Aventura Waterways K-8

Awareness, Wisdom, Knowledge

Aventura Waterways K-8 Center is committed to excellence by ensuring that our students develop the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in a global society by providing opportunities for lifelong learning…

August 22, 2011

Dear Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s)

I am looking forward to working with your child in 7th grade civics this year. Attached to this letter is information about the class, the supplies your child will need and how you can reach me.

Please take a few minutes to review with your child the contents of this packet. The classroom guidelines and expectations are explained during our first session. Academic requirements and the grading scale of the course are provided. Please sign the last page and have your child return it to me confirming your acknowledgement of this information.

Your continuous involvement in your child’s education and parent-teacher communications are imperative for success. Please feel free to reach me, using the contact information listed on the bottom of this page.

I would like to thank you in advance for your commitment to monitor your child’s progress and encouraging their readiness to learn as well as being prepared for class.

Together, we can offer children the necessary provisions to reach their full potential!


Ms. O’Farrell

Aventura Waterways k-8 Center

21101 N.E. 26th Avenue

Miami, Florida 33180


Ms. O’Farrell: Civics (7th grade)

Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for active participation in a democratic society. Students will become informed citizens in regard to their local, state, and federal government, as well as understanding their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

Each student is expected to have the following materials in class every school day:

  • 1 box of 12 or 36 colored pencils
  • 1 composition notebook OR a 3 ring binder with a divider tab for “civics”
  • 1 Blue or Black ink pen
  • 1 Red ink pen
  • 1 #2 Pencil
  • 1 Jump/Flash drive/USB Drive
  • Notebook Paper
  • Pencil Sharpener (hand operated)

Classroom Policy and Expectations:

A positive attitude, a willingness to work and learn, required materials and textbooks, and assignments and projects completed on time for full credit are all critical for students to reach their potential in the classroom. In addition, all students are expected to adhere to the following at all times in the classroom:

*Enter the room in a quiet and orderly manner

*Place book bags and other materials under seat keeping the aisles clear at all times

*Keep both feet on the floor and sit in a proper position conducive to learning

*Request make-up work if you were absent, and submit it next time class meets

*Begin the warm up activity within 1 minute after the tardy bell.

*Follow the policies and procedures of the classroom, team, seventh grade, Aventura Waterways, and

the MiamiDade County School (MDCPS) District.

Discipline Plan

In order to guarantee all the students in my class the excellent educational climate they deserve, the following discipline plan will be in effect at all times for all students.

When in my class, all students must comply with the following rules:

1. Respect your teacher, classmates, and yourself at all times. Disrespect of any kind will not be


2. Be in your assigned location/seat and ready to work when class begins - when the late bell rings!

3. Remain in your assigned seat at all times, unless given permission to do otherwise.

4. Only one student is permitted to exit classroom at a time, and only with a pass.

5. Students will not be permitted to exit classroom, during the first and last ten minutes of class

6. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.

7. No unauthorized electronic devices should be in use in the classroom.

8. No food, gum, or drinks are allowed in the classroom.

9. Keep your hands to yourself (this includes throwing paper or any objects).

10. Bring all necessary materials and completed assignments to class everyday

Disciplinary actions and/or rewards will follow those outlined in the MDCPS Code of Student Conduct for secondary students. Please access this information from the school website:

Evaluation Summary:

Evaluation is in accordance with MDCPS policies. In the Civics classroom, students will be graded based on the quality of their submitted assignments, ability to stay on task, and possession of required school supplies. This includes class participation, home learning, research projects, essays, quizzes, tests or exams. Folder and composition notebooks will be check and graded throughout the grading period. All assignments are to be completed and turned in on time!

PLEASE NOTE:Students who choose to not turn in assignments should instead submit the following: a sheet of paper with her/his name, the date, and the assignment name written on it, as well as why the student is not turning in the assignment the day it is due.

Grading Scale:

A: 90-100B: 80-89C: 70-79D: 60-69F: 0-59

***Don’t forget to get a PIN number to access the student gradebook. Using this tool you can check your child’s progress or note any missed assignments at any time. Contact the school to receive your access code and then go to the school’s website to log on:

Additional Classroom Activities

We will use several films, along with study guide activities, to garner a deeper understanding of certain aspects of civics such as immigration and culture, civil and criminal law, and the Holocaust. Some of these films are rated PG-13. If you do not want your child to view any of these films or need more information regarding the purpose and content, please send me an email at the address given below.

Field trips will also be offered as a part of experiential learning in civics. Your child will be eligible for at least one trip if she/he maintains a standard of behavior acceptable inside and outside of the school environment. Students who consistently violate the student code of conduct may not be eligible to attend.

Please know that Aventura Waterways has very high standards in both academics and behavior, if you have any questions concerning the course and its requirements please feel free to contact me by phone or email (please note: I will only respond to Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) emails). I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year and I know the seventh grade will be a wonderful experience!


Ms. O’Farrell, 7th Grade Social Studies Instructor

Aventura Waterways K-8 Center

Student (Print): / Student ID# .

Last Name First Name

Home Phone (including area code): .

Parent/Legal Guardian Emergency Contact Form and Syllabus Acknowledgement

By signing this form you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the course syllabus

X / .


Ms. O’Farrell