Regular Meeting

August 12, 2013

Call to order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mr. Aloe

Roll Call

Present: Absent:

Mr. Sal Aloe

Mrs. Marta Karwoski

Dr. Pamela Rossi-Keen

Mr. Robert Sacco

Mr. Jerry Fleeson

Pledge of Allegiance

Motion to Adopt Agenda

A motion was made by Dr. Rossi-Keen to adopt the agenda, seconded by Mrs. Karwoski, and unanimously approved.


Ms. Janet Carter, Education Consultant with NNDS, offered a short presentation on Baden Academy Charter School’s Title I programming. She explained the different students that are helped by the Federal Title 1 program. It is a school wide program that benefits all of our students. This year our Title 1 focus will be integrating reading and math with musical components. We are also adding after school programs this year. The teacher’s currently assigned to Title 1 are Jackie Ray, Caitlin Davidson, and Rayna Knox.

Approval and Signing of Minutes

The minutes of the July 15, 2013 were approved as submitted by motion of Mr. Fleeson, second of Mr. Sacco, and unanimous approval.

CEO’s Report

Mr. Catanzarite submitted report as attached.

Solicitor’s Report

July 30th was Secretary Harner’s first Charter School Appeal Board (CAB) meeting. He was handling 3 very important cases that were brought before him. The first case was to see if a Charter School can operate in 2 separate facilities. In this case the Charter Schools prevailed and it was ruled they could operate in 2 facilities. This was good for us. The second case was in the Pocono Mountains with religious discrimination rules. They were ruled against, however they will appeal to state. The last case was maybe the most telling case, it was with the Graystone Academy Charter School. It is an underperforming school charter school, as was the district it was in. The Charter School decided that they wanted to switch curriculum to see if it would improve tests scores, without asking permission from the district. The charter school argued that the district never put into the charter “and we incorporate your charter application into this charter.” Because of this omission the charter school felt that they didn’t have to comply with their charter application and could make changes to it, and felt that it wasn’t violating the law. This CAB didn’t agree with the charter school and said even though the application wasn’t referenced in the charter it doesn’t mean you don’t have to be beholding to your charter.

Financial Report

Mr. Fleeson motioned to accept the financial report as reported below. Mr. Sacco Seconded the motion. It was passed with a unanimous vote.

  1. There will be no financial report this month as the business office continues closing out FY 2012-2013 and is also working with the independent auditors on reconciliations and adjustments. Detailed reports will be presented as soon as the audit is completed.
  2. Recommend the Board Approve the Payment of Bills
  3. Recommend the Board Approve Budget Transfers as attached.
  4. Recommend the Board approve creating a Student Activity Fund and Student Activity Checking Account as advised by independent auditors.
  5. Recommend the Board approve the renewal of insurance with Ohio Casualty for 2013-2014.
  6. Recommend the Board approve permitting the Chief Executive Officer to submit an electronic signature to the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s e-grant system.

Executive session to discuss legal and personnel matters, in accordance with Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Law, 65 Pa.C.S.A. § 701

Mr. Aloe motioned that the board go into executive session, it was seconded by Mrs. Karwoski and unanimously approved.

Mrs. Karwoski motioned to come out of executive session with a second by Dr. Rossi-Keen, it was unanimously passed.


Mr. Fleeson motioned that the Board approve the Personnel report and proposals as attached and noted below. Mr. Aloe seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

a. Recommend the Board approve the Personnel Report.

b. Recommend the Board approve the proposal from TregoED for professional development sessions for Board, faculty, and staff.

c. Recommend the Board approve enrolling Ms. April Gallagher, World Languages Coordinator, in the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Specialist certification courses offered online through IU 1.

Curriculum, Instruction, and Programming

Mrs. Karwoski motioned that the Board approve the following agreements following legal review. Mr. Fleeson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

a. Recommend the Board approve the 2013-2014 agreement with Hope Learning Center.

b. Recommend the Board approve the 2013-2014 Educational Services Agreement with Grow A Generation, LLC, pending final legal review.

c. Recommend the Board approve the Educational Services Agreement with Ambridge Area School District, pending final legal review.

d. Recommend the Board approve the Food Service Program agreement with Ambridge Area School District for 2013-2014, pending final legal review.

e. Recommend the Board approve the Nursing Service Program agreement with Ambridge Area School District for 2013-2014, pending final legal review.

Buildings and Grounds

Mr. Aloe motioned that the Board approve the following proposals for improvements to the building and grounds. Mr. Fleeson seconded the motion. It was passed with a unanimous vote.

a. Recommend the Board approve the proposal from SignPro for exterior signage.

b. Recommend the Board approve the proposal from Abbey Carpet for the installation of carpeting on the lower level and 3rd floor, and the repair of carpeting in the 3rd floor hallway.

Old Business

Standing Order and School Physician Services. The nurse explained to Steve that if we give medication without standing orders from a physician we can be liable if something goes wrong. Ambridge Area School District does not employ a physician and three of their buildings do not give out any over the counter medications unless it is sent in by a parent with a note. The other 2 buildings will give OTC medications without a note from the parent. So the nurse wanted these standing orders to protect us. The board members discussed what are actions should be. The solicitor said that he doesn’t think that a form will suffice, we may need standing orders.

New Business

2013-2014 Board Reorganization

Board Committees

-Mr. Catanzarite explained that we need to elect new board members and positions. He thought it best that we do this at our annual meeting which we should have in a retreat format.

Process and Timetable for the Recruitment of New Board Members.

-Mr. Catanzarite thinks we should go to 7 members on the board and try to get one of them to be a parent. We will have a good screening process to make sure we have a very diverse board.

Baden Academy Email Accounts for Board Members

-please use your Baden Academy email accounts.

Employee Incentive/Retention/Professional Development Programs and Strategies

-Maybe we can start thinking about tuition reimbursements for Master programs, etc.

-Mr. Aloe suggested that we have a meet and discuss at 5:00pm and the regular meeting at 6:00pm to streamline the meetings. Mrs. Karwoski suggested having committee meetings separately to streamline. Mr. Pollak would endorse an executive session before the public meeting starts. This will make the business session a lot more effective. The board decided to leave the time at 6:00pm, however if we have a great deal to discuss we will email board and hold an earlier executive session.


Mr. Sacco motioned to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Mrs. Karwoski, and unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 pm.

Approved by: ______

Salvatore F. Aloe

Board President