Reference No ______
The Farr Centre, Chapel Walk, Westgate, Worksop S80 1LR
Telephone 01909 533610, email:
Registered Charity Number 513843 - Company Ltd by Guarantee number 1822489
June 2018
Dear Applicant
Children & Young People’s Service Co-ordinator
Thank you for your interest in the above post. Please find enclosed the following:
- Job Description
- Person Specification
- Information about Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd
- Women’s Aid Federation of England Statement of Purpose
- Application Form
- Main Terms and Conditions of Employment
The closing date for receipt of applications isFriday 6 July 2018 at 4:00 pm.
Interviews will take place at The Farr Centre, Worksop on Monday 16 July 2018
Applications will not be accepted by email or fax.You must send a hard copy by post.
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd accepts no responsibility for non-receipt of application forms. It is recommended that you check the weight of your application form before posting and apply the correct postage as incorrect postage will result in non-receipt of application.
Please note that application will not be accepted by CV.
Yours faithfully
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd
Mandy Green
Head of Services
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Limited
Job Description:Children & Young People’s Service Co-ordinator
Hours of Work:Part time 28 hours per week (some out of hours working will be necessary)
Salary Scale:£27,052 per annumpro rata for part time
Responsible to: Head of Services and Trustees
Location:The Farr Centre, Worksop,
Ways of Working:
The organisation is made up of paid and unpaid workers working in co-operation as a group / team to discuss and agree decisions. Paid and unpaid workers are consulted on forward planning and longer term developments. The Trustees endeavour to make decisions by consensus. All workers bring their own individual skills and are all valued equally. Encouraging and nurturing skills are crucial to the personal and professional development of workers and that of the organisation as a whole.
Purpose of the post:
- To develop and coordinate the children & Young People’s service and to ensure a quality service that is responsive and empowering to the needs of children & Young People of all ages that have experience of domestic abuse.
- To coordinate the Crèche facility and ensure Ofsted standards are maintained through policy, procedure and good practice.
- Ensure that Children’s Act 1989 and Child Protection procedures are complied with.
- To develop and deliver Child Protection training and briefings to all staff and volunteers ensuring all changes to practice are disseminated.
- To monitor and record all safeguarding concerns across Notts WA, to ensure the Pathway to Provision is used and correct referral pathways are followed.
- To ensure that Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid (Notts WA) projects work and develop within Women’s Aid Federation England ( WAFE ) aims and principles to ensure high quality services for women and children affected by domestic violence and other relevant issues.
- To implement Notts WA’s Equality & Diversity Policy in every aspect of service provided.
- To work with the Board of Trustees and Head of Services to ensure the effective management and direction of NottsWA.
- To ensure that the Notts WA projects work to agreed good practice policies, procedures and standards.
- To ensure that the Notts WA projects comply with and observe the requirements of all Funders.
- To have line management responsibility for the children & young people’s Outreach Services and other staff as appropriate.
- To represent NottsWA externally.
- To comply with structures and procedures and to facilitate the collection and dissemination of information.
Main Duties and Responsibilities
- Line management responsibilities:
- To ensure that a quality, responsive and empowering service is delivered to meet the needs of women, children and young people that have experienced domestic violence/abuse.
- To ensure child protection and safeguarding procedures are adhered to at all times.
- To provide line management, support, supervision and appraisal to the children’s domestic abuse service team leader.
- To support the Team Leader and ensure they provide line management, support, supervision and appraisals to the children’s domestic abuse workers.
- To complete an annual service review, service risk assessment and review the equality impact assessment annually.
- To complete file audits monthly.
- To ensure that funding targets and milestones are being met.
- To ensure appropriate monitoring and recording systems are used.
- To assist with writing reports and applications for funding streams.
- To ensure that staff development and training needs are identified and addressed within training budget constraints.
- To assist with recruitment processes as necessary.
- To ensure that effective staff induction systems are implemented and monitored as appropriate.
- To identify and participate in the development of children’s domestic abuse services
- Where appropriate, attend forums and meetings to build and maintain relationships with partners and raise awareness of our services.
- To assist in coordinating staff cover and annual leave where necessary and to ensure the smooth running of services.
- Ensure all staff understand, implement and are involved in the development of all Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid LTD policies and procedures.
- To attend and facilitate team and project meetings as required.
- To attend and participate in monthly trustee meetings and management meetings.
- To authorise time sheets.
- To communicate with the Head of services concerns regarding service delivery or individuals within the service.
- To carry the on call phone as part of the management team on a rota basis.
