Activity 1.1.6 Student Resource Sheet Outbreak Investigation Day 3

Additional patient information is collected at the infirmary. The general lab and the molecular lab return test results for the patients not infected with bacterial meningitis.


Anthony is becoming impatient and says he just needs an antibiotic and he will be fine. His throat culture samples have not revealed an infectious bacterium. The lab returned the following sequence data:

cgcgtttatc ttgcccgggc tcaacctttc agaaagcact cctaattagc cctcatagat

tcggagaaac caaaggaaac tcagctccct tgataataag ggaacctttt attgcttgtg

gaccaaatga atgcaaacac tttgctctaa cccattatgc agcccaacca gggggatact

acaatggaac aagaggagac agaaacaagc tgaggcatct aatttcagtc aaattgggca


Wanda has become so tired that she can not even make it to class. Her roommate has been kind enough to take notes for her. Her glands are still extremely swollen. The lab returned the following sequence data:

ttgtggcggc atcatgtttt tggcatgtgt acttgtcctt atcgtcgacg ctgttttgca

gctgagtccc ctccttggag ctgtaactgt ggtttccatg acgctgctgc tactggcttt

cgtcctctgg ctctcttcgc cagggggcct aggtactctt ggtgcagccc ttttaacgtt

ggcagcaggt aagccacacg tgtgacattg cttgcctttt tgccacatgt tttctggaca

caggactaac catgccatct ctgattatag ctctggcact gctagcgtca ctgattttgg

gcacacttaa cttgactaca atgttccttc


Maggie can hardly swallow and she certainly can not sing. She is still running a high fever. She has been drinking lots of juice and taking vitamin supplements, but sleeping seems to be her only relief. Bacteria cultures have revealed an infectious pathogen. The lab returned the following sequence data:

atgaatatta gaaataagat tgaaaatagt aaaacactac tatttacatc ccttgtagcc

gtggctctac taggagctac acaaccagtt tcagccgaaa cgtatacatc acgcaatttt

gactggtctg gagatgactg gcctgaagat gactggtctg gagatggttt gtctaaatat


Arnie had to walk out of photography class yesterday as he was coughing so much. He gets the chills easily and he sees his overall energy beginning to decline. The lab returned the following sequence data:

agcagaagca gagcatcttc tcaaaactga ggcaaatagg ccaaaaatga acaatgctac

cttcaactat acaaacgtta accctatttc tcacatcagg gggagtatta ttatcactat

atgtgtcagc ttcattgtca tacttactat attcggatat attgctaaaa ttttcaccaa

cagaaataac tgcaccaaca atgccattgg attgtgcaaa cgcatcaaat gttcaggctg

tgaaccgttc tgcaacaaaa ggggtgacac ttcttctccc agaaccggag tggacatacc


Alvin refused to have any samples taken and walked out of the office. You did, however, note that Wanda met him outside of the infirmary with a hot cup of coffee.

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Medical Interventions Activity 1.1.6 Student Resource Sheet – Page 1