1. College: Liberal and Applied Arts
  2. Department: Languages, Culture, and Communication
  3. Course status: new; requires new course approval
  4. Course prefix and number: ICC 101
  5. Course title: International and Intercultural Communication: Latin America
  6. Course catalog description: Focuses on developing ideas and expressing them clearly, considering the effect of the message, fostering understanding, and building the skills needed to communicate persuasively and effectively with people from different cultures. Emphasizes the command of oral, aural, written, and visual literacy skills that enable people to exchange messages appropriate to the subject, occasion, and audience. Provides specialized knowledge and skills needed for effective communication among people of different cultures locally, as well as in the international community; and prepares individuals to function in a wide variety of professions with an emphasis on Hispanic Competencies.
  7. Number of semester credit hours: 3
  8. Estimated total course enrollment per year: 800
  9. Course prerequisites and/or required qualifications for enrolling in the class: none
  10. Course is/will be available online.
  11. Foundational Component Area: Component Area Communication
  12. Explain why this course fits into this foundation component area: Unlike language courses, which include language acquisition, this course is taught in English and targets the core objectives in the area of Communication by teaching international and intercultural communication skills. This is not a Humanities course on culture, but rather a course that emphasizes audience and cultural competencies for effective communication among diverse cultures.
  13. Core Objectives
  14. Critical Thinking - • Students will be able to analyze cases of cross-cultural miscommunication in the areas of management, negotiations, or social situations and draw on the course readings and conduct additional independent research to propose strategies for repairing the breakdown in communication.
  15. Communication Skills - • Students will develop effective communication skills when interacting with others from diverse cultures, with specific attention to differences in communication etiquette in different cultures demonstrated by interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication.
  16. Teamwork - • Students will learn the importance of collaborating, actively listening, and trying to enter their interlocutor’s frame of reference in order to effectively understand what he or she is saying, using knowledge and awareness of cultural differences while working on a common project or goal.
  17. Personal Responsibility - Students will be able to understand the impact and consequences of their communication and articulate how their behavior might be viewed from a variety of different cultural perspectives and make ethical decisions about their communication choices.

Contact person for questions about this submission:

  1. Jeana Paul-Ureña
  2. 936-468-4303