B.S. in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONCollege of Business- StudentServicesCenter
A Bachelor of Science in Business Administration requires a minimum of 120 units of credit: 39 in business core and 21 in a business concentration and 48 of GE plus 12 units of other graduation requirements.
Prerequisites to Core Courses (some may be applied to GE)Prerequisite Courses
1.ENG 214^Second-Year Written CompositionC or better in ENG 114 or approved equivalent.
2.DS/MATH 110Calculus with Business Applications50 score or better on ELM, or approved exemption.
3.ECON 101Introduction to Microeconomic AnalysisNone.
4.ISYS 263Introduction to Information SystemsC- or better in DS/MATH 110 or DS 212.
(or pass ISYS 263 CLEP Exam)
^or any approved Second-Year Written Composition course.
Core Courses for All Business Majors‡Prerequisite Courses______
1.ECON 102Introduction to Macroeconomic AnalysisNone
2.ACCT 100Introduction to Financial Accounting50 score or better on ELM (or approved exemption).
3.ACCT 101Introduction to Managerial AccountingC- or better in ACCT 100
4.DS 212Business StatisticsC- or better in DS/MATH 110 or MATH 226.
5.IBUS 330Int’l Business & Multicultural RelationsAt least junior standing.
6.FIN 350Business FinanceC- or better in ACCT 101, ECON 101, ECON 102,
DS/MATH 110, DS 212, ISYS 263 (or pass ISYS 263
CLEP Exam), & at least junior standing.
7.BUS 300Business Communication forC- or better in ENG 214(ENG 310), Professionals & at least junior standing.
(BUS 360)Business Communication(C- or better in COMM 150 (ENG 210 & ENG 214
(ENG 310), & atleast junior standing.)
8.ISYS 363Information Systems for ManagementC- or better in ACCT 100and ISYS 263(or pass ISYS
263 CLEP Exam), & at least junior standing.
(ACCT 307)(Accounting concentration students take(C- or better in ACCT 301, pass ACCT 301 pretest
ACCT 307 in place of ISYS 363.)& at least junior standing.
9.MGMT 405Intro to Management & Org BehaviorAt least junior standing.
10.DS 412Operations ManagementC- or better in DS/MATH 110, DS 212, ISYS 263(or pass
ISYS 263 CLEP Exam), & at least junior standing.
11.MKTG 431Principles of MarketingAt least junior standing
12.BUS 682*Sem in the Environment of BusinessC- or better in BUS 360 or BUS 300, MGMT 405,
& at least junior standing.
13.BUS 690*Sem in Business Policy & Strategic MgmtC- or better in BUS 360 or BUS 300, FIN 350, MGMT 405,
MKTG 431, DS 412, ISYS 363 or ACCT 307& at least
Junior standing.
*Must be taken for a letter grade.(max 6 units in core may be taken CR/NC)
‡Min grade in all 13 business core courses is a C- (except IBUS 330, BUS 682, & BUS 690 in which the minimum grade is a D-).
Business Major Concentrations: Specific concentration requirements are in the current Bulletin.
CR/NC is not allowed in concentration courses, unless otherwise stated in the Bulletin.
Last updated 03/18/13
Decision Sciences†
Information Systems†
International Business†
†Minor offered