File: GBED*-R-1
Background Checks
(Professional Educational Staff)
These procedures shall apply to all applicants for licensed positions (teachers, special services providers, educational administrators). Responsibility for any fees associated with background checks shall be in accordance with CSDB Policy GBED*, Background Checks.
Prior to hiringand in accordance with state law, the following steps shall be completed:
The CSDB human resources office shall check with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) to determine if there is any information on record indicating the applicant has been convicted of, pled nolo contendere to, or received a deferred sentence or deferred prosecution for a felony or for a misdemeanor crime involving unlawful sexual behavior, unlawful behavior involving childrenor domestic violence, or had his or her license or authorization denied, annulled, suspended or revoked for such crimes.
The CSDB human resources office shall also check with CDE to determine whether the applicant has been dismissed by or resigned from a school district as a result of an allegation of unlawful behavior involving a child, including unlawful sexual behavior which was supported by a preponderance of the evidence according to information provided to CDE by a school district and confirmed by CDE in accordance with state law.
CDE shall also provide information regarding whether the applicant’s license or certification has ever been denied, suspended, revoked or annulled in any state, including but not limited to any information gained as a result of an inquiry to a national teacher information clearinghouse.
Information of this type that is learned from a different source shall be reported by CSDB to CDE. CDE will not disclose any information reported by a school unless and until CDE confirms that the allegation resulted in the person’s name being placed on the state central registry of child protection.
The appropriate CSDB (hiring) supervisor shall contact the applicant’s previous employers to obtain information or recommendations relevant to the applicant’s fitness for employment, which may include but is not limited to verification of references, experience, education and professional qualifications.
Utilizing a form provided by CSDB, the applicant shall submit an inquiry to the State Central Registry of Child Protection.
Adopted by the Superintendent: February 27, 2012
Revised and Approved by the Superintendent: April 6, 2015
Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind, Colorado Springs, COPage 1 of 2