Background information for your media plan and presentation
Marketing Challenge:
The market of Phoenix represents an “Elite Established Market” as defined by Homevestors. The market has become increasingly cluttered by competitors. The challenge is to solidify and increase awareness of the Homevestors product and decrease cost per leads versus year ago.
Marketing Objective:
- Increase Homevestors share of market by 5% over last year
- Decrease cost per lead by 5% versus last year.
Marketing Strategy:
- Concentrate on taking customers from competitors by increasing awareness of the Homevestor product
- Utilize the advertising budget to lay in and layer advertising by most effective media to the maximum extent possible.
Media Objectives: (This needs to relate to a marketing objective)
Media Strategies:
Media Tactics:
In preparation for working on Media Objectives, Media Strategies and Media Tactics, your assignment for next Thursday is to answer the following questions as a group. Turn one copy per group in at the beginning of class next week. Don’t forget that one member of each media team may contact June London at Homevestors. The heading of your email should be “North Texas Media Class”. Her email address is All members of the class have been presented with the information you need to answer all of these questions (either class site, text book or in class), but you may have additional questions that will help you in your plan and presentation. In real life, you would take every advantage in order to gain business for your media company. Please treat this as the opportunity that it is, but respect the fact that Miss London is very busy.
1.) Media Company______
2.) Media Director______
3.) Members of the team______
4.) Who is your potential Client? ______
5.) What do they do? What do they sell? ______
6.) Who is their advertising target audience?
A) ______
B) ______
7.) If one of the marketing objectives is to increase Homevestors share of market by 5% over last year, how are you going to:
A)Determine current share of market?
B) Determine main competitors?
C)Determine where main competitors are advertising?
8.) What is your monthly or quarterly budget?
9.) What mediums has Homevestors used previously in Phoenix?______
10.) What mediums have received the largest portions of the budgets?
11.) What mediums are under utilized per Homevestors?
12.) What medium is showing less and less value per Homevestors?______In thinking about who your target audience is, do you think you should continue to use this medium?______, why or why not?______
13.) Are there certain parts (locations within Phoenix) of the market that should receive special attention? ______. Why or why not? ______
14.) What mediums can you use to reach those segments of the market? ______
15.) What research data and tools do you have available to you?______
16)According to Snapshots (located on the class site) what are the favorite leisure activities of people who live in Phoenix? ______
17)Are there ways you could take advantage of that information with your media plan? ______
18)What events to Phoenix people like to attend? What does this say about their lifestyle? Are there things you could look at in your media plan that would reach this lifestyle?______
19)Looking at the Outdoor audience profile, what percent of the Phoenix population drives more than 200 miles per week? ______
20)What would this information lead you to believe about the use of outdoor in this market?______
21)Looking at the driving routes most heavily traveled, could you use any of that information in the development of your media plan?______
22)Given that most of TV, radio, newspapers all have web sites, could there be opportunities for multi-platform marketing?______
23.) List 10 things the research you have shows you about either your client, your target market and/or your clients competitors.______
24.) List 3-10 creative tactics you can think of that you might apply to your media plan. (This can be special flighting, creative combinations of media, an unusual media tactic, pulsing, heavier GRP times of the month/quarter, etc.)_The more creative tactics you provide, the more credit your team will receive on this assignment! ______
25.) At least 3 members of your media team will be required to presenting? Plan to set aside rehearsal time for this. Plan to dress to make a positive impression on your potential client. ______
26.) Who on your media team will be responsible for developing/creating the flowchart?-(can be more than one person). Homevestor flow chart form has been placed on the class site. ______
27.) Who will be responsible for creating the Share of Voice analysis? (This should be completed within 7 days –before our next class-so that you will have a clear direction to head in. It should also be in a format that can be used in the presentationdeck or attached as part of your appendix.) ______
28.) Who will be responsible for providing and passing out leave behinds for your media presentation? You should plan to have 7 completecopies outside of your individual group needs. (One set for each media company, one for me and one for the Homevestors client.) ______
29.) A presentation deck is a deck that you will present on the day of your presentation. You will need to make 1 copy for me,one copy for the client and 1 copy for each of the other 4 media companies. Your deck is the essence of your presentation. You should always have a leave behind for the client when you present. Who will be responsible for creating/producing yourpresentation deck? Think of ways to make this professional looking, ways to stand out from your competitor’s presentation decks. Are there any high tech ways that you can enhance your media deck and presentation? ______
30.) Willyour presentation include overheads?______what kind of equipment are you planning to use to make your presentation if any? ______
Its still early, but the week before your presentation, you should plan to find a time to rehearse with the equipment you will beusing to present. Things can always go wrong and they often do. Have a back up plan in case there is equipmentfailure.
31.) Did all members of your media team contribute to the answers on this? ______If not, which members contributed?______
Extra Credit (up to 20 points)
What special talents, abilities, strengths set your media company apart from the other media companies? What I’m looking for is: “Why should this business be awarded to your media company? What does your company bring to the table that can benefit Homevestors?”______