Headline Sponsor
Unsung Hero Award for Customer Service
Who can enter?Individuals who have recognised the absolute importance of both welcome and customer service and who consistently demonstrate an exceptional customer care ethos.
Individuals from all parts of the visitor economy are eligible to enter this award including retail, entertainment, hospitality, transport, tour operators and guiding services as well as accommodation and visitor attractions. They may be volunteers or paid members of staff.
They may be nominated by another member of staff, a member of the public, or by themselves.
You may submit one electronic PDF or word document (not lots of files in one folder) as supporting evidence. This is voluntary and NOT essential for the Awards. If submitted the document should be less than 5mb in size and the information provided should be used only to illustrate points made in your entry form, otherwise it will be disregarded. If you wish to include images please do so in your supporting evidence not on this entry form.
Nominee details
Name of nominee:
Business Name:
Telephone number:
Website address:
PR contact (if different):
Nominator/who will be the point of contact for the awards.(if different – it will be assumed nominee is unaware of nomination and all communications will be with the nominator)
Name of nominator:
Business Name:
Telephone number:
Email (for us to contact you):
Website address:
PR contact (if different):
What role does your nominee play in the business? (max 100 words)
Section 1: Commitment to Excellence
Please describe why your nominee deserves to win the customer service award (max 500 words)
In your answer think about the following:
- How long have they worked there?
- Have they delivered consistently high standards of customer service?
- Examples of service above and beyond the call of duty
- Attendance at training courses such as Welcome Host
Section 2: Examples of exceeding expectations
Give at least three examples of action taken during the last year by the nominated member of staff which have ‘gone the extra mile in exceeding customer expectations.(max 200 words)
In your answer think about the following:
- Examples that have gone significantly further than merely doing their job well
- The impact these had on customers and your business
Section 3: Awards and Commendations
Give evidence of awards or commendations (in-company or external) the nominee has received
(max 200 words)
In your answer think about the following:
- Feedback received from customers
- Media coverage
- Any awards won
Section 4: Business Initiatives
Give evidence of any business initiatives that your nominee has initiated/supported, for example, energy saving policies, new marketing initiatives. (max 200 words)
In your answer think about the following examples:
- Water/energy saving and waste reducing initiatives
- Involving the local community in the business
- A new marketing initiative
- Use of social media
- A new event
- Improving the accessibility of the business
What to do now
Please return your entry as a Word document along with any supporting evidence by email to before the closing date.
Future communications will be from Nell Barrington, Services for Tourism Ltd, who is managing the Beautiful South Awards on behalf of Tourism South East. Nell’s email address is: so please add this address to your address book to avoid communications being treated as Spam/Junk. If you do not add this address and are awaiting news please ensure you check your Spam/Junk folders to see if news is being filtered out.
Please tick one of the following:
□The business I am being nominated by is a member of Tourism South East. The membership number is ______leave blank if unknown
□I am being nominated bya non member for entrance into the Beautiful South Awards and understand that they will be invoiced for £65 plus VAT as a as a contribution towards administration costs *.
*The non member fee includes entrance into two categories in the Awards programme – plus the Sustainability and Access categories. Payment must be made before the awards closing date otherwise your awards entry will not be submitted for judging.
What happens next?
Judging will be based on the information provided within the application form along with your website and other information sources. Approximately three to five entries will be short listed for each category. Feedback will be available on request.
All entry forms are copyright Services for Tourism Ltd 2015.