Ammonoosuc River Local Advisory Committee(LAC) Meeting Minutes

Haverhill, Bath, Landaff, Lisbon, Littleton, Bethlehem, Carroll

Wednesday, April 6 ,2016

Meeting called to order: 4:30 pm at the Senior Center in Littleton.

Members in Attendance: (Haverhill) Bill Harris; (Landaff) Marilyn Booth, Errol Peters (Lisbon) Steve Jesseman; (Bath) Rick Walling; (Littleton: Charlie Ryan: Chairman, Connie McDade, Jessica Willis; (Bethlehem) Marilyn Johnson; (Carroll) Joan Karpf.

Members Absent: (Littleton) Vice Chairman, Chris Hodge.

Review and Approval of April minutes: Rick motioned to approve the minutes as provided. Steve seconded. Minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer's Report: Jessica presented March and April's report. The April balance is $1,269.68. Bill mentioned he followed up on Haverhill who had thought they paid. It will be paid . Errol motioned to receive and file the treasurer's report. Rick seconded the motion. Motion was approved.

Stormwater Workshop on line: Connie listened to the workshop and said it basically was a general introduction of the different ways local communities can manage stormwater. A follow up workshop is scheduled for May 25th on engaging residential homeowners, renters and low income urban communities.


Joint Meeting with Riverbend and maybe other groups to be held Thursday April 28 from 4:30pm-6:30pm at the Senior Center . This will be in place of our May meeting. Larry Garland from AMC will give an informal presentation.

Bacteria Report : Joan followed up with the VRAP E. Coli count in Twin. The recreation pond records show high E. Coli count around the same time as high River count. It appears there may be a correlation between the two events. Discussion followed. It was decided that Joan would follow up with the Town Road Agent who oversees the pond.

A letter of response came from NHDES Craig Rennie regarding Tender Corporation. Charlie will e-mail letter to Committee.

Connie updated the Committee on SB 440, HB1332, HB1595, HB1428, and SB368.

·  HB1428: in regards to funding for eligible wastewater projects under state aid grant program.

·  HB 440: supports repealing the repeal of certain fees in the Shoreland Protection Act.

·  HB1595: reduces requirement to nominate 3 for each seat to only one on the RMAC, allows different LAC's to merge and adds a requirement to consider the effect that fluvial geomorphology may have on the river. It also modifies the minimum mileage used to classify natural and community designated sections from 1 mile to 1/2 mile, removes outdated references to other agencies, consolidates Long Range and River Corridor Management Plans into one Plan and to take into consideration small streams when dealing with Shoreland Protection.

·  HB1332: Adds a member to the aquatic resource compensatory mitigation site selection committee. NH River Council and NRAR will jointly forward a nominee for this seat.

·  SB368: makes a capitol appropriation of $260,000 for the purchase of monitoring equipment for use in the Great Bay and Hampton-Seabrook Estuaries.


NHDES File #106323-044

Alteration of terrain permit for an expansion of a gravel pit located in Bethlehem at the NCES site was received. There is an existing gravel pit at the location. The lot is approximately 90 acres. The application and permit was reviewed. Maps were reviewed to locate the pit in regards to the River. Future excavation will be done in four phases with no more than 5 acres being disturbed at a time. The location of the aquifer was also identified. Reclamation plan and stormwater plan needed to be reviewed. Oversite plan needs to be identified. Bethlehem CC correspondence in regards to the project and drainage area "C" was also reviewed. Discussion followed . A letter will be sent to inform DES that we are in the process of reviewing the application and we expect to comment.

Old Business: Rick informed the Committee that the 2 ACT projects we wrote letters of support for did in fact get fully funded. Marilyn Booth also mentioned that ACT now owns the mitigated land next to Lowe's .

New Business:

Election of officers: Steve made a motion to retain the present slate of officers. Errol seconded the motion. Motion was approved.

With no further business before the ARLAC, Marilyn Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Errol seconded the motion. Motion was approved . Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by:

Joan Karpf