Ch. 21; The Cold War Begins

Make-up History

I. Origins of the Cold War

A. Clash of Interests

-Cold War- era of confrontation & competition between the US & USSR (1946-1990)

1. Soviet Security Concerns

-USSR wanted to make sure countries btwn USSR & Germany were communist b/c Germ invaded USSR twice in 30 yrs

-Soviet leaders suspicious of capitalist nations b/c they may eventually try to destroy communism

2. American Economic Concerns

-US officials believed WWII started b/c of the Depression

-Roosevelt believed economic growth was key to world peace

-US promoted democracy and free enterprise (Democratic gov't will protect people's rights & the country will be more peaceful & stable)

B. The Yalta Conference

-Yalta- Soviet resort on Black Sea, important in cause of CW

1. Poland

-1st issue discussed @ Yalta Conference

-2 gov'ts claiming right to govern Poland (1 commi, 1 not)

-compromise- Roosevelt & Churchill agree to Soviet plan

2. Declaration of Liberated Europe

-Stalin, Churchill, & Roosevelt's plan for postwar govt's

-"The right of all people to choose the form of gov't under which they live"

-People of Europe to "create democratic institutions of their own choice”

3. Dividing Germany

-Germany was to be divided into 4 zones

-US, Brit, Fr, & USSR would each control one of the zones

-Berlin (in USSR's zone) would be divided the same way

4. Tensions Begin to Rise

-USSR pressures Romanian king to appoint commi gov't

-4/1, USSR refused to allow non-commi's in Polish gov't (Roosevelt told Stalin this action was unacceptable)

-4/12, Roosevelt died, and VP Harry Truman became Pres

C. Truman Takes Control

-Truman entered the position w/ plans for end of war and after

1. Potsdam Conference

-Stalin and Truman met here (near Berlin) to discuss Germany

-At conf. Truman informed Stalin of successful A-Bomb testing

2. The Iron Curtain Descends

-Stalin- whoever occupies territory imposes own social system

-Satellite Nations- Communist countries of Eastern Europe

-Iron Curtain- separating of satellite nations from rest of Europe

II. The Early Cold War Years

A. Containing Communism

-After WWII, US thought USSR would change (didn't happen)

1. Long Telegram- 2/22/46 (from US Dip. to Moscow George Kennan)

-Soviet System had several major econ. & pol. weaknesses

-If US could keep USSR from expanding, they would collapse

-Commi's believed they were in a long-term historical struggle against capitalism

-Containment- keeping communism w/in its present territory

through the use of diplomatic, economic, & military actions

2. Crisis in Iran

-Stalin began demanding access to Iran's oil supplies

-Erupted in spring & summer of 1946, troops stayed afterwards

-Proved Kennan was right about USSR needs for expansion

3. Truman Doctrine

-Stalin began to show interest in controlling the Middle East

-US & Brit were supporting Turkey & Greece in fighting Communist groups from gaining power (Brit ran out of $)

-3/12/1947-Truman asked Congress for $400 million to fight Soviet aggressions in these countries

-In his speech, Truman stated reason why Communism could not spread there or anywhere & vowed to fight Communism worldwide

4. Marshall Plan (6/1947)

-Sec. of St. George Marshall's plan for reconstruction in Europe

-Give US $ to rebuild the European nations destroyed in WWII (Billions spent, weakened the appeal of Communism in Euro)

-The offer was rejected by the Satellite Nations

B. The Berlin Crisis

-Europe's prosperity was dependent on Germany's recovery

1. West Germany is Founded (1948)

-US, Brit, France combined zones & the people created a gov't

-West Germany was a democracy w/ a capitalist economy

-W Germany was not allowed a military but was independent

2. Berlin Airlift

-Soviets cut all outside roads and rail traffic to W Berlin

-Lasted from 6/1948 to 5/1949

-Over 2 million tons of supplies were delivered by plane

3. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

-Mutual defense alliance created 4/1949 (Warsaw Pact)

-Military alliance between US, Canada, & 10 non-commi countries of Western Europe (incl: Britain & France)

C. The Cold War Spreads to East Asia

-Events in China & Korea brought about a new attitude in Japan

1. Civil War & Revolution in China

-Nationalists had been struggling w/ commi's since the 1920s

-US gave $2 million in aid to Nationalists to defend China

-Didn't work, gov't forced to flee to Taiwan

2. After the Fall

-1949, China develops atomic bomb

-People's Republic of China signs alliance treaty w/ USSR

-Veto power was used to keep Chinese reps from UN Sec Coun

D. The Korean War

-After WWII, US & USSR enter Korea to disarm Japanese

1. UN Intervenes

-Ordered US naval & airpower into action to contain N Korea from taking over S Korea (contain communism to N Korea)

