2017 AGM

Report of the Trustees

The Badbury Park Community Association (BPCA) was formed in September 2015. Its purposes were – and continue to be - to promote positive community cohesion and to engage with the needs of the community.

Over the past year, the following social events were held:

·  Regular monthly ‘Curry and Chat’ evenings at the Spotted Cow pub

·  Planned local walks, on 14 August, 30 October, 14 May and 25 June

·  Family Fun Day and BBQ at Coate Water Country Park on 27 August

·  Badbury Park Open Gardens event and BBQ on 29 August

·  Family Easter Egg Hunt on 16 April

·  Litter pick on 23 April

At the Association’s first AGM held on 20 June 2016, the Officers and Management Group Members were elected as follows;

-  Chair: Peter Eves

-  Secretary: John Roe

-  Treasurer: Henrietta Ball

-  Ordinary Members: Mark Allen, James Bickerstaffe, Daniel Boden, Chris Hale, Andrew Jones, Gerald Rogers

During the course of the year, Peter Eves resigned as Chair in September 2016. John Roe resigned as Secretary in September 2016. John Roe was co-opted back onto the Management Group in October 2016. Mark Allen did not take up the post.

Following the resignation of Peter Eves as Chair of the Association and the subsequent setting up of an informal Badbury Park Residents Group (BPRG), the Management Group decided to suspend the activities of BPCA and await developments, along with holding discussions with representatives of BPRG. Consequently, the Management Group assessed that there was a continued ongoing need for a Community Association to serve Badbury Park and activities were resumed in April.

We have convened meetings of the Community Association:

·  12 September, at the Sun Inn Pub. Approximately 25 members attended

·  3 April, at Great Western Hospital, 38 members attended.

The Management Committee met approximately monthly over the past year, to carry out the decisions and wishes of the Community Association.

Henrietta Ball and James Bickerstaffe will not be seeking re-election at this AGM. We thank them for their service to the Association.

As a representative body for Badbury Park, the Association continued to be active in many areas, including facilitating feedback from Badbury Park residents to stages of the Community Governance Review undertaken by Swindon Borough Council

Following the appointment at the AGM of a new Management Committee, our primary aims in the coming year will be to:

·  Reinvigorate the Community Association through the organisation and facilitating of more social events, to help promote community identity, inclusion and integration. We aim to form a social committee to lead on this. Volunteers with creative ideas will be welcomed to join this group!

·  Continue its representation as appropriate to outside bodies and community stakeholders, including Developers, Planners, Management Company, Borough Council, Parish, with the aim to influence good governance and provision for the estate, and for the development of dedicated community facilities

·  Assist residents with advice concerning local issues and signpost as appropriate to relevant Bodies

·  Move towards financial self-sustainability as an Association.

Events and news of BPCA can be found on Facebook and its own dedicated website:

Members of the Management Group can be contacted by email on