B.A. (Sikh Studies) part-II Semester III-IV for Sessions 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020

For Distance Education


B.A (Sikh Studies)


(Semester System)

Semester III and IV

For Sessions :2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020

(As per RUSA Guidelines)

f;Zy ;NZvh}

phHJ/HGkr d{ik ;w?;No shik

g/go J/ (f;ysMklp)

For Distance Education Students
Lecture 75%
Maximum Marks : 100
External Examination : 75 Marks
Internal Assessment : 25 Marks
Time Allowed : 3 Hours
Pass Marks : 35%

g/go ;?No bJhjdkfJsK

(fv;N?A; n?i{e/PB bJh)

1H gqPBgZsofszBfjZf;nKftZutzfvnkikt/rk. T, n ns/ J. T ;?ePB d/ gqPBgZsodk g/go ;?No ukogqPBKftu J/ ns/ ph ;?ePBdkf;b/p; etoeo/rk. ukogqPBKftu'AftfdnkoEh d' gqPBjZbeoBr/ s/ jo/e gqPB 10 Bzpodkj't/rk. (10 X 2 = 20)

2H ;?ePB n ftZu ;ko/ f;b/p; ftu'A ;Zs gqPB g[ZS/ ikDr/ ns/ ftfdnkoEhnKbJh 7 gqPBKftu'A 5 dk T[Zso d/Dkbkiawhj't/rk s/ jo/e gqPB 5 nzeKdkj't/rk. (5X5 =25)

3H J ;?ePBftu'A ;ko/ gqPBiao{oh j'Dr/. gqhfynetZb'A S'N/ T[soKtkb/ 15 gqPB g[ZS/ ikDr/ ns/ jo/e gqPB 2 nzeKdkj't/rk. (15 X 2 = 30)


ftfdnkoEhnK B/ Gkr Td/ ukogqPBKftu'A d' gqPBK d/ T[so d/D/ j'Dr/. gqPBgZso d/ Gkr n ftu'A ;Zs gqPBKftu'AgzigqPBK d/ T[so d/D/ j'Dr/. GkrJ d/ ;ko/ gqPBKdk T[so d/Dkbkiawhj't/rkfi; ftZuftfdnkoEh 15 S'N/ gqPBK d/ T[so d/Dr/.

not-ijhVyividAwrQIDrmAiDAYndwivSwlYxgy, auhividAwrQIis`KAiDAYndwivSwnhINlYskdy[


1H gowkswk

2H iht

3H irs

4H Fjkds

5H whoh-ghoh

6H Xow :[ZX


1H ;/tk

2H f;woB

3H r[odtkok

4H Bkwig', feoseo', tzv Se'.

5H ;zrs

6H gzrs

Gkr (J)

;ko/ gqPBiao{oh jB.

;zy/g T[ZsoKtkb/ gq;aB


1. Harbans Singh, The Heritage of the Sikh

2. Avtar Singh, Ethics of the Sikhs.

3. Teja Singh, Ideals and Institutions of Sikhism.

4. Piara Singh Padam, Rahitnamas.

5. Ganda Singh, The Singh Sabha and otherSocio-religious movements in Punjab.

6. S.S. Ashok, Punjab dianLehran.

7. J.S. Ahluwalia, Sikhism Today

8. Teja Singh, Gurdwara Reform Movement

9. Kapur Singh, Sikhism for Modern Man

10. Kapur Singh, Prasarprashna

11. Kapur Singh, Me Judice

12. J.S Grewal, History, Literature and Identity: Four Centuries of Sikh Tradition.

13H r[oBkwe"o, T[dk;h ;zgodkdknekdfwegfog/y

14 rzvkf;zx, i'Xf;zxnfGBzdBrqzE

15 Pritam Singh (Ed.), NirmalSampradie

16 oDXhof;zx, T[dk;hf;ZyK dh ftfEnk

17. J.S. Grewal, Historical Perspectives on Sikh Identity

18. Avtar Singh, Ethics of the Sikhs

19. Santokh Singh, Philosophical Foundations of the Sikh Value system

20. irphof;zx, r[o{ BkBepkDhftuB?fseskdk ;zebg

21 tiahof;zx, B?fsefB:w (2 Gkr)

22.tiahof;zx, f;Zydo;aBXkokGkr- I- II

23i;ftzdoe"ofYb'I, r[o{ BkBe dh ehwswhwK;k

f;Zy ;NZvh}

phHJ/HGkr d{ik (;w?;No u"Ek)

g/go ph (GkoshXownfXn?B)

