B&T Home Delivery
Account Set-Up Form
- General Information:
Retailer Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
City: State: ZIP:
Primary Contact Person:
TS360 Administrator [if different from Primary Contact]:
- B&T CustomerAccount Number [T number]: [to be filled in by B&T Sales Rep]
- BTHDAccount Number:[to beassigned by B&T]
- Backorder Profile:
How do you wish to handle B&T Home Delivery titles not available for immediate shipment?
No change – please usethe same backorder profile as my Baker & Taylor book account.
No Backorders – any title not in stock at Baker & Taylor is canceled.
Yes, Backorder – for published titles not in stock and NYP titles
If you choose to backorder, please specify the number of days to backorder:
[we recommend a backorder period of 90 days]
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Rev. 20180301
B&T Home Delivery
Account Set-Up Form
- Packing Slip Information
Your store logo or name and acustomized marketing message (if you wish to provide one) will appear on the packing slip sent with each BTHD shipment. Example:
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Rev. 20180301
B&T Home Delivery
Account Set-Up Form
Store Logo for Packing Slip
If you wish, please provide a store logo for the B&T Home Delivery packing slip in a file format that conforms to the specifications below:
- 1.5” x 1.5”
- Black & White (No Gray Scale)
- TIF or GIF format
- 300 dpi resolution [minimum]
Please email the logo file to your sales rep along with this set-up form. Name the file accordingly.
Store Name: [35 characters maximum]
If you do not wish to provide a store logo, please provide your store name as you would like it to appear on the B&T Home Delivery packing slip
Marketing Message for Packing Slip: [240 characters maximum]
- Returns Policy
Returns will be handled by you according to your store’s return policy. The return policy/address you provide will be printed on your packing slip/return label [see sample below].
Returns Policy text for packing slip: [1000 characters maximum]
Returns Address for the packing slip/return label is:
Ship to:Store Name:
City: State: ZIP:
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Rev. 20180301