Home Visit Plan

Baby’s age: 3 weeks

Parental Health

·  Ask mother for the date of her scheduled postpartum visit with her healthcare provider. If she is unable to provide the date, support her in making the appropriate appointment. Share with mother the Postpartum Health Checklist.

·  Collect Substance Use and Smoking Inventory

·  Give mother a copy of the Every Child Succeeds Health Wise® Handbook. Review with her the sections titled “Thermometer”, “How to Take a Temperature and “How to Read a Thermometer”, pages 339-341.


  Collect the Infant Birth Form (if this is first visit with family)

·  Ask mother the date of the next scheduled visit with the infant’s healthcare provider. If she is unable to provide the date, support her in making the appropriate appointment. Using Bright Futures: 1 Month Visit, assist mother in knowing what to expect at her infant’s examination with the healthcare provider.

·  Present as Anticipatory Guidance

o  What Is a Medical Home?

o  Knowing When Your Baby Is Ill

o  When to Call the Doctor

o  Calming The Fussy Baby

o  Shaken Baby Syndrome

o  Tune In to Your Baby (for fathers)

  Show video, Crying… What Can I Do? (Never Shake A Baby) or Elijah’s Story

·  Review Keys to Caregiving Booklet # 2: Infant Behavior

Child Development

Present as Anticipatory Guidance

·  Parents as Teachers

o  Discussion Points

§  Attachment

o  Parent Handouts

§  Attachment and Brain Development or Attachment With Your Baby

§  Rhymes and Songs: Ways to Have Fun With Your Baby

o  Video: Born to Learn, Neuroscience Video: Segment #3, Attachment

·  Love, Trust and Security

Personal & Environmental Safety

·  Discuss any concerns that mother may have regarding her or her infant’s safety.

Social Supports

·  Collect Interpersonal Support Inventory

·  Discuss with mother the amount and quality of support she is receiving from her significant other, family and friends. Use Safety Zones/Circle of Support to assist mother with recognizing any family and friends that are not appropriate supports.

Life Course Development

·  Collect Demographic Baseline Form

·  Collect Social Network Index

·  Discuss with mother the impact of the baby’s birth on her current activities surrounding work/school.

© 2010, Every Child Succeeds®