- When appropriate mediate where conflict/grievances arise between staff
- Finance
a)To work with the Head of Services, Board of Trustees and Finance Admin workers to develop the budget for the service.
b)To work with the Head of Services to develop and implement a fundraising strategy, including contributing to making funding applications. Identify and apply for all relevant funding to maximize income and support staff in fund raising activities
c)To ensure financial procedures are in place and adhered to.
d)Monitor budgets and take early action where variations are identified to ensure targets are achieved.
e)Ensure that all financial information required is produced on time and is accurate.
3. Development
a)To participate in the review and implementation of a business plan.
b)To identify opportunities for development of Notts WA projects.
c)To be aware of and disseminate information re: changes in legislation that impact upon women and children affected by domestic violence and NottsWA services.
d)To participate in the development and regular review of policies and procedures.
e)To participate in the development and implementation of user consultation strategies, monitoring and evaluation systems as per agreed Quality Standards.
f)To ensure that Notts WA projects work to agreed values and principles that ensure high quality services for women and children affected by domestic violence.
g)To ensure that Services undergo annual reviews.
h)To work with the Board of Trustees, Head of Services and all project workers to deliver AGMs, seminars and conferences.
i)To be the named child protection worker for the organisation and maintain records accordingly.
4.Public Relations
a)Maintain the network of communication between appropriate statutory and voluntary agencies ensuring an excellent flow of relevant information
b)To ensure that the public profile of NottsWA is raised in conjunction with the Head of Services and all project staff.
c)To participate in the development of publicity materials and information about the work of NottsWA in conjunction with the Head of Services and all other staff
d)To respond to media enquiries in liaison with the Head of Services.
e)To maintain partnership working in conjunction with the Head of Services and all other staff to ensure representation of NottsWA on relevant forums and committees.
f)Where appropriate to attend forums, conferences and meetings on behalf of NottsWA.
g)To ensure all staff represent Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd at or on relevant forums and committees.
5. Board of Trustees
a)To support the Board of Trustees in ensuring that Notts WA adheres to its memorandum and articles of association.
b)To provide regular reports to the Head of Services and other reports as required.
c)To attend the Board of Trustees meetings, team meetings and other committees that form part of the structure of the organisation.
d)To work with the Head of Services and members of staff to prepare plans with costs for submission to the Board of Trustees for the maintenance or expansion of the existing service and for new developments and projects undertaken at Notts WA.
e)To contribute to the production of the Annual Report for NottsWA.
f)To ensure that the Head of Services and project workers is given up to date information of decisions and developments related to the work of Notts WA.
6. General duties
a)To ensure that Notts WA projects, premises and working conditions adhere to all relevant legislation as may, from time to time, be in force, such as Health and Safety regulations and requirements.
b)To ensure the efficient use of resources at all times.
c)To maintain confidentiality in all matters relating to the organisation.
d)To work within the ethos values and principles of NottsWA.
e)To understand and implement Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid LTD policy on Equality & Diversity and effectively communicate this internally as well as to external agencies, other professionals and service users where necessary.
f)To understand and abide by all Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid LTD policies and procedures including health & safety, child protection and confidentiality
g)Ensure that staff adhere to safe working practices and observe the Health and Safety policy and procedures.
h)To promote good relationships with the local community
i)Any other duties as commensurate with the post, as requested by children’s services coordinator or Head of Services on behalf of Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd.
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd
Children & Young People’s Service Co-coordinator
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd is looking for a woman with a professional approach and attitude with a commitment to and understanding of the impact domestic abuse has on children, young people and women. A commitment to equal opportunities and anti oppressive practices, organisational policies and procedures and a feminist analysis of the causes of male violence towards women, children and young people is required.
The short listing of candidates will be based on an applicant’s ability to meet the criteria of the Person Specification. Assessments will be made on the applicant’s demonstration of their experience, knowledge and understanding of each of the criteria points.
Therefore applicants are advised to:
- Fully explain how you meet each point
- Use additional sheets of paper if required (If attaching extra sheets please number each point as shown on the Person Specification)
Essential Criteria
- Experience and understanding of child protection and safe guarding children
- Two years experience of working in a support role with women, young people and children affected by domestic violence.
- Experience of managing the development of projects
- Experience of managing and maintaining financial targets
- Experience, knowledge or understanding of the development of policies and procedures
- Experience of prioritising, delivering and managing work load within time schedules
- Excellent I T, written, verbal and interpersonal skills
- Experience in the support, supervision and development of staff
- Experience of monitoring and evaluating services
- Experience of enabling team members to plan and prioritise their work load
- Full driving licence and regular use of a car
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd
Children & Young People’s Service Co-ordinator
Main Terms and Conditions of Employment:
Salary:£27,052 per annum pro rata for part time
Pension:A contribution equal to 2% of your salary will be paid into the pension scheme. (Percentage contributions are subject to change as per the government guidelines for auto-enrolment pensions)
Hours:28 hours per week.
