Read “The Myth of Arthur’s return” p.130. (reading for 3rd week)


Does not appear in Geoffrey of Monmouth c. 1100-1150

or Wace c. 1110-1174

Chrétien de Troyes, latter half of the 12th century :

Chevalier de la charrette c.1177 several times „said to himself/herself“ for „dit“, and is overheard by the wrong people....

Guinevere is abducted by Melegrant: Gawain sets off after him

Lancelot appears for the first time as Gawain meets him on the road

Launcelot has ridden his horse to death to find Guinivere

The dwarf on the cart: Launcelot hesitates briefly. Gawain continues on horseback

Launcelot find Guinevere at the Castle of Gore, but she at first spurns him becauseof the cart.

Launcelot breaks in, woulding his hand, and spends the night with the Queen.

Seein blood on her linen, Melegrant accuses her of sleeping with Kay, the wounded knight

Launcelot proposes to fight Melegrant to prove Guinevere‘s innocence. They agree to fight in a year‘s time

Launcelot is tricked into imprisonment, Guinevere returns to Camelot.

The tournament at Camelot a year later. Lancelot „still does not appear“. Launcelot is released by Melegrant‘s wife on the promnise he will return.

He fights ingognito in the tournament, fights better than anyone else.

Guin. sends her damsel to him with the order that he „do his worst“. Since he does thiss, she realises who he is. Everyone mocksd him.

She sends the damsel again to „do his best“. He wins the tournament and then returns to emprisonment. Melegrant locks him in a tower.

Melegrant’s wife’s sister is a damsel in distress whom L has rescued before. She send his an ax and he escapes

A year has passed and Gawain prepares to fight the duel with Melegrant in L‘s absence.

But L turns up and beheads Melegrant. L and Guinevere embrace courteously.

Arthur’s view of the matter is hardly mentioned.

Malory’s version is the one we know today.

Sir Thomas Malory 1405-1471, of Newbold Revel in Warwickshire.

Member of parliament, soldier, thug, burglary and robbery and rape. “An unruly knight”.

Switched sides twice in the Wars of the Roses.

Wrote the Morte Darthur in Newgate prison c. 1460

4 otherThomas Malories, candidates, less likely

Printed by Caxtron 1485.

Winchester MS discovered 1934, contemporary with Caxton but more authentic: Caxton was using an inferior MS (with missing passages)



Malory’s Lancelot:

Everyone but Arthur knows of the adultery.

Gawain and his nephews Agravaine Gareth and Gaheris

Mordred is Arthur’s son my his half-sister Morgause (in later legend identified with Morgan la Fay)

Agravain tells the king, against the advice of Gawaine Gareth and Gaheris who say it will cause strife that will bring about the fall of the Round Table.

Agravain and Mordred surprise Lancelot in the Queen’s chamber and he comes out fighting L kills Agravain and escapes.

Arthur condemns Guinevere to death.

Lancelot saves her at the last minute, killing Gareth in the fight, and takes her to his castle Joyous Garde (in France)

The Pope arranges a truce and Guinevere returns to Camelot.

Gawain now incensed against Lancelot persuades the King to take an army to France to fight Lancelot. While they are away Mordred usurps the throne; Arthur returns to fight him.

Gawain dies in the battle, but repents towards Launcelot and wishes he would come to aid in the fight.

In English verse version of Morte Darthur Launcelot fights Gawain 3 times, always refusing to kill him; mortally wounded, Gawain dies on the way back to England

Launcelot hears of the death of Arthur,

Returns and travels to Malmsbury where Guinever is a nun; but she has died.