PROGRAMMA SVOLTO di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese
Prof. Sonia Galimberti

Libri di testo in adozione:

·  B. Wetz English Plus pre-intermediate - Oxford University Press

·  L. Ferruta, M. Rooney Global Eyes – Mondadori for English

Programma svolto

English Plus Entry Checker : from lesson 1 to lesson 8

English Plus pre-intermediate

Unit 1 Face to Face

Unit 2 TV

Unit 3 Disposable World

Unit 7 Take Action

Culture and Clil : The Face of the UK; A National Obsession; Think globally, Act locally;

Do you tweet?; The Cult of celebrity


Present simple to be , subject/object pronouns, possessive adjectives, Saxon genitive, double genitive, indefinite articles and plural nouns, there is/there are, demonstrative adjectives/pronouns, idiomatic uses to be, have got, present simple ordinary verbs, adverbs of frequency and time expressions, idiomatic uses to have, Wh-questions,

how often/how much/how many, some/any/no/none, countable/uncountable nouns, prepositions of time, prepositions of place, prepositions of motion, can/can’t, imperative, present continuous, present simple vs. present continuous, much/many/a lot (of), (a) little/ (a) few, (not) enough, modifiers, object pronouns, Whose?, possessive pronouns, past simple verb to be, could/couldn't, cardinal/ordinal numbers, common verbs+ing, like/would like, past simple to be, past simple ordinary verbs regular and irregular, time expressions, comparatives and superlatives, futures: present continuous, going to, present simple, will/won't, infinitive of purpose, first conditional, may/might, shall?, why don't we/what about...?, adverbs, defining relative clauses, past continuous, when/while


Talk about character , personality and attitude, Describe a friend, Talk about habits and daily routine, Talk about possession, Remind and advise, Talk about quantity, food and drink, Locate things, Give orders and suggest, Tell the time and ask dates, Talk about on-going activities, Talk about likes and dislikes, Compare opinions, Talk about Tv, Talk about ability, Write emails, Talk about past events, Ask for and give directions, Make comparison, Talk about the environment, Talk about on-going activities in the past, Talk about future plans and events, Make predictions, Agree and disagree, Make suggestions



Global Eyes

Unit 1 English around the world

Unit 2 Varities of English

Unit 4 Celebrating Festivals

Unit 8 London

Unit 12 The geography of Britain

Unit 13 The countries of Britain

Unit 14 People in Britain

Unit 15 Ireland

Unit 25 Education systems

Photocopy: Top Ten – Great British Food

NB: per il lavoro estivo vedi pagina seguente

Muggiò, 05/06/2015

I Rappresentanti di Classe Il docente

Lizbeth Escorza Sonia A. Galimberti

Francesco Sinigaglia

Assegnazione Lavoro Estivo

Lingua e civiltà inglese

Classe I E

Tutti gli alunni

leggeranno e svolgeranno gli esercizi, relativi al programma svolto, di uno a scelta fra i seguenti testi:

·  A.Conan Doyle The Hound of the Baskerville – Level A2 – Hoepli ISBN 9788820343071

·  O. Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray - Level A2/B1 – Helbling ISBN 978852727646

·  L.Carroll Alice's Adventure in Wonderland – Level B1.1 – Black Cat ISBN 9788853013279

Agli alunni con debito formativo o studio estivo che, eventualmente, volessero avvalersi di un eserciziario estivo per il ripasso grammaticale, si consiglia:

G. Perin, G. Porcelli; M. Cohen Get Ready 1 – Grammar revision and practice A2-B1 – Liberty

Muggiò, 05/06/15

Gli alunni La docente

Lizbeth Escorza Sonia A. Galimberti

Francesco Sinigaglia