Holidays:26 days per year, plus bank holidays, pro rata for part time.
Travel:Mileage rate is currently paid at 35p per mile for authorised
Opportunities:Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd is committed to the prevention of discrimination or harassment against any of its workers, support group or users of its services on the grounds of race, religion, sexuality, size, age or HIV status.
Nottinghamshire Women's Aid Ltd
Background Information
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd, formally Bassetlaw Women’s Aid Ltd was formed in 1984 by a group of women who saw the need for a Refuge in this area. Since then it has grown and developed services in response to need. It is a charitable company limited by guarantee governed by a Board of Trustees. In 2003 it changed its structure from a collective to a linear management structure and in 2006 after consultation with its members changed its name from Bassetlaw Women’s Aid Ltd to Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid LtdIt offers temporary emergency accommodation, confidential advice, information and support to single women and women with children who have been physically, emotionally or sexually abused.
Mission Statement
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd exists for the benefit of all women, young people and children experiencing physical, mental or sexual abuse in their relationships. We offer information, a menu of options, access to (temporary) accommodation, ongoing support and aftercare.
Women’s Aid recognises that violence against women results from the unequal position of women in society. We are opposed to all forms of emotional and physical violence and abuse against women, young people and children. We are committed to the principle of self-help and self-determination and encourage women seeking advice, information, support or refuge to determine their own future.
Aims and Objectives
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd aims to help women and their children who have experienced any form of physical, emotional or sexual abuse by meeting the following main objectives:
In support of our aims and objectives Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Limited is run by women for women.
Activities of our organisation
- We provide a support service to women who are survivors of domestic violence & abuse in their own home
- We provide accommodation based services to women fleeing domestic abuse
- We provide support services to children and young people recognising the impact domestic abuse has on their emotional health and wellbeing
- We provide training, information and resources
- We have a comprehensive website that offers advice and information to service-users, individuals and agencies
Our Service areas consist of:
- Refuge service
- IDVA service
- Domestic abuse support service
- Children and young people’s domestic abuse support service
- Intervention and Recovery services
- Farr Centre services
Statement of Support for the Work of Women’s Aid Federation of England
Please read the following, tick the two boxes, sign, and return to us.
Women’s Aid Vision:
Women’s Aid Federation of England (Women’s Aid) is working to end domestic violence against women and children.
Women’s Aid Mission:
Women’s Aid’s mission is to advocate for abused women and children and to ensure their safety by:
- Campaigning for full and effective legal protection and promoting public policy and practice which respond to women and children’s needs.
- Providing a 24 hour National Domestic Violence Helpline service.
- Co-ordinating and supporting a national network of over 500 organisations providing refuge and other services.
- Communicating the message that domestic violence is unacceptable and promoting action to prevent it.
Women’s Aid Key Role:
Women’s Aid has two unique functionsin the prevention of domestic violence:
- To give abused women and children a voice in the development of policy and practice by representing their needs to government and to other agencies working in the field of domestic violence.
- To support, resource, inform and train refuge and outreach service providers to ensure that they are able to maintain and develop their key role in providing a place of safety and the support and advocacy services which women and children survivors need in order to rebuild their lives.
I hereby declare that I/we have read and support these statements. (Please tick)
I also declare that I/we will not do anything to bring Women’s Aid into disrepute or act against Women’s Aid’s interests. (Please tick)
Please print name:…………………………………………………………………………….…..
On behalf of organisation (if you are applying on behalf of an organisation):
Reference No ______
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd
Application for the post of: Children & Young People’s Service Co-ordinator
(North Nottinghamshire)
Please return the completed form, clearly marked Private and Confidential to:
Employment Group – Children & Young People’s Service Co-ordinator
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd
The Farr Centre
Chapel Walk, Westgate
Worksop, Notts S80 1LR
Closing Date: Friday 06/07/18 at 12noonInterview Date: Monday 16/07/2018
Personal details (please complete in block capitals)First NameLast Name
Telephone numbers
Email address:
National Insurance Number:
Are you related to any current worker, volunteer or trustee of Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid Ltd?YES NO If yes please state their name
Do you have a full current driving licence ?YES NO
Do you have regular use of a car?YES NO
Are you eligible to work in the UK? YES NO
Please provide details of two referees below. Relatives are not acceptable referees. One of the referees must be your present or most recent employer and normally no offer of employment will be made without reference to her/him. If you have not been previously employed, then head teachers, college lecturers or other persons who are able to comment authoritatively on your educational background and/or personal qualities are acceptable as referees.
How long known?
Can we approach before the interview YES NO / Name
How long known?
Can we approach before the interview YES NO