8:15a Worship in the Chapel
10:30a Worship in the
Sanctuary / 2 / 3 / 4

OFFICE CLOSED / 5 / 6 / 7
8:15a Worship in the Chapel
10:30a Worship in the
Sanctuary / 9 / 10
7:30p Church Council
6:00p Aldersgate practice / 11
9:30-2:30 / 12 / 13
6:30p Wedding rehearsal / 14
12 – 2p Fellowship Hall in
3:30p Hooks- Litzinger
8:15a Worship in the Chapel
10:30a Worship in the
Sanctuary / 16
6-8:00p We Care
6:00p Aldersgate practice / 18
9:30-2:30 / 19 / 20 / 21

at Rolling Acres Golf Course
8:15a Worship in the Chapel
10:30a Worship in the
Sanctuary / 23 / 24
6:00p Aldersgate practice / 25
Bowling at Baden Bowl
GLEAM ASSEMBLY / 26 / 27 / 28

8:15a Worship in the Chapel
10:30a Worship in the
11:30a VBS Meeting / 30 / 31
6:00p Aldersgate practice / AA meets in Fellowship Hall every Sunday evening at 6:00pm / Sunday Worship: 8:15am in Eaton Chapel
10:30am in the sanctuary / Weight Watchers meets in Fellowship Hall every Wednesday at 7:00pm


The Gleam July 2007

Baden United Methodist Church * 420 Dippold Avenue * Baden, Pennsylvania * (724) 869-2720

Dear Member and Friend of Baden UMC:

This month our nation celebrates its independence. As a nation, on July 4, 1776 the people who traveled to this “New World” for economic, political, and religious reasons succeeded from England’s control. This July 4th, like previous Fourth of July celebrations, people will celebrate this independence with fireworks imported from China, drive vehicles that were imported or at best assembled in the U.S. with imported parts. Fill their vehicles with fuel that is imported from unstable regions and countries.

The more I think about our independence the more I realize how dependent and interdependent our nation is. What is more, a quick glance at the labels on the packaged food I consume shows the origin…tuna from Ecuador, strawberries from Mexico, watermelon from Nicaragua and mandarin oranges from Thailand. I am far from being independent. I am typing this article on a keyboard and looking at a monitor that was made in china.

While it truly seems impossible to be independent, I am not sure that is a negative quality. I know it is not a negative quality when in comes to matters of faith. In matters of faith it is good to be connected. We are connected to God because of what Jesus did for all of humankind and that connects us together. What is more, Jesus said in the gospels “where two or three are gathered I am there also.” Further, Jesus did not engage in ministry alone…He equipped others in carrying out works so that his efforts could be multiplied.

Even a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is not an independent experience. At some point another person took the time to share the good news with you and me. Our reading about Jesus the Word is contained in the Scriptures that were written and preserved by others for the benefit of the church. The mutual support and encouragement that takes place each week as we gather for the worship of God is a corporate act as opposed to an independent act. It is interesting that even the hermit who seeks to be independent needs others to escape from.

As you reflect on the meaning of July 4th 2007, remember the connectivity of your life with God and others. May your life be a blessing to God and others. And may God Bless America!

Grace, Hope, and Joy!

Reverend Edward Bailey

1 Leah Evanko

Jonathan Walker

3 Pastor Bailey

4 Bryan Peoples

6 Greg Kouvolo

7 Scott Dawson

9 Nick McClure

10 Tammy-Lynn


11 Teresa Fausti

Garrett Foley

13 Janet Johns

15 Jim Romigh

Garrett Ropon

16 Betty Logan

Chris Mazur

17 Eric Kennedy

18 Carmel McCreary

Shirley Bruce

Ashley McKee

20 John Peoples

Paula Hazelwood

David Woodling

Jim Hartge

22 Georgine


24 Helen Quinet

25 Sean Moyer

26 Brandon Short

28 Mike Polonoli

29 Wayne Bennett

31 Preston Sanders

Please help us keep our

birthday list current. If you

or someone you know has

a July birthday and is not

included on, or would like to

be removed from our list,

please contact the church

office. Thank you.


1.....………………....…………..Alan Freed

8...………………….....….....Joyce Hudson

15………………...... ……Donna Brynczak

22……….…...... ……….……...Shirley Bruce

29……………………….....…Peggy Evanko


1...... Nicholas Charlovich, Candle

...... Paige Miller, Bible

8...... Jacob Charlovich, Candle

...... Megan Ochs, Bible

15...... Brooke DiCicco, Candle

...... Jesse DiCicco, Bible

22...... Garrett Foley, Candle

...... Mason Foley, Bible

29……………Elizabeth VanDeCar, Candle

…………………………..Megan Ochs, Bible

A Wish

I’d like to be the kind of man the

flag now typifies,

The kind of man we really want the

flag to symbolize;

The loyal brother to a trust;

The big, unselfish soul and just,

The friend of every man oppressed,

The strong support to all that’s best,

The sturdy chap the banner’s meant Where’er it flies, to represent.

