he meeting was called to order by President Harold Graves. We sang the Star Spangled Banner and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Harold Graves also provided the invocation.

Visitors and Guests were introduced by Mike Dupuis: Mildred Falcone, wife of Tony; Joe Stornini, guest of Karen Docter; Sharon Bloomin (proposed member by Fred Cholet); Rob Scolaro (friend of Gay Pomeroy); Vramachi, exchange student Rotarian; Dr. John Downey, visiting Rotarian from Harrisonburg, VA.


  • Helen Kessler had all the members of the Pancake Day Committee meet her on the podium. Helen gave a rousing oratory on becoming involved in Pancake Day, it is only 40 days away. Mark Matt reminded us that as of this morning, we had only $6500 in ad commitments, about 25% of where we should be at this point. At the same time, we are 50% through the campaign! Keep pushing for ads, put up the notices and sell tickets! The boy scouts will again be available, the RotarAct group from MPH will be there helping, and other volunteers are needed to help. If you know anyone who is available and able to volunteer, please ask them to join us. Holly requested anyone to submit an article to the Flapjack Committee for inclusion in the Flapjack.
  • The District Conference is May 16th in sunny Scranton, PA. Please join the crowd and sign up to attend. It is a joyful and fun time with lots of sharing with other Rotarians.
  • Fred Cholet reminded us that the annual dinner for the SamaritanCenter is May 6th. There are badly in need of silent auction donations. If anyone has anything to donate, please get in touch with Fred.
  • Dewitt Rotary is scheduled for the SamaritanCenter on April 16th. Please consider volunteering for this. We need people! Contact Fred Cholet if you are interested.

Program: Mel Rubenstein introduced our speaker, Raymond Toenniessen the Director of the Whitman Veteran Outreach Programs at the WhitmanSchool at SyracuseUniversity.

Mr. Toenniessen discussed the program: The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV) offers cutting edge, experiential training in entrepreneurship and small business management to post-9/11 veterans with disabilities resulting from their service to our country. The EBV is designed to open the door to business ownership for our veterans by 1) developing skills in the many steps and activities associated with launching and growing a small business, and by 2) helping leverage programs and services for veterans and people with disabilities in a way that furthers their entrepreneurial dreams.

Approximately 5% of the 80 small businesses in the US are owned by veterans. Moreover, the success rate of veteran-owned small businesses is almost twice that of other business startups. Of the approximately 2 million deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, about 30% return with a disability.

Training in the program is completely free and is fully supported by donations from individuals and corporations. If you know someone who might beinterested in the program, you can visit the program website at:

Happy Dollars: Mel Rubenstein, Steve Woiler, Fred Talbot, Jim Merrithiew, Leo Eisner, Dick Robb, and Richard Gingold.

50:50 was won by Ed Glassberg.

President Graves adjourned the meeting with the recitation of the 4-Way Test.

Submitted by:

Michael F. Miller