Sunday 2 September 2018

CSCM – World Congress on CBRNe Science & Consequence Management

Cavtat, Croatia

2-6 September 2018

  • 09:00-15:30 – RegistrationHotel Croatia – Salon Bobara
  • 14:00-15:30 – Meeting of CSCM IOC Members

Monday 3 September 2018

  • 09:00-10:00 Hotel Croatia – Congress Hall Ragusa or Salon Bobara

Congress Opening with Official Welcome and Introductions

  • Introduction and Official Welcomeby CSCM Organizers, ExecutiveDirector Allen Jeffrey, Chair Ed Locke and ExecutiveCo-Director Mason Soule
  • Introduction and Official Welcome by CSCM Congress guests
  • Official Welcome and Congress Openingby CSCM Congress Honorary Director, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Mr. Damir Krstičević, Croatia
  • 10:00-10:20– Coffee Break
  • 10:20-13:00

Keynote Address: Keynote Speakers

1.Mr. Damir Krstičević,Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, Preliminary topic of presentation: Concept of Homeland Security of the Republic of Croatia in response to contemporary threats

2.Mr. Dragan Lozančić, Director of State Directorate for Protection and Rescue, Preliminary topic of presentation: Abilities and Competences of the Protection and Rescue System in Defense of Contemporary CBRN Threats

3.Dr. sc. Branka Ivančan-Picek, Director of Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Preliminary topic of presentation: The impact of hydro-meteorological conditions on CBRN threats

4.OPCWRepresentative from the Office for Strategy and Policy

5.Prof. Roberto Mugavero,Director of OSDIFE –Observatory on Security and CBENe Defense, Italy

6.Dr. Stef Stienstra, Scientific Advisor Royal Dutch Navy,The Netherlands

  • 13:00-14:00–Lunch
  • 14:00-16:00

Regional CBRN Sector: CBRN Threats in South East Europe

Chairs: Roberto Mugavero, Italy

Stef Stienstra, The Netherlands

  1. Roberto Mugavero,Director of OSDIFE – Observatory on Security and CBENe Defense, Italy
  2. Stef Stienstra, Scientific Advisor Royal Dutch Navy, The Netherlands
  3. Saša Medaković, Director ofState Office for Radiological and Nuclear Safety
  4. Alemka Markotić, Director of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases “Dr. Fran Mihaljević”, Zagreb and president of Croatian Society for Biosafeti and Biosecurity
  5. Peter Leitner, Counter-Proliferation, Complexity, and Uncertainty in the InformationAge
  6. Andrija Antolović, Fire and explosion risk assessment for the Republic of Croatia
  7. Representatives from SEE countries




d.Monte Negro


f.Bosnia and Herzegovina

g.(Nord) Macedonia

  1. Round Table Discussion
  • 16:30-19:30


Status of the Nuclear, Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense System in the Homeland Security System (Separate only for Croatian participants)

  • 20:00-21:30

Welcome Reception

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Consequence Management Day

  • 9:00-10:30 Hotel Croatia – Salon Bobara

Consequence Management Session 1

Chair: Zvonko Orehovec


  1. Zvonko Orehovec,Autonomous Multifunctional CBRNE Awareness System - AMSA CBRNE
  2. Gordan Peši,: Counter Terrorism Robotic System
  3. Michal Bijak,Bridging gaps in training of services dealing with CBRN threats – An international applicable CBRN training course for police officers (project CBRN-POL)
  4. LauraCochrane,Chemical Warfare Exposure: Medical Management
  5. Valeri Bagiyan,Strengthening preparedness for chemical accidents in armenia using the flash environmental assessment tool
  6. Frank Klimaschewski,Community resilience - Creating linear-reflective emergency preparedness structures to increase adaptive response capabilities for radiological/nuclear disasters
  • 10:30-11:10– Coffee BreakSPONSORED BY IDAHO NATIONAL LABS - Bryon Marsh
  • 11:10-13:00

Demonstration and Exercise - Commentary by Bryon Marsh, Jeffrey Allen and Zvonko Orehovec

Exercise ScenarioincludeResponse to a Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) and Nuclear Forensics following an RDD

Exercise participants:

  • Croatian anti-terrorist police unit
  • Fire fighting brigade with DOK-ING robotic systems
  • Idaho National Laboratory, USA
  • Croatian Civil protection
  • KING ITC d.o.o.
  • 13:00-14:00 - Lunch
  • 14:00-15:30

Consequence Management Session 2



  1. Bryon Marsh, Post RDD Detonation Response: New Tactics for an Old Threat
  2. Min Yu,Nuclear and Radiation Emergency Medical Response in China: Challenge and Solution
  3. Nick Mann, Explosive Dispersal of Activated KBr: A Realistic and Challenging Training Environment for the Nation's Emergency Responders
  4. Nathanael Simerl, Measurements of Distributed Contamination from a Radiological Dispersal Device with a UAV-Mounted Portable Spectroscopic Sensor
  5. Zvonko Krajnović,Transdisciplinary approach to the research of cbrne threats by special warfare
  6. Willy Kaye, Application of Radiation Imagers to Radiological and Nuclear Defense
  • 14:00-17:00


