Called to Order at 7:00 PM


Acacia / Y
Alpha Epsilon Pi / Y
Alpha Sigma Phi / Y
Alpha Tau Omega / Y
Delta Chi / Y
Delta Lambda Phi / Y
Delta Upsilon / Y
Kappa Delta Rho / Y
Kappa Sigma / N
Lambda Chi Alpha / Y
Phi Kappa Psi / Y
Pi Kappa Alpha / Y
Pi Kappa Phi / Y
Sigma Alpha Epsilon / Y
Sigma Chi / Y
Sigma Nu / Y
Sigma Phi Epsilon / N
Sigma Pi / Y
Tau Kappa Epsilon / Y
Theta Chi / Y


·  Kyle Yarawsky – Delta Tau Delta

o  Will be expanding onto our campus after Fall Rush, the week of October 10th

Officer Reports

·  Director of the Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life: Leslie

·  IFC President: Alec Petersen

o  Make sure to remind your brothers to be safe this weekend

§  Remember that the student code of conduct continues to apply no matter where you go

o  Livability Initiative

§  Will be penning a letter to the University as well as the city of Corvallis

·  Received feedback from five different chapters

§  May be having someone from the University come and speak on the initiative more in depth

§  There will be a meeting on the initiative in the Madison Avenue Reading room building downtown next Monday, May 9th, at 7PM

·  VP Judicial Affairs: Jake Barone

o  Judicial Committee training

o  Moms weekend event registration

§  Only received registration for 5 events, and those who fail to register their events will be brought to judicial if they fail to register events in the future

·  VP Administration: Brock Hulse

o  Finalizing things for Greek Week

o  Working on putting together the Awards binders for AFLV

·  VP Finance: Dom Miller

o  Has now fully transition into the VP Finance position

o  Dues are due by week 8

§  This include regular dues as well as the health inspection

o  Round table week 8

§  Will be focusing on transitions

o  Wrapping up payments for sing and working on Greek Week

·  VP Awards & Achievement: Ian Snyder

o  Round table may 15th

o  Met with Academic Success Center

§  Worked on fall orientation

o  Collected all of the Award applications for the Greek Awards Banquet

·  VP Risk Management: Ben Burros

o  Working on getting the event registration online

o  Round table Friday of week 8

§  The police liaison will be brought in and will be doing a training for sober party monitors

·  VP Programming: Sean Justus

o  Thanks to all who came to the workshop last night

·  VP Recruitment Marketing: Dallas Thompson

o  Working on making the Recruitment video for the summer

§  Please continue to give film to Dallas to get in the video

o  Meeting with admissions next Tuesday in order to get ahold of the ATD list

§  Will be getting the list to chapters by the end of the school year, if not by the beginning of summer recruitment

·  VP Recruitment Programming: Cam Yarnell

o  Recruitment Workshop will be happening Monday and Tuesday of week 9

§  Bringing in a recruitment specialist in order to train recruitment chairs and presidents/recruitment committees

·  VP Community Service/Philanthropy: Ian Anderson

o  Met with CCE on the Service hours recording system

§  Learned that it is through SLI, and is now working with the heads of the SLI to get a better system in place

o  Sunday week 8, May 18th, will be the next breakfast club

§  It is the Sunday after Dam Jam

·  VP Public Relations: Morgan Melendrez

o  Please like and get your chapters to like and follow the IFC Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

§  A great form of communication and allows for more members of the community being informed

New Business

·  IFC Vison project

o  Alec will be sending out the outline for it tonight

Old Business

·  Voting on the Bylaw change that was proposed last meeting

·  The new bylaw will require presidents to attend all IFC meetings, with excuses being sent ahead of time to the IFC president, as well as making sure that someone attends in their place

·  Bylaw passes

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM