Local Public Data Panel 20th Meeting 5th June 2013

List of datasets from the Locality Survey (updated 5th June 2013)

This table summarises information that neighbourhood planning frontrunners requested, as reported in the Locality survey.

In summary, this shows that:

  • Many datasets are already available as open data, from various different Departments – and usually they are also linked to on data.gov.uk.
  • Very little local data is on data.gov.uk – although there are several examples of local websites which include data.

Since the March Panel meeting, we have worked with Neighbourhood Planning colleagues to improve the accuracy of the table, and group it according to type of document.

Subject to final checking, this is now ready for the Panel to communicate as a useful tool for those new to neighbourhood planning – giving them an idea of the types of information available, and also to encourage others involved in neighbourhood planning to contribute and improve the list.

The Panel is asked to identify ways that it could communicate the table. DCLG can use its network, and can ask Locality to publish it.

Common evidence produced as part of Local Plan making
Strategic Housing Market Assessment / These documents are normally available on local planning authority websites under Local Plan evidence base. They use a variety of secondary and sometimes primary data to produce the documents. Site related documents e.g. the housing land availability assessment will often include site maps. Often these documents draw on planning practice guidance from DCLG, which is currently under review.
Strategic Land Availability Assessment
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Main Report
Parking Standards
Site Specific Policies and Allocations Document
Authority Monitoring Reports / These are produced annually by the local planning authority and are intended to provide detail s of progress in implementing Local Plan policies. Can include a summary of planning applications approved.
Examples of locally specific strategies
Cultural strategy / The decision on whether to produce these strategies will be taken locally. Commonly again they will be available on the relevant local authority website. A variety of data will have been used to produce them, and Neighbourhood Planning areas may be able to access the underlying data – some examples of which are covered in the “reference data” table below.
Good Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Heritage Strategy
Creative industries strategy
Flood Management Strategy
Area Transport Strategy
Local Transport Plan
Infrastructure Delivery Plan
Council, Place-Making Guide
Local Investment Plan and Programme
Guides/ Good practice / Case studies
Department of Transport, Manual for Streets (2007) / These are a selection of guides and good practice – many more are likely to be available on different topics from different sectors
Reference material from supporting bodies including Design Council CABE and The Glass-House training material.
Town and Country Planning Association, Creating Garden Cities and Suburbs Today (2012)
Department of Transport, Building Sustainable Transport into New Developments (2008)
District Council: Neighbourhood Planning Guidance (2011) / Local planning authorities may have produced their own material, advice notes etc as part of their duty to advice or assist – again these will be available on the relevant authority’s website.
The three statutory environmental bodies (English Heritage, Natural England, Environment Agency) have produced a short guide for those producing neighbourhood plans that includes details of where some environmental information can be found / The magic website contains a lot of environmental designations - available at :
Legislation & Government policy
EU Habitats Directive / This is transposed into UK law applying to England by the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended).
Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 / The regulations set outhow neighbourhood areas and neighbourhood forums are designated and how neighbourhood plans andneighbourhood development orders (including community right to build orders) are to be prepared, including the publicity and consultation requirements.
This has a number of regulations that are relevant – the table repeats these
The Localism Act (2011) / This amended the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (the 1990 Act) and thePlanning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (the 2004 Act). Much of the detail ofthe neighbourhood planning system can be found in Schedules 9, 10 and 11 of the Localism Act
61 G etc specifically referenced in the table are all form this Act
National Planning Policy Framework (2012) / The National Planning Policy Framework is the main document setting out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.
Examples of reference data/ statistics – local planning authorities are likely to have used a variety of these statistics in their local plan making processes (NB. Need to update to flag up which are available on data.gov.uk).
Population data / Office of National Statistics, Health and Safety Executive (day/night time population). NOMIS has mid-year estimates at LA level
Council tax bands / Valuation Office Agency
Household incomes / e.g. Experian – likely to be 3rd party licensing issues.
Ofsted reports on schools / Ofsted reports. It may also be worth speaking to county/ unitary education authority re. school catchment areas/ capacity issues to inform neighbourhood infrastructure needs
Deprivation statistics / DCLG – available in 5* formats via OpenDataCommunities
Pensioner and child benefit data / DWP
Official labour market statistics / NOMIS
Crime statistics / Home Office and Police API
Maps / Variety of sources. Local Planning Authorities may be able to help on accessing maps and copyright issues
Land Ownership / Land Registry
Boundary council assets / Local data – not necessarily available in digital format, and can be licensing issues
Landscape value / See 3 agencies (English Heritage, Natural England, Environment Agency) leaflet and MAGIC website
Heritage and historic values, sites at risk / English Heritage. Also see 3 agencies leaflet
Environmental/ habitat designations / See 3 agencies leaflet. Local Planning Authority can also advise on what is designated in their area
Tree Preservation Orders / Local data on local planning information system
Traffic data (principal council) / Highways agency. Highways agency network journey time and traffic flow data available on data.gov.uk.
Car ownership / DVLA
Social Housing Demographics / DCLG and ONS Neighbourhood statistics
Employment land assessment and retail assessment / Local Planning Authority may have this as part of local plan making
Community surveys / Local authority