Status of the Nuclear, Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense System in the Homeland Security System (Separate only for Croatian participants and Paralell with Congress)

  • 15:30-15:50 – Break
  • 15:50-17:00

Consequence Management Session 3 – Agroterrorism – Threats and Preparadness

Chair: Slavko Bokan, Croatia

Co-Chair: Nina Puhač-Bogadi, Croatia

  1. Slavko Bokan,Agroterrorism, Food Terrorism and Bioterrorism – Threats and Preparedness
  2. Nina Puhač Bogadi,Food Defense in Food Industry
  3. Andrea Gross-Bošković,Croatian Food Agency as a part of National crisis pivot
  4. Boris Habrun, Croatian Veterinary Institute – possibilities in a battle against bioterrorism
  • 19:00-21:30 - Congress Dinner - Hotel Croatia terrace

Wednesday 5 September 2018

  • 9:00-10:30 Hotel Croatia – Salon Bobara

Biological Session 1: Responding to Emerging Infectious Diseases – Responding to Ebola



  1. Patty Olinger, Teamwork: A Biosafety Perspective
  2. Marshall Lyons, MD, Being Ready to TreatEbolaVirus Disease Patients, A Clinicians Perspective
  3. Alex Isakov, MD, EMS management and transport of patients with high consequence infectious diseases
  4. Peter Anderson, Containerized Bio-Containment System (CBCS)
  5. Clay Wardlaw,Decontamination - Response, Remediation, Recovery – Responding to Ebola and the Next Pandemic
  6. Jeff Jones, Bio Decontamination in Every Day Life
  7. Elizabeth Battaglia, SteraMist – Broad Based Treatment Response System – Case Study: Ebola/Liberia
  • 10:30-11:10– Coffee BreakSPONSORED BY TOMI - Elizabeth Battaglia
  • 11:10-12:00

Demonstration and Exercise - Commentary by Clay Wardlaw

  • Proven Decontamination Methods for Aero Biomedical Containment Systems
  • Emerging Infectious Diseases Personal Protective Equipment
  • 12:00-13:00

Radiological Sector 1



  1. Jozef Sabol, Proposal of a simplified system of radiation quantities to assess the consequences of a radiological attack
  2. Carlos Rojas Palma, On the use of mock-up radiological dispersion devices to deriving guidelines for first responders
  3. Lia Chelidze, Basic science support as a foundation of nuclear and radiological threat reduction architecure
  4. FrankKlimaschewski, Forensic Analysis of Inhaled Radioactive Dust in Human Lung Tissue – Quantitative Analysis and Localisation of Isotopes with MicroCT, Electron Microscopy and LA-ICP-MS - A Comparative Methodology Report
  • 13:00-14:00 - Lunch
  • 14:00-15:30

Chemical Risk Analysis Session 1

Chair: Asish Mohapatra


  1. Ana Berejiani, Chemicals and Hazardous waste management issues in Georgia
  2. Rahul Sharma, Development of Oxime Reactivators of Organophosphate-Inhibited Cholinesterase
  3. Shumilova Petrov, Application of adsorption models for describing equilibrium arsenite-ion-soil system
  4. Asish Mohapatra, Toxicological Evaluation and Human Health Risk Assessment – An example of a data rich chemical – Arsenic
  • 15:30-15:50 – Break
  • 15:50-17:00

CBRN Threat Session 1



  1. Otakar J. MIKA,Protection of population against CBRN terrorim in the Czech Republic
  2. Kawa Dizaye,Study of possible use of chemical weapons by ISIS in Kurdistan
  3. Stef Stienstra,The threat of zoonotic diseases and Ebola Virus Disease specifically
  4. Levent Kenar,The Use and Threat of Chemical Weapons in Syria Conflict and Impact on Turkish Health Management System with Lessons Learned
  5. Mason Soule,Enhancing the Sustainability of National CBRN Defense Programs in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC)

Thursday 6 September 2018

  • 9:00-10:30 Hotel Croatia – Salon Bobara

Chemical Session 2

Chair: Levent Kenar

Co-Chair: Asish Mohapatra

  1. Robert Chilcott,Efficacy of skin and hair decontamination: implications for casualty management
  2. Levent Kenar,Haematological changes in sulfur mustard victims injured in recent Syrian conflicts
  3. Batool Mousavi,Skin manifestations in sulfur mustard exposed victims: Association between early and late phase
  • 10:30-10:50– Coffee Break
  • 10:50-12:00

Biological Session 2



  1. David Trudil. The use of Near Infrared Spectrometry to Identify Hoax or CB Threats in the field
  2. Mzia Kutateladze,Bacteriophages against the most dangerous pathogens
  3. Stef Stienstra. Zoonotic diseases threat needs sharing of information and new diagnostic systems in less developed countries
  • 12:00-12:30

Closing Remarks and the Congress Adjourns

Free time Afternoon

Friday 7 September2018

  • From 05:00 - Transfers to Dubrovnik Airport


For those leaving Dubrovnik on different flights, your travel to the airport will be arranged by Company in coordination with CSCM Organizing Committee.