk; Ellen Lawrence; Lance Cpl. Zachary Livengood; Jeff Marsh; Amber Mazur; 2nd Lt. Patrick McCreary; Spc. Jeanette McDonald; Brian Mickey; Dustin Miller; Mark Montagna; Dave Morgan; Norma Mustake; Lorraine Rhode; Virginia Salak; Lt. Col. Tim Seamon; Christine Smith; Charlotte Stumpf; Marge Tillery; Walt Tillery; Betty Vagias; Matthew Wadd; Lewis Walker; David Waxler; Ally; Carolyn; David; Doug; Janine; Lori; Shirley; Velda.

Please help keep our prayer list current. If you know someone who needs prayer, call the office and let us know. If you know someone on the list who is doing better, please let us know so that we may remove his or her name. All names will remain on the list for no more than six weeks unless the office is notified otherwise.

2 Tracy Krepps

4 Tracy Fennell

6 Jim Logan

7 Sarah Alberts

9 Heidi Setzenfand

10 Leah Bailey

Dorothy Kopchick

11 Shawn Corless

12 Rachel Gibson

13 Garnet Mazur



14 Helen Dishong

Zoe Setzenfand

16 Bill Alberts

19 Kathleen Barsic

Randi Montagna

22 Amy Freed

23 Emily Chismire

24 Margery Tillery

25 Marilyn Dobich

Dave Setzenfand

27 Treva Lansberry

28 Bill Ickley

29 Mali Lubic

Lea Anne Ochs

Mar 16 Doug & Jill


Mar 25 Jim & Linda


Pleasehelp us keep our birthday and anniversary lists current. If you or someone you know has a March birthday or anniversary and is not included on, or would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office.


1...... Marilyn Dobich

8...... Nancy VanDeCar

15...... Joanne McCartney

22...... Donna Brynczak

29...... Bill VanDeCar


1 8:15...... Gerald Ferguson

10:30...... Bill Ickley, Joe Fausti

Bobby Charlovich,Fred Zajac

8 8:15...... Gerald Dunstan

10:30...... Alan Freed, John Krepps

John Parkhurst, Walt King

15 8:15...... Dave Woodling

10:30...... Don Fleming, Joe Fausti

Bill VanDeCar,Dale Sheaffer

22 8:15...... Dan Wilson

10:30...... Walt King, Jeff McClure

Alan Freed, Dave Smith

29 8:15...... Paula Hazelwood

10:30...... Fred & Viki Zajac

John & Tracy Krepps


1...... Volunteer needed, Candle

Volunteer needed, Bible

8...... Volunteer needed, Candle

Volunteer needed, Bible

15...... Volunteer needed, Candle

Volunteer needed, Bible

22...... Volunteer needed, Candle

Volunteer needed, Bible


1...... Don & Linda Fleming

8...... Miss Paula & Youth Sunday

School Class

15...... Joanne McCartney

22...... Joe & Teresa Fausti

29...... Peggy Evanko


Meetings & Events

Mar 1 Confirmation classes


Mar 2 6:00pm Bishop’s Day on the

District @ First UMC of

New Castle

Mar 3 7:00pm Trustees Meeting

Mar 6 6a - 6p World Day of Prayer

Church open for prayer

Mar 7 9:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Mar 8 9a-12n Pancake Breakfast

11:30am GEMS Meeting

Mar 10 7:00pm Church Council


Mar 11 6:00pm We Care meeting

Mar 13 9:30am Confirmation Field Trip

Mar 15 11:30am Soup & Sandwich

Luncheon and

Serving from the Heart

Mar 16 Gleam Deadline

Mar 20 7:00pm Friday Night Diners at

New Hope Lutheran

Church in Economy

Mar 22 11:30am Sunday School Teacher’s


Mar 25 Gleam Assembly

Congratulations to Jacob Michael Peterson who was baptized on February 14, 2009. Jacob is the son of Amy and Jeffery Peterson and the grandson of Keith & Donna Stumpf. We welcome himinto our faith family.

Dear friends,

On behalf of all the victims of

sexual assault and domestic

violence with whom we have

worked, we want to thank you for the baby items. Your donation was certainly appreciated by the women and children in shelter. It is comforting to them to know that the community supports their efforts to improve their lives, as well as the lives of their children.

With the generosity and support of friends such as yourself, we have been able to offer more and better services to the women who come to stay at the Center. Thank you again from the staff and guests.

Sincerely, ~Jill Marsilio-Colonna, MS

Executive Director

Easter Flowers

The order will be placed through Beaver Valley Floral this year and the cost will be $10.00 each. You will have a choice of lilies, tulips or hyacinths. There is an order form and envelopes in the narthex for your convenience. All orders must be placed by March 29th.

We extend our sincere condolences to the family of John Collingwood who recently passed away. Please keep his family in prayer at this difficult time.

CONGRATULATIONS to Justin and Dana Tucker on the birth of their daughter, Cassie Lynn Tucker. Her proud

great-grandparents are Patty

and Walt King.


and Deborah Meade on the birth

of their son, Charles Ryan. He is

also welcomed by his proud grandparents, Bud and Sue Meade.


LUNCHEON will be held on

March 12th after the 10:30

worship service. A suggested

donation of $5.00 for soup,

sandwich and a beverage would

be appreciated. Quarts of soup will be sold for $6.25. The profits will be sent with the team of volunteers going to Dulac, LA in March

Bishops Day on the Butler District

March 2nd 6-9pm

at FirstUMC of New Castle

The event will begin with a presentation by Highmark at 6:00 p.m., and will continue

with the Bishop’s time at 7:00 p.m. Bishop Bickerton will conclude our evening

together with worship, including the opportunity for all of us to reaffirm ourmembership vows, using the new vow

“to faithfully participate in the church’s ministries through our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.”

