From: X

To: ,

Cc: ,

Date: 01/03/2013 14:23

Subject: Road Safety Improvement Proposal


I have recently spoken with Cllr Smith-Ainsley about improving road safety at the junction between Charlton Lane and New Road/Charlton Road. This site has been the scene of a number of accidents, caused principally by vehicles travelling too fast through the junction. Luckily none of these accidents has caused major injury, but this also means that they are not recorded by the police and thus do not appear in the statistics.

We feel that safety could be improved by extending the 30mph limit that currently covers Charlton Village about 300 metres along New Road towards Littleton Church and the other side of the junction. This would, in theory at least, not only slow the traffic through the junction but also make the 30mph limit signs more visible when entering the Village from the New Road direction and reduce the risk to road users of the blind bend when entering the Village. The 40mph signs at the exit from Charlton Lane would be redundant and could be removed, although we would like the posts carrying the current 30mph signs on Charlton Road outside Manor Farm left in situ as they also carry the ‘Welcome to Charlton Village’ signs and hanging baskets in the summer.

I hope you can give this proposal positive consideration.

From: Nick Healey/EAI/SCC

To: X

Cc: ,

Date: 01/03/2013 15:03

Subject: Re: Road Safety Improvement Proposal

Hi Richard,

We have identified a pattern of casualties at the junction of Charlton Road, Charlton Lane and New Road through Surrey County Council's Casualty Reduction Working Group, and there are funds to undertake detailed design of a minor casualty remedial scheme. Accordingly we are commissioning the detailed design for an enlarged traffic island to prevent dangerous overtaking and corner cutting, and also to review the location of the 30mph / 40mph speed limit terminal. It may be that can extend the speed limit to the other side of Charlton Lane as you suggest, but this is subject to a speed limit review and the normal consultative and legal processes.

The detailed design should be completed in time to implement the changes next Financial Year. However the implementation is subject to availability of funding and the relative priority of this site compared to other casualty sites elsewhere in the County.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries or concerns on this.

Thanks, Nick

Yours sincerely,
Nick Healey
Area Team Manager (NE)
Surrey Highways
Surrey County Council


01/03/2013 14:23 / To / ,
cc / ,
Subject / Road Safety Improvement Proposal


I have recently spoken with Cllr Smith-Ainsley about improving road safety at the junction between Charlton Lane and New Road/Charlton Road. This site has been the scene of a number of accidents, caused principally by vehicles travelling too fast through the junction. Luckily none of these accidents has caused major injury, but this also means that they are not recorded by the police and thus do not appear in the statistics.

We feel that safety could be improved by extending the 30mph limit that currently covers Charlton Village about 300 metres along New Road towards Littleton Church and the other side of the junction. This would, in theory at least, not only slow the traffic through the junction but also make the 30mph limit signs more visible when entering the Village from the New Road direction and reduce the risk to road users of the blind bend when entering the Village. The 40mph signs at the exit from Charlton Lane would be redundant and could be removed, although we would like the posts carrying the current 30mph signs on Charlton Road outside Manor Farm left in situ as they also carry the ‘Welcome to Charlton Village’ signs and hanging baskets in the summer.

I hope you can give this proposal positive consideration.


From: "Gibbons, Colin 11724" <>

To: X

Cc: X, Richard Walsh <>, "Wilkins, Neil 40343" <>, "Cole, James 14546" <ceuk>

Date: 13/06/2013 13:10

Subject: RE: 30 mph flashing speed board, Charlton Village

Good Afternoon,
Thank you for the email. As you are aware the lamp posts are being replaced In the area. The flashing sign is owned by the police and is being in the process of being located to another part of the Shepperton. I know the Council have access some of theses signs and not sure if there is funding for one to be installed in the village. As local officer we will carry on speed watch checks in the area.
Many thanks
Colin Gibbons
PCSO 11724
Shepperton and Laleham Safer Neighbourhood Team
Surrey Police
Direct Dial: 01483 637195
Mobile: 07967 986210
Tel: 101 Extn: 30129
Address: PO Box 101
I work a varied shift pattern including weekends, early and late shifts. If I am not available please leave a message on one of the numbers above, or contact the Spelthorne SNT Team Co-ordinator on 101.
For non-urgent notification of a minor crime you can also use the online crime reporting facility available at
For local news, dates of local surgeries or your next Police-Public panel meeting please visit and go to 'My Neighbourhood´.
Surrey Police - With You, Making Surrey Safer
The content of this email is NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED
-----Original Message-----
From: X
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 14:04
To: Gibbons, Colin 11724
Cc: X; Richard Walsh
Subject: 30 mph flashing speed board, Charlton Village
Dear Colin, and copied to Dick and Richard,
Following the Charlton Village residents association AGM where you were present, and discussed the 30mph flashing sign/recorder outside the Harrow pub in Charlton Village, the cou to council's contractor Skanska has replaced all the lamp posts. During this process, our village has lost this illuminated 30mph sign. I am aware that Skanska has not replaced these signs, as required, in the past.
Cllr.Walsh recommended I informed you of it first.
Hope it can be relocated.
Best regards

