(A Mission Congregation of the ELCA, Grand Canyon Synod and Mountain View Lutheran, Phoenix)
16540 North Porter Road - Maricopa, AZ 85138
Phone: 520-280-6102 - Pastor Cora Aguilar
We’re moving on .....
Bigger and Better!
October 4th we will hold our first Worship Service in our new location at 16540 North Porter Rd (Trinity Crossing) at 10:00am. Directions are on the web site. It’s located across from Wal-Mart on Porter Rd about an eighth of mile off Maricopa-Casa Grande Highway – it’s an old farm house that has been getting remodeled for us.
We’ll have classrooms for Sunday School, Adult Ed classes, nursery, a kitchen, etc. etc. Looking forward to Fellowship Events... and lots more!!
Join us October 4th at 9:00am for Adult Education and Sunday School and 10:00am for Worship Service.
Lutheran Woman Today
Bible Study
Friday evening October 23 @ 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday Afternoon October 28 @ 1 p.m. After that, we will try to have the evening Bible Study on the first Friday of the month and the afternoon session will continue to be the last Wednesday of the month. Come one! Come all!
52 Weeks of Bible Stories
We began this series September 13, but it’s not too late to participate. The purpose of this program is read God’s stories, one story a week for 52 weeks. Books for this series are available on the table for $10 each. School kids will have the same Bible story as the Adults every Sunday. This way the family will hear the same story. What a wonderful way of learning our Bible stories. Please come and enjoy this learning experience for the entire family.
to beginSeptember 30,
6:00-7:30 p.m
At the Mission House. We are still in need of adult guides to help Pastor Cora with confirmation. It is indeed a blessing to be part of the development, emotional and spiritual, of our youth. Please talk to Pastor Cora if you feel called to do this ministry.
Volunteer Opportunity . . . .
VITA, which stands for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, is a program sponsored by the United Way of PinalCounty. This program certifies volunteers to prepare basic tax returns for those with low to moderate income, individuals with disabilities, and elderly taxpayers. Maricopa Lutheran is tentatively scheduled to be the site for this program, which begins the third week in January and continues through April.
If you are interested in assisting in this program, please sign up now! There are forms available at our worship site for anyone who is interested! One of our core values at Maricopa Lutheran is "reaching out to the community and its needs" and there couldn't be a better way to do that!
from 2-8 p.m. in PacanaPark.
We have purchased a booth to promote Maricopa Lutheran. We need volunteers to man the booth for one hour shifts (preferably 4 people per shift). Please sign up on the volunteer sheet in back.
Choir - Do you like to sing? Do you like music?
If you answered YES to either - join us Thursday for choir rehearsals at 7pm at the Ranch House. You don't have to have a wonderful voice - you don't have to read music - you just have to enjoy it singing.
"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill can not be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16
GOD HERINGS: (the word means assemble, harvest, meetings) was a vision given by the Holy Spirit to Rosa Stoll, Coordinator, about 5 years ago and has now taken shape under the ministry THROUGH THE VALLEY (Pastor Tina Frank) in partnership with MARICOPA LUTHERAN CHURCH (Pastor Cora Aguilar) and is currently situated at the Mission House of Maricopa Lutheran Church. Its objective is to manifest God's love to any person, in the City of Maricopa, in temporary need of clothing and home goods. Donations will be solicited from the community, churches, grants, offerings, and most especially prayers. It is the hope of this ministry to multiply its effect with the integration of other churches in the community following the philosophy of GoodCities which calls for the united action from the city leaders and the church in helping the community.
Charity Begins at Church
After the church service, seven year old Brian said to the preacher: 'When I grow up, I'm going to give you some money.'
'Well, thank you, 'the preacher replied, 'but why?'
'Because my daddy says that you're one of the poorest preachers we've ever had.'
Sunday School Supplies
The Sunday School Program is in need of some supplies. If you have any of the following and would like to donate it, please see Nicole Mangum. We are also looking for volunteers to help teach Sunday School. Again, see Nicole Mangum if you are interested.
computer paper
construction paper
scotch tape
Online Version of MaricopaLutheranChurch Pictorial Directory is now available.
The new pictorial directory (online version) is now available. In order to access, you must be a registered member of the Maricopa Lutheran Church Online Forums. Click on FORUMS in the left column, then click on REGISTER near the upper right corner of the FORUMS window. Once you are registered, the Administrator (in a few days)will verify your request and permit access to this particular area of the forum which allows you to download a copy. This registration process allows us to value the privacy of those listed in the directory.
to read Scriptures, Communion Assist, Usher, Greet, bring refreshments, etc. See Pam Collins if you have any questions. Sign up sheets on located on table in back.
Christian Women ofMaricopa the third Fridays of each month for a potluck dinner. All women are invited to join us. Each month is a different topic, discussion. Lots of fun and inspirational! Join us October 16th for our next meeting. You’ll see a sign up sheet to bring a main dish, salad, or dessert.
Prayer Room Forum
For all those that would like access to the website's Forums, please email and request a login and password. Once you have been issued a Login and Password, you can access the Forums by visiting the Church's website at and clicking on FORUMS in the left column.
In the future, we will be adding more features and topics to the Forum. We feel that using this online Forum concept will be a good way to share Prayer Request and information about those needing our support. Once registered, you also have the option of activating a notification process which sends you an automatic email whenever somebody posts a new or posts a reply to an existing message.