B.Sc. (Prog.) Life Science 2nd Year, Sem IV
Paper 15-LSPT 408- BIODIVERSITY-III PLANTSUnit 5. Angiosperms-Importance of Cultivated plants:
- Cereals (Wheat & Rice)
Unit 5. Angiosperms-Importance of Cultivated plants:
- Legumes (Gram & Groundnut)
Unit 5. Angiosperms-Importance of Cultivated plants:
- Spices (Black pepper & Fennel)
Unit 1. Introduction
- Different types of tissue;
Unit 1. Introduction
- Organization of Different types of tissue into root, stem
Unit 1. Introduction
- Organization of Different types of tissue into leaf
- Concept ofstele
Unit 1. Introduction
- Evolution ofstele
B.Sc. (Honours) Botany- Erstwhile FYUP
Name of Paper & Code / Allocation of Lectures / Month wise schedule / Tutorial/Assignment/ Presentation etc. / Reading suggestionsPaper 19: FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY (THEORY)
Unit 8: Introduction to bioinformatics
- Definition, Branches
- Biological Database: Definition and classification
- NCBI: Introduction,tools, databases,
- database retrieval tool,
- sequence submission tools,
- BLAST (types)
- Nucleotidedatabase
- Protein database.
- Ghosh and Mallick
- Pevsner
Unit 9: Sequence alignment
- Introduction,
- Concept of alignment;
- Scoring Matrix (PAM and BLOSUM)
- Multiple sequence alignment (Global, Local)
- Ghosh and Mallick
- Pevsner
Unit 9: Sequence alignment
- Multiple sequence alignment (Local)
- Introduction;
- Representation of Phylogeny;
- Types of Trees;
- Methods of phylogeny.
- Ghosh and Mallick
- Pevsner
- Snustad and Simmons
Unit 4: Structural genomics
- An overview;
- Chromosomal Maps
- Cytological, physical and Molecular maps of chromosomes;
- Map-position based cloning of gene (Chromosomes walking and Chromosomes jumping)
- Wholegenome sequencing (Shotgun and clone by clone approach)
- The Human genome Project.
- Ghosh and Mallick
- Pevsner
- Snustad and Simmons
Unit 4: Structural genomics
- Wholegenome sequencing (Shotgun and clone by clone approach)
- Transcriptome (Array hybridization and gene chips to study transcriptome);
- Proteome (2D-gel electrophoresis and MALDI)
- Expressed Sequences Tags
- Reversegenetics (site directed mutagenesis).
- Ghosh and Mallick
- Pevsner
- Snustad and Simmons
Unit 6: Comparative genomics
- Comparative features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome
- Chloroplast and Mitochondrial genomics
environmental stress
- Adaptation in plants
- Changes in root: shoot ratio
- Aerenchyna development
- Osmotic adjustment
- Compatible solute production.
- Ghosh and Mallick
- Pevsner
- Snustad and Simmons
- Taiz and Zeiger
- Buchanan, Gruissem and Jones
Unit 3: Reactive oxygen species–Production and scavenging mechanisms
Revision and Discussions / 7 lectures / 1st Apr – 15th Apr / Revision and Discussions /
- Taiz and Zeiger
- Buchanan, Gruissem and Jones
- Quantitative estimation of peroxidase activity in the seedlings in the absence andpresence of salt stress.
- Superoxide activity in seedlings in the absence and presence of salt stress
- Zymographic analysis of peroxidase.
- Zymographic analysis of superoxide dismutase activity
- Nucleic acid databases (NCBI, EmBL and DDBJ)
- Protein databases (PIR,PDB)
- Literature Database (PubMed)
- Sequence Retrieval
- Sequence Homology
- Construction of Phylogenetic tree using PHYLIP and
- Mock