-MacArthur ordered invasion behind enemy lines (Inchon port)

-Invasion was successful, N Koreans pushed back to Yalu River

2. China Enters the War

-Commi Chinese gov't saw advancing UN troops as threat

-China launched a massive attack across the Yalu River

-MacArthur demanded approval to expand war to China

3. Truman Fires MacArthur

-Truman refused to allow MacArthur expand war to China

-MacArthur publicly criticized Truman & attempted to expand the war w/out permission

-MacArthur then fired for insubordination to pres in 4/1951

4. Changes in Policy

-Truman chose Gen Matthew Ridgway to replace MacArthur

-Defense agreements were signed w/ Jap, S Kor, Taiwan,...

-US aid began to flow to French fighting commi's in Vietnam

Ch. 21: The Cold War Begins (Cont'd)

Make-up History

III. The Cold War and American Society

A. A New Red Scare

-During the 1950s, thousands of Americans were accused of being communists

-This began 9/1945 w/ USSR Ambassador to Canada Igor Gouzenko defecting to the US

-Igor had plans to infiltrate Canadian & US gov't


-Led to fear of communist subversion (effort to secretly weaken a society & overthrow its gov't)

1. Loyalty Review Program

-Truman's plan to screen all federal employers/check for spies -From 47 to 51, over 6 million fed employees were screened

-Reasons for suspicion- read certain books, travel overseas, see foreign films

-FBI used intensive scrutiny on 14,000 employees

-2,000 quit, 212 were fired for "questionable loyalty"

2. HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)

-Existed to investigate communist & fascist activity in US

-In 1947, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover convinced HUAC to hold public hearings on subversion & "sympathizers"

-FBI agents infiltrated suspected groups and wiretapped thousands of phones

3. Alger Hiss

-Whitaker Chambers (TIME Magazine editor) admitted to being a communist courier from 1934 to 1937 & other gov't officials had also been spies

-Alger Hiss was the most notable of these

-lawyer/diplomat, served in Roosevelt's administration, accused of giving Chambers docs from the St. Dept. to take to USSR

-Hiss denied all allegations, but Chambers proved it w/

"Pumpkin Papers"

-Jury convicted Hiss of perjury (lying under oath)

4. Rosenbergs

-Julius & Ethel Rosenberg were accused of giving A-bomb

plans to USSR & being the heads of a Soviet Spy ring in the


-They were condemned to death & executed in 1953

5. Project Venona

-1946- a US cryptographer cracked the Soviet spy code, enabling us to read approximately 3,000 messages btwn Moscow & US

-Info was not released until 1995, but gave strong evidence Rosenbergs were guilty

6. Real Scare Spreads

-State gov'ts, universities, businesses, unions, & churches began to look within their groups for Communists & required loyalty oaths

-The Taft-Hartley Act required union leaders to take oaths that they weren't commies (most did not object)

B. "A Conspiracy So Immense"

-USSR developing A-Bomb & China falling to communism

caused Americans to believe that we were losing Cold War &

spies were still here

-Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy of Wisconsin claimed he had a list of

205 St. Dept. members that were commies (list never actually


1. McCarthy's Charges

-McCarthy started w/ accusing democrats (described as "Party of Betrayal")

-Among targets were Sec. of St. Dean Acheson & former Army Ch. of Staff George Marshall

2. McCarran Internal Security Act

-Sen. McCarran accused commies of trying to create a dictatorship in US & passed McCarran Act (requiring all commies in the US to register)

3. McCarthy's Tactics

-Witch hunt for commies based on flimsy evidence & irrational

fears became known as McCarthyism (tactic of damaging

reputations w/ vague, uninformed charges)

-He would not accept people’s answers as true & create much


-People were afraid to challenge him for fear of becoming the

next target

4. McCarthy's Downfall

-In 1954, McCarthy accused US Army officers of being spies in the televised Army-McCarthy hearings

-Officers were innocent & McCarthy began to lose support when he accused the defending lawyer of working w/ a commi

-This led to the Senate passing a vote of censure (formal disapproval) on McCarthy, causing him to lose all influence