~ from Edgar Guest’s poem

“A Patriotic Wish”


1...... Fran Zimmerman

8...... Dick & Janet Johns

15...... Bill & Elaine Alberts

22...... Teres Fausti

29…………....…...……………Garnet Mazur


1 8:15...... Dave Woodling

10:30...... Bobby Charlovich, Fred Zajac

Dale Sheaffer, William VanDeCar

8  8:15...... Dan Wilson

10:30...... Dave Smith, Andrew Gall

Don Fleming, Alan Freed

15 8:15...... Timothy Smith

10:30...... John Krepps, Fred Zajac

Dale Sheaffer, Bobby Charlovich

22 8:15...... Paula Hazelwood

10:30...... Phyllis & John Parkhurst

Joyce & Bill Ickley

29 8:15...... Gerald Ferguson

10:30...... Jeff McClure, Brandon Short

Don Fleming, Alan Freed

July 2 Harry & Anna Margaret Decker

“65 years”

July 11 Harry & Charlotte Stumpf

July 25 Bud & Sue Meade

July 31 Mike & Deborah Polonoli

Please help us keep our Anniversary list current. If you have a July anniversary that is not included on our list, or if you would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office. Thank you.


Mark your calendars!! Our annual church picnic will be held on September 2, 2007 at the “barn” at Economy Park. Look for more information in the near future. If you would like to help with this event, please contact Bill Alberts, Pastor Bailey or call the church office at 724-869-2720.


July 4 ------Office Closed

July 10 7:30pm Church Council


July 11 9:30am Wacky Wednesday

July 16 6:30pm We Care Shopping

(helpers needed)

July 18 9:30am Wacky Wednesday

July 21 2:00pm Golf Outing

July 25 9:30am Wacky Wednesday

July 28 6:30pm Contemporary


July 29 11:30am VBS Meeting

We thank all of those who made donations of flowers and those who worked hard to make the church grounds beautiful. It looks wonderful!

We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of the following members who have recently passed away:

Maxine Fleming 5-25-07

Ross McKee 6-23-07

Mark Wilhelm 6-24-07

Please keep these families in prayer at this difficult time.

“I am the resurrection and the life,” says our Lord. “Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26, NRSV).

Congratulations to Rachel Marie Gibson as we welcome her into our church family. She was baptized on June 3, 2007. Rachel is the daughter of Dan and Randi Gibson.


Anyone who would like to volunteer to help with the VBS program this year can contact Miss Linda at 724-869-4430. The deadline for signing up to volunteer is July 31.

Dorothy Anderson; Tabitha Bailey; Caron Baker; Terri Bauer; Christina Blinn; Lee Briola; Katherine Collingwood; the Costanza Family; Chrissy DePalma; Chuck & Roy Fennell; Maggie Gall; Brent Harmon; Jason Hazelwood; Jana Howell; Ken Jones; Pastor Warren Jones of Bethel UMC (Lower Burrell); Walt King; Betty Kolenda; Kimberly Kronk; Ellen Lawrence; Ken Lawrence; Madeline Madera; Amber Mazur; Mr. & Mrs. McCoy; Mark Montagna; Bill Moore; Bob Muders; Tom Ochs (Tom Och’s Uncle); Janine Parkhurst; Nelson Parkhurst; Lisa Priano; Anna Marie Pritchard; Skip Rex; June Seamon; Joshua Shoup; Janet Singleton; Betty Smith; Erin Stephansky; Duane Stewart; Leila Strobel; Ann Terral; William Viscuso; Dave Wright; Marge Tillery; Walt Tillery; Matthew Wadd; Steve Waller; David Waxler; Jessica Marie Wilson

Please help keep our prayer list current. If you know someone who needs prayer, call the office and let us know. If you know someone on the list who is doing better, please let us know so that we may remove his or her name.

He who has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. Proverbs 22:9

Summer is here and all the children are out of school. We are serving 60 families and have lots of children who are in need of breakfast and lunch foods that they can sometimes fix for themselves. They are also in need of snack foods and drinks. Below is a list of suggested food donations:

cereal toaster pastries granola bars Spaghetti-Os Ravioli

juice mac ‘n cheese soups canned fruit fruit snacks

raisins pretzels crackers kool-aid sugar

We are looking for more volunteers to help us on distribution night to help shop with our clients and carry food out to their cars. We are also in need of a Corresponding Secretary. If you would be interested in helping in a rewarding mission please contact Linda Fleming at 724-775-3155.

Our needs are still growing and we would appreciate any donations that you give. As always, monetary donations are welcome. Please make checks payable to We Care.

We thank everyone for their continuing support and prayers.

In Christ,

Don & Linda Fleming



Saturday July 21, 2007

Rolling Acres Golf Course

First Tee Time: 2:00pm

Cost: $60.00**

(includes 18 holes of golf with cart)

Make checks payable to Bill Alberts

Reception to follow with hors d’oeuvres, sausage, chicken, salad and beverage!

Door prizes! Fun! Food! Fellowship!

Call the church office at 724-869-2720 to sign up

**$20.00 of the fee charged will go to Mission Share. While it would be great if everyone could participate in the outing, you may still support this Mission Share event by contributing $20.00 to Mission Share.

Anyone making a $20.00 contribution can make checks payable to Baden UMC

Baden United Methodist Church

Vacation Bible School

Registration Form

(Please complete a separate form for each child)

Name______age ______

street address ______

city ______pa ______zip ______

date of birth ______

last grade completed ______

mother’s name ______

phone (____) ______cell phone (____) ______

e mail address ______

father’s name ______

phone (____)______cell phone (_____)______

e mail address ______

emergency contact person ______

relationship to child ______phone ______

allergies or other medical conditions ______


home church ______

name of special friend your child would like to be with


Baden United Methodist Church

420 Dippold Avenue

Baden, PA 15005-1716

Rev. D. Edward Bailey, Pastor

Time Value Mail Change Service


Schedule of Services

Sunday Chapel – 8:15 a.m.

Sunday Sanctuary – 10:30 a.m.

Last Saturday of Each Month Contemporary Service - Sanctuary – 6:30 p.m.