(2008 Book of Discipline, ¶ 217.6)

All clergy and laity of the district are invited to attend

Interested in being a Bible Carrier or Acolyte? Contact Marilyn Dobich today.


The March 10th meeting of the United Methodist Women has been cancelled.


We will have our meeting on Sunday, March 8, 2009 after the 10:30 church service. Devotions will be led by Lori Hartge. All women are welcome to attend.

The Busy Bees

The Busy Bee sewers will gather on the Thursdays of March5th and 19th

from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the church parlor.

THE UMW ARE STILL SELLING KNIVES and collecting Campbell’s soup labels. Please contact Paula Hazelwood if you would like to purchase knives. There is a box for the Campbell’s labels on the table by the Nursery. The labels will go to the Henderson Settlement, a United Methodist mission in the Appalachian region of Kentucky.

Christian Women’s Celebration

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

6:00 P.M.

Bring your family and friend s for a celebration of love of Christian Women.

This will be a covered dish dinner with those attending bringing their

Choice of meat, vegetables, salad, or dessert.

Please complete the form below and return it to the office ASAP

Name ______Number attending ______

I will bring the following:

Meat______vegetable ______salad ______dessert ______

Please RSVP by May 8, 2009

Sunday School News:

Sunday school is back in full swing! We have classes for all ages. Our Children and Youth are currently working with the “Hands On Bible” series from Group publishing. Beginning the first Sunday in March our classes will be moving into the “Rock Solid” curriculum by Cokesbury. At each age level on every Sunday the children will be invited to a faith experience. It is during this time that they can come to a better understanding of God and what God calls them to do and be. They come to know Jesus as the Son of God and take his message to heart. Activities, crafts, stories, and games will contribute to this faith experience. Come and see what all the excitement is about!

“Opening” starts promptly at 9:15. During the opening each Sunday the children will be learning several new and “Oldie but goodie” songs to sing for the congregation each month during the children’s sermon at the 10:30 service. We also celebrate birthdays, and special events. So, don’t be late for our opening. You never know what might happen!

Our adult class meets in the church parlor at 9:15. As you can see there is a class for everyone! Why not chase those winter blues away by attending Sunday school!

Kidz Club:

Children, preschool through sixth grade, are welcome to join us on the first, second and fourth Thursday of March for our Kidz Club. We meet in Chapel cafe and have games, bible stories, crafts, and of course snack. We would especially like to thank our Kidz club members for helping with making valentines for the children of the We Care food pantry. It was a lot of work but we made 64 valentines. We also have had fun with Groundhog Day events, and making pretzels for lent. Come and join us for Kidz club and see what the fun is all about! Miss Linda would like to thank Carol Walker, Danielle Walker, Dawn Arnold, and Marilyn Dobich for all of their excellent help and support with Kidz club each week. What a blessing you truly are!

Lenten Tree:

We will be putting up our Lenten tree in the Sanctuary for the children to decorate each Sunday during the children’s sermon. We would like to thank Mrs. Joyce Hudson and Mrs. Carol Walker for creating this special program for the children. Our first decorations will be placed the first Sunday of Lent, March 1st. Don’t forget to check out our tree each week after worship.

Teacher’s Meeting:

Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, March 22nd at 11:30 in chapel café. At this meeting we will begin to discuss our plans for “CAMP EDGE” VBS to be held early this year, the week of June 22nd through the 26th, with our closing program during the worship service on Sunday June 28th. As part of her senior project for Hopewell High, Katie Bogati will be our Director of VBS this year. Miss Linda is looking forward to working with Katie as her Assistant.

Friday Night Diner’s club:

Anyone above the age of 18 is welcome to join us for our Friday night excursions to restaurants in the Beaver, Butler & AlleghenyCounty areas. Our next adventure is going to take us to New HopeLutheranChurch in Economy Borough for a homemade pork chop dinner on Friday, March 20th. More details will follow in the church bulletin. The dinner will benefit the New Hope Youth Mission trip.

We would like to thank all of our Sunday School Teachers and our Kidz Club Staff for all of their time, and dedication each week to the ministry of our children and youth at BadenUnitedMethodistChurch. As part of this special thank you, starting in March, we are going to recognize our teachers and helpers each week in our church bulletin, and also during our Sunday School Opening. Thank you one and all for planting seeds of faith!

Sanctuary Choir:

The Sanctuary choir meets in the choir room on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 until 8:30. Even though we do have two worship services, the Sanctuary choir only sings at the 10:30 worship on Sunday mornings. If you feel that God is leading you into the music ministry of our church, why not give us a try? Rehearsals are one hour a week, and the benefits of being a part of a great group of friends is beyond compare!

Contemporary Worship:

Our next Contemporary worship service will be held on Saturday, March28th at 6:00 P.M. in the church sanctuary. Leading us in music that evening will be the praise team, “Aldersgate”.

Praise Ringers:

The Praise Ringers would like to thank everyone for buying Christmas Cards, and Anderson candy bars to help raise money for our refurbishing of the handbells. The three octave handbells will be sent back to Malmark Company the week after Easter. They will be inspected, repaired, revoiced, and sent back to us as good as new!