Entry Form

Please complete all sections of this form and provide as much information as possible. We will notify you via e-mail of our receipt of your entry.

Award description and criteria

This award is for a group or a team that has provided an exceptional service in resolving ASB within an identified neighbourhood.

The team may be located within a single organisation or have its members drawn from across a range of local agencies and/or from the community.

We are looking for a team that has worked together to achieve shared goals and can demonstrate measurable results.

Nominations should demonstrate the makeup of the team, its role, objectives and provide evidence of its achievements. They should also show, where applicable, how the team has worked with residents to develop and deliver the service.

Judges will be looking for one or more of the following

·  Qualitative and quantitative evidence of performance and achievement (e.g. performance reports; evaluation; benchmarking; cost benefit analysis; community impact assessments)

·  Creative initiatives and solutions

·  Outstanding commitment and dedication

·  Effective practice that can translate to other locations

·  Improved and sustained outcomes

·  Resident involvement in service design and delivery

All nominations should demonstrate the impact the team has had and include quantitative and qualitative information to evidence achievements.

Section 1 – Your details

Your name
Name of organisation
Telephone number

Section 2 - About your nominee(s)

Name of Team
Who is involved?
(please give details of the makeup of the team)
Aims and objectives of the Team
Contact details for the Team
Telephone number

Section 3 – Your nomination

In no more than 750 words, tell us more about the team you are nominating – what they do; what impact they have had and how this can be sustained; how they have involved the local community and why you think they deserve an award (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

Section 4 - What has the team achieved?

In this section, please provide details of the impact that your nominated team has had; its achievements in 2014/2015 and how those achievements are evidenced.

Post your nomination together with supporting evidence to:

Sharon Mackley, RESOLVE Antisocial Behaviour, 4 Riley Court, Millburn Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7HP

or e-mail

Nominations must be received by Friday 4th September 2015