Backpack (no backpacks with wheels, please)

Change of clothes

3 Composition Books, Primary Lined

8Black FineTip Dry Erase Markers

1 Box (12 count) Crayola Colored Pencils

24 Glue Sticks

1 pair of child-safe scissors, blunt tip

1 Pkg. (8) Crayola Washable Markers, (classic colors)

2 Boxes (24 count) Crayola Crayons

24 #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga), sharpened

Soft pencil pouch for 3-ring binder

.For Art:Smock or shirt to leave at school,

Dixon Ticonderoga pencil and white vinyl eraser


School Box (5”x8”)

24 Glue Sticks

1 (24 pack) #2 Yellow Pencils

Washable Colored Markers

Colored Pencils

2 Box (24 count) Crayons

4 Pocket Folders

(Red, Yellow, Green & Blue)

Fiskar Scissors w/Blunt Tip

2 Pink Rectangular Erasers

3 Mead Primary Journals (Stage 3)

(Dashed middle line with picture space at top)

4 Pack thin Expo Markers

For Art:Smock or shirt to leave at school,

Dixon Ticonderoga pencil and white vinyl eraser


Earbuds w/wind up case

3 Marble Composition Books

(one blue, one black, one red)

24 Glue Sticks

Fiskar Scissors w/Blunt Tip

2 Boxes (24 count) Crayons

1 Box Colored Pencils

5 DOZEN Yellow #2 Pencils (sharpened)

Markers, Crayola Washable, Wide Tip, 8/Set

1 (10” X 6”) Fabric Pencil Case

12” Ruler (inches & centimeters)

3 Vinyl Pocket Folders

3One inch Binders

2 Pkgs. Dividers

8 Expo markers

3 Highlighters (Yellow, Pink, Orange)

3 Packs of white lined paper

For Art:Smock or shirt to leave at school,

Dixon Ticonderoga pencil and white vinyl eraser


Earbuds w/wind up case

6 Marble Composition Books, (wide rule)

7 Plastic Pocket Folders

(one of each colors: blue, green, red, yellow, purple, orange, black)

3 Packs (12 count) #2 Sharpened Pencils

1 8-Pack Washable Magic Markers

1 box of 24 Crayola Crayons

1 Pack of (12 count) Crayola Colored Pencils

4 Glue Sticks

Scissors - Child Size (blunt point)

1 pack of (3x3) Post-It Notes

1 (10” X 6”) Fabric Supply Pouch – no boxes

1 white vinyl eraser

1 Highlighter

5 Expo Dry Erase, Chisel Tip, Low Odor, Black

For Art:Smock or shirt to leave at school,

Dixon Ticonderoga pencil and white vinyl eraser


Earbuds w/wind-up case

2 (two-subject) spiral notebooks

1 (one-subject) spiral notebook

5 Pocket Folders

(one of each color: blue, green, red, yellow, purple)

2 pocket folders with prongs – one red, one orange

3 composition books

3 packs of loose leaf paper (wide rule)

6 dozen #2 wooden pencils (NO LEAD PENCILS)

4 highlighters (2 yellow, 2 pink)

8 blackdry erase markers

Markers, classic colors

1 box of colored pencils

1 box 24-count crayons


8 glue sticks

Ruler(customary, metric)

1 supply pouch/case

23 x 3 Post-It Notes

For Art:Smock or shirt to leave at school,

Dixon Ticonderoga pencil and white vinyl eraser


Earbuds w/wind-up case

One 2 inch Three Ring Binder

3 packs of Loose Leaf Notebook Paper

(wide ruled and three whole punched)

2 packs of plastic insertable 5 tab Index Dividers

(with pockets)

USB flash drive, 8 GB

6 Spiral Notebooks

6 packages of #2 Pencils

(not lead pencils)

3 Pocket Folders (No Particular Colors)


2packs of glue sticks (Not Liquid)

Box of 24 Colored Pencils

Box of 10 assorted markers

2 Highlighters

Pencil, Mechanical, Refillable, 7mm, Asst.


4Dry Erase Markers –Black only

Ruler and Protractor (Standard & Metric) - to be left at home for use with homework

4 packs 3” x 3” Post-It Notes

1 Supply Pouch (pencil case, no boxes)

2 Red Marking Pen (Not felt)

2 Pink Erasers

1 Book Cover (jumbo)

For Art:Smock or shirt to leave at school,

Primary ACC Classroom

Crayola Crayons – 24 count

10 Small Purple Glue Sticks

(Need to be replaced regularly)

Pencil Box

Pink Eraser

(8-10) First Grade Pencils

4 X 6 index cards white or colored

1 (1”) Binders

2 Large Rolls of Paper Towels

(2) Post it notes

Child Safety Scissors

4 Pocket Folders

(Red, Yellow, Green, Blue)

1 Marble Composition Book

1 Mead Primary Journal

(Dashed middle line with picture space at top)

Change of clothes

(Mark each item with child’s name)

For Art:Smock or shirt to leave at school,

Dixon Ticonderoga pencil and white vinyl eraser

Intermediate ACCClassroom

16 - Count box crayons

1 dozen #2 Pencils

2 pink erasers

6- Pack pencils

6- Glue sticks

1- 1” 3 ring binder

1- Marble composition books(different colors)

2- Two pocket folders(different colors)

Pencil box


For Art: Smock or shirt to leave at school