Award Performance Period: January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017
Project Title: / Amount Requested:Name of Project Director
(person making request): / College, Department or Organization:
ProjectDuration/Date: / Estimated # of People Participating:
Project Location:
1) Project Summary (2-3 sentences describing the project – helpful hint: better completed AFTER you have written your proposal):
2) Type of Project (click to check a box):
Activity that will connect students and community-based organizations or agencies for service learning and experiential learning opportunities.
Research-based project with substantial faculty-student interaction and clearly demonstrable participant goals and deliverables.
New approach to developing undergraduate and graduate research opportunities.
Event, program or activity that will increase connections between campus units or with community-based organizations to advance a health, social, economic or workforce issue of importance to the campus and region.
3)Need and Impact of Project:
- Explain the need for this project:
b. How will this project address this need?
- Explain how this project will impact the campus or its community.
d. Describe how you developed the estimated number of people participating (indicated in theSummary Information box above).
4) Names of persons in charge or responsible:
Name / Title / College/Department5) Timeline of project (1 paragraph, include planning stages through final reporting):
6) Statement of Need for Funding(1-2 paragraphs, explain attempts to secure funding and actual funding secured or available):
7) Statement of resources available to carry out project(1-2 paragraphs, i.e. facilities, faculty/staff assistance, technical resources, etc.):
8) Statement of acknowledgment for UEI support (specific plans to recognize UEI’s support, i.e. promotional materials, event program, etc.)
9) List UEI Campus Grants Program funding previously received for this or other projects.
(most recent funding first):
Year / Project Title / Amount Funded / Final Report* Submitted (Y/N)*Attach a copy of the final report submitted on the most recent Campus Grants Program award.
10) How did you hear about the UEI Campus Grants Program? (click to check a box)
Sac State Bulletin
Social Media
E-mail Announcement
Website (please specify which):
UEI Campus Grants Program Budget (all sources)
11)Itemized budget: identification of funding source(s) and listing of proposed expenditures.
Note: Enter the budget items requested to be funded by theUEI Campus Grants Program in the green highlighted column.
Formal written quotes or cost estimates in narrative form must be attached or the proposal will be considered incomplete. Check the how to applypage for a list of expenditures which the CGP Committee cannot consider (e.g., student stipends, commencement-related).
UEI Campus Grants program applicants are strongly encouraged to utilize UEI services (Dining Services, Hornet Bookstore, Marketing Services, etc.) whenever possible.
Budget Item / UEICampus Grants Amount Requested
(a) / Funding requested and/or received from
other sources (on/off campus) / Total
(a + b)
(b) / Name of other Funding Source
Proposal Due Date: October 14, 2016, by 5:00 p.m.
All proposals are date and time stamped upon receipt.
Proposals may be emailed ()or hand delivered to Michael Calvillo at the Hornet Bookstore Building, Suite 3400. If e-mailed, a scanned copy of the Acceptance of Responsibility form will be accepted if all signatures are obtained and legible.
University Enterprises, Inc. Board of Directors award UEI Campus Grants Program funds to
do hereby accept full responsibility for the appropriate and timely administration of those funds, according to the intentions and purposes expressed in the above named project funding request.
Primary Responsible IndividualAlternate Responsible Individual
Name (print)
address or
*Your signature on this form also authorizes the use of this proposal as an example for future funding cycles.
Required for all proposalsRequired for students and/or student organizations
College Dean, Department Chair, or Unit AdministratorFaculty Advisor
(Supporting letter strongly recommended.)
Copies of proposals may at times be forwarded to appropriate Deans or Senior Administrators for reference or input.
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