Sent from my iPad


From: "Cannon, Graham 14422" <>

To: 'Richard Walsh' <>, "Charlesworth, Michelle 3606" <>,

Cc: "Cannon, Graham 14422" <>

Date: 08/08/2015 06:43

Subject: RE: Charlton Village

As indicated in my previous email there are no formal HGV restrictions in that area that we can enforce. I recall having a conversation with you during discussions on road safety at the school in Squires Bridge Road about HGV's and I think you mentioned that there may be some restrictions on HGV movements through planning conditions. Of course these are no formal restrictions, that are signed and accompanied with the required Traffic Regulation Orders and so the police cannot enforce these. If they are indeed in place then enforcement would be the responsibility of the local Planning Authority.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Walsh [mailto:
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 20:30
To: Cannon, Graham 14422; Charlesworth, Michelle 3606; Overington, Dawn 3282
Cc: 'Richard Walsh'
Subject: RE: Charlton Village
Any answers?
Best regards
Richard Walsh
Cabinet Member for Localities and Community and Wellbeing Surrey County Councillor Laleham & Shepperton Ward
07770 280322
Amanda Lloyd Senior PA to Richard Walsh
Tel: 0208 541 9628
Sent with Good (
----- Message from &quot;Cannon, Graham 14422&quot; &lt;&gt; on Mon, 03 Aug 2015 06:07:37 GMT -----
From: &quot;Cannon, Graham 14422&quot; &lt;&gt;
To: "Charlesworth, Michelle 3606" <>, "Overington, Dawn 3282" <>
CC: "Richard Walsh" <>
Subject: RE: Charlton Village
Michelle/ Dawn,
Please see the below message regarding speeding HGV's in Charlton Village.
This route is on the speed management plan so can enforcement be carried out. With regard to any HGV restriction, it is my understanding that there are none in place.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Walsh [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 22:15
To: X
Cc: X; Cannon, Graham 14422
Subject: RE: Charlton Village
Dear X,
I am sorry you encountered speeding lorries through Charlton Village which of course is 30 mph.
I have copied in Surrey's planning department to clarify what planning restrictions are in place on SITA lorries and there routing and Graham Cannon from the police traffic unit who can advise what can be done with the reg. numbers.
I will revert.
Best regards
Richard Walsh
Cabinet Member for Localities and Community and Wellbeing Surrey County Councillor Laleham & Shepperton Ward
07770 280322
Amanda Lloyd Senior PA to Richard Walsh
Tel: 0208 541 9628
Sent with Good (
------Original Message------
From : X

To : cc :
Sent on :27/07/2015 23:21:57 CET
Subject : Charlton Village
To discuss / action
I was trying to get out of Hetherington onto the main road this morning about 9.30am when a great big lorry with an industrial size skip on the back thundered down the road. I followed him down to the tip. He must have been doing over 40mph because I had to do that speed to keep up with him over the bridge. Is there any way we can check whether he’s on normal Charlton Lane Waste business or on Eco Park Construction business? Reg no
HV52 XLO. Then when I was coming back through the Village 10 minutes later a Norman Haulage HGV reg M4 NRH was heading south at over the speed limit (I don’t know if he was heading for the Waste Centre because I would have had to turn round again to follow him). Anyway the point is that’s 2 HGVs at speed in the space of 10 minutes. I understood that HGVs were restricted through Charlton Village?
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From: Nick Healey/EAI/SCC

To: Richard Walsh/CLR/SCC@SCC,

Date: 16/09/2015 16:13

Subject: Charlton Village

Hi Richard,

Further to our recent meeting, here are my comments on the issues raised in Charlton Village:

1) Who owns the ditches alongside the junction of Charlton Road, New Road, and Charlton Lane?

I understand that the Highway boundary is defined by the wooden fence. The various ditches are on the road side of the fence, so I believe them to be part of the Public Highway. These ditches have been cleared recently and therefore should be in good condition.

2) Who deals with ragwort?

Spelthorne Borough Council.