AS&E Diversity Fund


December 21, 2016

To the AS&E Faculty and Staff:

The AS&E Diversity Fund Committee is now accepting proposals for the AS&E Diversity Fund for events/programs for the Spring, Summer, and Fall 2017 semesters. The fund is intended to support proposals from faculty, staff, or faculty/staff with student co-applicants that focus on issues related to social justice, diversity, and campus social climate that will enhance our campus community in lasting ways. In particular, we are seeking to fund programming that brings together members of the Tufts AS&E community for cross-group dialogue and substantive interaction that might not otherwise occur. By “group” we refer to individuals of different demographics and social identities; departments, programs, centers, and organizations; and/or individuals with different roles on campus (e.g., students, faculty, and staff).

The deadline for Spring, Summer, and Fall 2017 semesters’ proposals is Wednesday, February 1, 2017. There will be additional calls for proposals during the spring semester for future programming. The Diversity Fund usually does not fund requests for more than $5,000; awards in the $2,000 range or under are more typical.

We look forward to receiving creative ideas that will enhance our campus community. If you have questions in anticipation of the funding deadline, please contact Jillian Dubman, Secretary of the Faculty for AS&E (). Before submitting an application, PLEASE READ BELOW for the criteria and priorities of the Diversity Fund:

1.  Intended focus. Proposals should focus on issues related to social justice, diversity, and campus social climate that will enhance our campus community.

2.  Fostering engagement and collaboration. The goal of this fund is to prioritize efforts aimed at strengthening knowledge, awareness, and collaboration within the Tufts community across campuses, schools, departments, programs, and groups.

3.  Potential for impact. Priority will be given to proposals that explicitly articulate the intended impact of the programming for the AS&E community, a plan for accomplishing it, and a plan for assessing it. The committee looks most positively upon proposals that effectively answer the following questions:

a.  What is the intended focus of your proposal related to social justice, diversity, and campus social climate?

b.  How is this proposal connected to the greater landscape of programming related to social justice, diversity, and campus social climate that occurs on campus?

c.  What are the specific social or campus changes you seek to accomplish with your event?

d.  How exactly do you plan to accomplish them?

e.  How will you know if you have accomplished them—that is, what is your plan to assess your accomplishments?

Priority will be given to new initiatives. For repeated proposals, applicants need to provide some measure of impact on social justice, diversity and campus social climate based on the previous programming. Please indicate what changes you have implemented based on evaluation of the previous initiative and what steps you are taking to institutionalize the programming. All applications must have a faculty or staff lead sponsor; student-initiated programming will be considered only under that condition.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Members of the AS&E Diversity Fund Committee

Cousineau, Christine
Associate Director of Faculty Hiring and Work/Life, School of Arts and Sciences / Dhingra, Pawan
Professor, Sociology / Masuoka, Natalie
Associate Professor, Political Science
McCusker, Daniel
Senior Lecturer, Drama and Dance / Montez, Noe
Assistant Professor, Drama and Dance / Stern, Rubén
Director, Latino Center
Williams, Darryl
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education,
School of Engineering / Yugawa, Linell
Director, Asian American Center / Dubman, Jillian
Secretary of the Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences & School of Engineering

Event Title: Click here to enter text.

Contact Person: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text.

List of Co-Sponsor(s) who have committed funding or in-kind support (submit evidence of commitments via email to ): Click here to enter text.

List of Collaborator(s) working with applicant on planning or realizing the event/activity: Click here to enter text.

Proposed Date(s): Click here to enter text.

Classes that will be invited to attend the event/activity (include course title/number): Click here to enter text.

Amount requested from Diversity Fund: Click here to enter text.

Please name the amount requested from other sources, as well as commitments received.

Please update us on funding from other sources as you receive answers to your requests:

Click here to enter text.

Administrative support

If you are planning to ask your department, program, or center to provide administrative support for the planning and organizing of your event/project, please indicate that you have received approval from your department chair, program director, or center director for that support by having him/her sign below.

Department chair, program/center director (please sign):

The person responsible for processing financial transactions if awarded: Click here to enter text.

Program/Project description, purpose and rationale. (500 word limit)

1)  What is the intended focus of your proposal related to social justice, diversity, and campus social climate?

Click here to enter text.

2)  How is this proposal connected to the greater landscape of programming related to social justice, diversity, and campus social climate that occurs on campus?

Click here to enter text.

3)  What are the specific social or campus changes you seek to accomplish with your event?

Click here to enter text.

4)  How exactly do you plan to accomplish them?

Click here to enter text.

5)  How will you know if you have accomplished them—that is, what is your plan to assess your accomplishments?

Click here to enter text.

Outreach plan. All event proposals should include a plan for outreach; however, the Diversity Fund will no longer cover any costs related to advertising or publicity. Please describe your outreach plan here:

Click here to enter text.


Please include an itemized budget, including proposed amounts for each particular line item. A condition of funding is that no admission may be charged for any Diversity Fund-sponsored events. Please bear in mind the following details when preparing your proposal:

·  Detailed budget. Proposals should include a detailed, itemized budget, indicating that the planners have done research about the estimated cost of relevant factors such as travel, hotel, food, auxiliary costs, etc.

o  The Diversity Fund will only commit up to the following amount in a particular category, but this does not preclude the applicant from securing funds to cover additional costs related to these categories:

§  International plane ticket: $1,500.00 per person

§  Domestic plane ticket: $750.00 per person

§  Train ticket: $375.00 per person

§  Hotel room: $270.00 per person per night for a maximum of two nights

§  Lunch: $20.00 per person

§  Dinner: $40.00 per person

§  Large receptions and student events: $12.00 per person

·  Honorarium limits. If a proposed speaker has a regular academic appointment, the maximum honorarium that they Diversity Fund will support for an activity (speech, meeting with faculty group, etc.) is $500.00 and for a proposed speaker who does not have an academic appointment, the maximum honorarium is $1,000.00. You can still pay your speaker more than this if you have other funding sources, but the Diversity Fund will only contribute up to these amounts. Tufts faculty members may not collect an honorarium for participation in a Diversity Fund sponsored event.

Itemized Budget:

Click here to enter text.