Time Monitor Guidelines
Each team provides a Time Monitor tomonitor and record theplaying time ofthe opposing team’s players during the match.
FillingoutTimeRecords /LineupCards
Ineach column (time interval) and each row (team roster member), there is a blank. This blank should be filled atthe startofthattime interval as follows:
A – Ifteam member is absent and not present ator near the field
X– Ifteam member is in the touch area (offthe field), available and awaiting assignment as an active player on the field (Normally termed a Substitute).
I–Ifteammemberisinthetechnicalarea(offthefield)butnotabletoplayduetoinjury, sickness,exhaustionorsimilarreasonpreventingthemfrombeingaplayeronthefield.
Leave Blank – Ifteam member is an active player who is playing on the field
Forthetimerecord,alinecanbedrawnfromthepreviouscolumntoindicatedittoorcarryforwardof samestatusfromanearliercolumn.ThisshouldNOTbedoneifthepreviousstatusisblankandthus indicatingtheyareplaying.SoA------A,I------I,andX------Xcanbeutilizedacrossanduptoawhole
Ifa player’s statusofabsent or injured atthe startofthe match is expected toremain the same forthe whole match,writing ABSor INJ next tothe name is sufficient. Ifthe player’s status changes during the match,the firstand subsequent columns where they were absent or injured should be marked accordingly. Otherwise, the whole row can be leftblank and totaled according tothe notation next tothe name atthe end ofthe match.
Stoppagetime(thefewminutesarefereemayaddtotherunningclocktimetoaccountfornon- playingstoppagesinplayduringthehalf)arenotrecordedinthetimerecord.Theseperiodsof timearenotexpectedtolastmorethanfiveminutesandthusarenotmaterialtotherecord.
Justas referees often wear two watches, time monitors are encouraged tohave a backup time piece. Even if just a normal analog watch or cell phone clock. They can record the time the half started using the backup time piece. Then, if the primary stopwatch malfunctions for whatever reason, they can determine how farinto the half they are.