1. Auxiliary is in good standing and AHAA dues were paid on: / 5 pointsDistrict dues were paid on: / 5 points
2. Auxiliary sent delegate(s) to AHAA Convention: YES ☐
Name of Delegate: / 5 points
Name of Alternate: / 5 points
3. Completed and returned the Annual Survey form on time to District Chair YES ☐ / 5 points
4. Members sent to Fall District Meeting YES☐ / 10 points
5. Hosted Fall District Meeting YES ☐ / 10 points
6. Members sent to Spring District Meeting YES ☐ / 10 points
7. Hosted Spring District Meeting YES ☐ / 10 points
8. Members sent to Annual State Convention YES ☐ / 10 points
9. Extended a written or electronic invitation to the District Chair or State Board member
to attend a local function. (May be responsible for expenses – see handbook p. 41, #8) YES ☐ / 5 points
10. Extended a written or electronic invitation to the AHAA President or President-elect to
attend one local function. (May be responsible for expenses – see handbook p. 41, #8) YES ☐ / 5 points
11. Participated in AHAA projects:
Look Before You Lock ☐ Alzheimer’s ☐ Scholarships ☐ HELP ☐ / 5 points EACH
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12. Attended AHAA’s Leadership or Legislative Workshop at Convention (If anyone from your auxiliary attended these workshops you may claim the points.) YES ☐ / 10 points13. Attended District Presidents’ Meeting YES ☐ / 10 points
14. Published Newsletter: YES ☐ / 10 points
Created Scrapbook: YES ☐ / 10 points
Shared Scrapbook at Fall District Meeting YES ☐ / 5 points
Shared Scrapbook at Spring District Meeting YES ☐ / 5 points
Bonus Points if Scrapbook Shared at both Fall & Spring District Mtgs YES ☐ / 5 points
15. Sent at least (3) three articles to state Newsletter editor for inclusion in AHAA newsletter. YES ☐
(EMAIL PREFERRED) / 5 points
16. Sent Auxiliary newsletters, published and/or photos on auxiliary activities to AHAA Historian. YES ☐ / 5 points
17. Initiated or revised a service or program at your hospital (this can be an ongoing, short-term or a one
time project that is patient, community, educational or volunteer related. YES ☐ / 15 points
18. This year our auxiliary was featured in the local newspaper or the hospital newsletter. YES ☐ / 10 points
19. Submitted an entry to the annual AHAA Awards Program for:
Fundraising YES ☐ Community Service YES☐ In-Hospital Service YES ☐ / 10 points EACH
20. Submitted entry to Annual AHAA Awards Program for: Auxilian of the year YES ☐ / 10 points
21. Helped promote: Nurses Day ☐ Volunteer Week ☐ Doctors Day ☐ Hospital Week ☐
Other ☐ / 5 points EACH or
25 points max.
22. Submitted Award of Excellence form for Award YES ☐ / 10 points
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23. Volunteers are recognized each year (Such as discounts in Cafeteria, Free flu shots, etc.) YES ☐ATTACH A BRIEF EXPLANATION. / 5 points each
Max of 50 Points
24. In the past year our auxiliary accepted new members. YES ☐ / 10 points
25. In the past year our auxiliary total hours increased from to hours.
(may include teen hours in total but NOT other volunteer hours) / 10 points
26. Held a membership recruitment event during the year. YES ☐ / 10 points
27. Our auxiliary has: updated the by-laws YES ☐ / 5 points EACH
Prepared or updated volunteer service area descriptions for leaders and members. YES ☐
Provided a hospital and volunteer orientation to all new members. YES ☐
Compiled or updated a volunteer policy and procedure manual YES ☐
28. Our auxiliary contributed to the hospital, foundation or community either in the form of scholarships, cash or gifts. YES ☐ / 10 points
29. submitted our auxiliary report at the fall district meeting.
(NAME) / 5 points
30. submitted our auxiliary report at the spring district meeting.
(NAME) / 5 points
31. Attach description of auxiliary’s participation in a health-related community event or program
32. Our auxiliary provides at least one continuing education opportunity for volunteers.
33. Our hospital Administrator/CEO has attended at least one of our Board or Membership meetings. YES ☐ / 10 points
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