C. Life During the Early Cold War

-Fear of Communism & nuclear weapons had a profound impact on life in the 1950s

1. Facing the Bomb

-Along w/ US, USSR also developed the more powerful

hydrogen bomb in 1953

-This led to schools creating areas for bomb shelters & having

bomb drills

-For every person killed in a nuc. Blast, 4 more would die of

fallout (radiation left after the blast) causing people to build

fallout shelters & stock them w/ canned food

2. Popular Culture in the Cold War

-Suspicion & espionage of the Cold War found its way to the

big screen in movies like I Was a Communist for the FBI, Walk

East on Beacon, & I Led Three Lives

-Americans began looking for security in these times of


IV. Eisenhower's Policies

A. Eisenhower's "New Look"

-1952 election- Truman chose not to run again

-R, D-Day Hero- Dwight D. Eisenhower def, D- Adlai

Stevenson in a landslide

1. "More Bang for the Buck"

-Military might combined w/ a prosperous economy would prevent Americans from becoming interested in communism

-Eisenhower declared a regular military would be too expensive & nuc's would be used instead

2. Massive Retaliation

-Threatening to use nuclear weapons if a communist state tried to seize territory by force

-Enabled US to cut military spending from $50 Bil to $34 Bil

-Increased nuc arsenal from 1,000 to 18,000 by 1961

3. Sputnik Crisis

-US developed B-52 bombers & ICBMs (launched from land)

-10/4/1957 USSR developed Sputnik- 1st artificial satellite to orbit the Earth

-This led to the creation of NASA & NDEA (funds for education & training in sci, math, & foreign languages)

B. Brinkmanship In Action

-Sec of St John Foster Dulles defended policy w/ what became known as brinkmanship (willingness to go to the brink of war to force the other side to back down)

-Some critics believed this was too dangerous

1. Korean War Ends

-Eisen realized Korean War was expensive & casualties rose

-Threats of nuc war led armistice in 7/1953 w/ pre-war boundary & DMZ becoming border btwn N & S Korea

2. Taiwan Crisis

-1954 China threatened to "liberate" some of the islands under Nationalist control near Taiwan (firing shells @ them)

-Eisen & Dulles convinced Congress to authorize use of force to defend Taiwan w/ navy & possibly nucs

-China backed down

3. Suez Crisis

-In order to prevent Arab nations from turning commi, Dulles offered to finance Egypt's building of a dam on the Nile River

-US pulled finance offer after finding out Egypt bought weapons from Czechoslovakia

-Egypt seized control of Suez Canal from Fr & Brit to fund dam

-Fr & Brit troops then invaded Egypt, USSR offered support

-Led to most M.E. countries accepting aid from USSR

C. Fighting Communism Covertly

-Communists attempted to stage revolutions in several countries

-To prevent this Eisen had the CIA conduct covert (hidden) operations

1. Containment in Developing Nations

-Nations w/ primarily agricultural economies

-Many Dev Nats blamed W. Euro Imperialism & US

Capitalism for there problems

-US attempted to provide aid to there countries to win them


-CIA would attempt to overthrow anti-Amer leaders & replace

them w/ pro-Amer Leaders

2. Iran & Guatemala

-1953 Irani PM Mohammed Mossadegh nationalized the oil

industry & moved against the Shah (Religious leader), forcing

him into exile

-CIA agents organized a coup to overthrow PM & return the

Shah to power

-1951 Guatemala elected a president w/ communist ties

-1954 CIA armed & trained rebels to regain control

3. Uprising in Hungary

-1953 Stalin died, 1956 Nikita Khrushchev emerged as next Soviet leader

-He gave private speech denouncing Stalin's brutal policies

-CIA broadcast the speech in E. Europe

-Losing confidence in commi, riots broke out in many countries

-10/1956 Hungarian rebels attempted to overthrow commi gov't

-Khrushchev sent USSR military to Budapest to crush rebellion

D. Continuing Tensions

-Khrushchev blamed Hungary on US & changed his "coexisting w/ capitalism" philosophy to reassert superiority

-Khrush demanded NATO withdraw from W Berlin, but brinkmanship won out

-Eisen invited Khrush to a summit (formal face-to-face meeting of leaders from different countries to discuss important issues) in Paris to improve relations

-The summit never took place b/c a US U-2 spy plane, piloted by Francis Gary Powers, was shot down over USSR

-1961 President Eisenhower voiced his disappointment of not making much progress toward a resolution in the Cold War

-He also warned the US to be aware of the military-industrial complex (informal relationship that may exist btwn mil & defense industry to promote mil spending & influence gov't policy) in a democracy