B&T Home Delivery

Account Set-Up Form

  1. General Information:

Retailer Name:

Address 1:

Address 2:

City: State: ZIP:

Primary Contact Person:




TS360 Administrator [if different from Primary Contact]:




  1. B&T CustomerAccount Number [T number]: [to be filled in by B&T Sales Rep]
  1. BTHDAccount Number:[to beassigned by B&T]
  1. Backorder Profile:

How do you wish to handle B&T Home Delivery titles not available for immediate shipment?

No change – please usethe same backorder profile as my Baker & Taylor book account.

No Backorders – any title not in stock at Baker & Taylor is canceled.

Yes, Backorder – for published titles not in stock and NYP titles

If you choose to backorder, please specify the number of days to backorder:

[we recommend a backorder period of 90 days]

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Rev. 20180301

B&T Home Delivery

Account Set-Up Form

  1. Packing Slip Information

Your store logo or name and acustomized marketing message (if you wish to provide one) will appear on the packing slip sent with each BTHD shipment. Example:

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Rev. 20180301

B&T Home Delivery

Account Set-Up Form

Store Logo for Packing Slip

If you wish, please provide a store logo for the B&T Home Delivery packing slip in a file format that conforms to the specifications below:

  • 1.5” x 1.5”
  • Black & White (No Gray Scale)
  • TIF or GIF format
  • 300 dpi resolution [minimum]

Please email the logo file to your sales rep along with this set-up form. Name the file accordingly.

Store Name: [35 characters maximum]

If you do not wish to provide a store logo, please provide your store name as you would like it to appear on the B&T Home Delivery packing slip

Marketing Message for Packing Slip: [240 characters maximum]

  1. Returns Policy

Returns will be handled by you according to your store’s return policy. The return policy/address you provide will be printed on your packing slip/return label [see sample below].

Returns Policy text for packing slip: [1000 characters maximum]

Returns Address for the packing slip/return label is:

Ship to:Store Name:




City: State: ZIP:


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Rev. 20180301