Name ______

Bacteria Articles Questions

Gut Reactions

  1. Explain when and how humans acquire the bacterial inhabitants of the intestines.
  1. What part of the digestive tract has the most bacteria?
  1. How many different species live in this area?
  1. Most of the bacteria living in this area use which type of respiration?
  1. How do the bacteria living in this area help us?
  1. If bacteria escape the digestive tract (due to injury) the infection of the abdominal lining id called what?
  1. If the bacteria that have escaped the digestive tract enter the bloodstream, they produce a problem called ______along with shock syndrome.
  1. Name 4 species of bacteria that are able to penetrate the bowel wall by themselves, allowing other bacteria to escape the area.

Cast of Characters

  1. Most plant crops are killed by fungus. The second most common killer of plant crops is:
  1. What percent of cancers do viruses cause?
  1. What type of bacteria lives in extremely harsh environments?
  1. Where can eubacteria be found?
  1. How do the harmless bacteria that colonize our skin, orifices, respiratory and intestinal tract protect us?
  1. Of the 10 major types of infections that kill humans, which 5 do bacteria cause?
  1. Name 6 fungal disease.
  1. What naturally occurring substances from the body fend off fungi?
  1. Which fungus was found to be infecting hospital patients?
  1. What are prions?
  1. Who is Stanley Prusiner and what did he do?
  1. What areas of the body do prions infect?
  1. Name 4 diseases caused by prions.
  1. Where does the protist Streblomastix live and what does it do?
  1. Where can Naegleria fowleribe found?
  1. How does it enter the body?
  1. What problem does it cause?
  1. Name 2 other diseases caused by protists.

The Bacteria Inside My Gut

  1. Most people pass gas an average of ______times per day.
  1. The scientific term for passing gas is ______.
  1. What is responsible for creating all the gas?
  1. Where do these gas producing organisms live in the body?
  1. What specific type of sugar is your body unable to digest?
  1. The large intestine is also known as the ______.
  1. How long is the large intestine?
  1. How many species live in the gut?
  1. What 4 conditions in the colon make it an ideal place for bacteria to live?
  1. What 3 substances are thought to be the ones that produce the smell in gas?
  1. What percent of the weight of feces is composed of bacteria?
  1. What do infants have to eat in order to acquire the lovely smell in their feces?