For Distance Education Students
Lecture 75%
Maximum Marks : 100
External Examination : 75 Marks
Internal Assessment : 25 Marks
Time Allowed : 3 Hours
Pass Marks : 35%

g/go ;?No bJhjdkfJsK

(fv;N?A; n?i{e/PB bJh)

1H gqPBgZsofszBfjZf;nKftZutzfvnkikt/rk. T, n ns/ J. T ;?ePB d/ gqPBgZsodk g/go ;?No ukogqPBKftu J/ ns/ ph ;?ePBdkf;b/p; etoeo/rk. ukogqPBKftu'AftfdnkoEh d' gqPBjZbeoBr/ s/ jo/e gqPB 10 Bzpodkj't/rk. (10 X 2 = 20)

2H ;?ePB n ftZu ;ko/ f;b/p; ftu'A ;Zs gqPB g[ZS/ ikDr/ ns/ ftfdnkoEhnKbJh 7 gqPBKftu'A 5 dk T[Zso d/Dkbkiawhj't/rk s/ jo/e gqPB 5 nzeKdkj't/rk. (5X5 =25)

3H J ;?ePBftu'A ;ko/ gqPBiao{oh j'Dr/. gqhfynetZb'A S'N/ T[soKtkb/ 15 gqPB g[ZS/ ikDr/ ns/ jo/e gqPB 2 nzeKdkj't/rk. (15 X 2 = 30)


ftfdnkoEhnK B/ Gkr T d/ ukogqPBKftu'A d' gqPBK d/ T[so d/D/ j'Dr/. gqPBgZso d/ Gkr n ftu'A ;Zs gqPBKftu'AgzigqPBK d/ T[so d/D/ j'Dr/. Gkr J d/ ;ko/ gqPBKdk T[so d/Dkbkiawhj't/rkfi; ftZuftfdnkoEh 15 S'N/ gqPBK d/ T[so d/Dr/.

not-ijhVyividAwrQIDrmAiDAYndwivSwlYxgy, auhividAwrQIis`KAiDAYndwivSwnhINlYskdy[

(Gkr T) t?fdews

1H t/dLw[ZYbhikD-gSkD

2 T[gfBFdL w[ZYbhikDgSkD

3H gozgoktK

4H GrtkBwjkthoLihtB ns/ Fy;hns

5H f;fynktK

6H gziwjKtosL (nfjz;k, ;Zu, n;s/:, ngforqfj ns/ pqjwuo:)

(Gkr-n) p[X wfs

1H wjkswkp[ZXL ihtB

2H f;fynktK

3H ukonkohnkL (;u, d[y, d[yKdkekoB, d[yK dh Bftosh ns/ Bftoshwkor)

Xow ;z;eko (fjzd{, i?B, p[ZX)

4H iBw ;z;eko

5H Xowgfot/F ;z;eko

6H fwqs{ ;z;eko

Gkr (J)

;ko/ gqPBiao{oh jB.

;zy/g T[ZsoKtkb/ gq;aB


1.A.A. Macdonell, Vedic Mythology.

2.A.B. Keith, Religion and Philosophy of the Vedas and Upanisads

3.HaridasBhattacharyya ,The Cultural Heritage of India,Vol. I-III

4.Franklin Edgerton, The Beginning of Indian Philosophy.

5.S. Radhakrishnan, The Principal Upanisads.

6.S. Radhakrishnan, TheBhagavadgita.

7.R.D. Ranade, Constructive Survey of Upanisadic Philosophy.

8.S. Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy 2 Vols.

9.T.M.P. Mahadevan,Outlines of Hinduism.

10. S.N. Dasgupta, A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. 1 and 2.

11. nkoavh a fBokekoh, Gkoshdo;aBH

12. pbd/t T[gfXnkJ/, GkoshdoFB eh o{go/yk (fjzdh)

13. dZsk ns/ u?Noih, GkoshdoFB (fjzdh)

14. A.A. Macdonell, Vedic Mythology.

15. A.B. Keith, Religion and Philosophy of the Vedas and Upanisads.

16. Franklin Edgerton, The Beginning of Indian Philosophy

17. M. Hiriyanna,Outlines of Indian Philosophy.

18. S.Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy,2 Vols

19. L. M Joshi et Al., Buddhism.

20 T. M. P. Mahadevanet. Al, Hinduism.

21. Gurbachan Singh Talib (Ed.), Jainism

22 A.K. Warder, Indian Buddhism

23. Sinclair Sterenson, The Heart of Jainism

24. S.N. Dasgupta, History of Indian Philosophy 2 Vols

12. 25. Haridas Bhattacharyya, The Cultural Heritage of India Vol. I

26. G.C. Pandey, Studies in the Origins of Buddhism

27.L.M.Joshi, Studies in the Buddhistic Culture of India