
Monday, May 23, 2016

Bell 1


Information about jobs for juniors and seniors at the Appliance & TV Discountersin Port Richmond is available inGuidance.


ATTENTION ALL SENIORS--Baccalaureate/Graduation announcements and thank you notes were distributed during homeroom last week. Seniors are reminded to bring these home.Receiving these announcements does not guarantee graduation.These announcements are not tickets. Any senior who does not receive their announcements is asked to go to the Office of Student Affairs.

Parents, guardians, and students are reminded to review all the paperwork and material regarding Baccalaureate/Graduation that was distributed and discussed at Senior Parent/Student Night in March.


If there are any Seniors whose brothers presently attend Roman who would like to be an usher at graduation, please notify Ms. Renee Granato in the Student Affairs Office bythe end of the day today.


Any Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior who wishes to apply to be an Ambassador can pick up an application in the main office. Completed applications are due back to the main office by the end of the day today.

There will be a meeting tomorrow at7:30AM, during 8th, and after 8th in Room 17for all current Ambassadors. Any Ambassador with a sibling or relative that is graduating and would like to work at graduation can sign up in Ms. Ann’s office.

Spring Sports Awards Assembly/Reception

Our Spring Sports Awards Assembly/Reception will take place at RCHS on Thursday, June 2nd. Admission is $10 per person. The Awards Assembly will begin in the gym at6:30 PMand will honor Freshman, JV, and Varsity teams from our Spring Sports. MVP, Coaches Awards, and All Catholic honors will also be presented. The Awards Assembly will be followed by a reception. Tickets are presently on sale in the Financial Affairs Office and need to be purchased no later than the end of the school day on Tuesday, May 31st. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. Student dress code for this event is the Spring uniform.



Varsity baseball is dismissed atthe end of 7thfor the PCL Quarterfinal match against Neumann Goretti at Philadelphia University.


Coach Smith will be doing fittings for Helmets and Shoulder Pads this week after weight testing. The schedule is as follows:




For those of you playing a spring sport, if you could come those days as well after 8th that would be greatly appreciated.


The School Store will be closedtoday.
Seniors - Any Seniors that purchased a Class of 2016 T-Shirt may pick them up in the School Store tomorrow.
Rugby - Any team member that purchased a hoodie may pick them up in the School Store tomorrow.
Juniors -If you wish to purchase Class of 2017uniform Polos, please have your order form & payment into the School Store byJune 1st.


Those members who received invitations to the ice cream social are asked to please return their response papers today. See senior Andrew Mulson or Mrs. Brown with any questions.


Any Senior who ordered a Panoramic Photo may pick it up in the Student Affairs Office.


Dr. Bell- 1st period to Room 35

Mr. Brennan- All classes report to Room 18

Mr. Wagner- 1st and 2nd period to the cafeteria, 3rd, 5h and 7th period to the class

Mr. Wayock- 7th period to the library, 8th period dismissed

Mr. DiGiovanni- 1st and 2nd period to the cafeteria, 3rd, 5th and 7th period to the library

Mr. Azzara- 2nd period to the cafeteria, 3rd, 4th and 6th period to the library, 8th period dismissed with assignment

Mr. Conroy- 2nd period to Room 35

UPCOMING SCHEDULE -Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Academic Honors Convocation (Cathedral Basilica)

Bell 1

Please remember to always check the online calendar for the latest information and updates on events.