Cultural Literacy Designation Request Form

Cultural Literacy Designation Request Form

Portland Community College

General Education/Discipline Studies List Request Information Sheet
Lower Division Collegiate courses that apply for General Education/Discipline Studies status must:
1. Be available to all PCC students who meet the prerequisites for the course.
2. Ensure that the appropriate AAOT Discipline Studies outcomes and criteria are reflected in the course’s outcomes.
If you need to revise your course outcomes, you must complete a Course Revision form.
3. Verify Course Transfer Status using the General Education Transferability Status form.
Concern over students taking many courses that do not have a high transfer value has led to increasing attention to the transferability of LDC courses. This is especially important for courses on our Gen Ed/Discipline Studies list, because students assume that such courses will at least count toward the Gen Ed requirements or towards a major degree requirement at a university. Faculty should communicate with colleagues at one or more OUS school to ascertain how the course will transfer. (Is there an equivalent lower division course at the University? Will a department accept the course for its major or minor requirements? Will the course be accepted as part of the University’s distribution requirements? Will the course only be accepted for elective credit?)
In order to be approved for the General Education/Discipline Studies List, evidence of transferability to at least two OUS schools will need to be established. If a course transfers ONLY as an elective it will not as likely be approved for Gen Ed/Discipline Studies status at PCC than if it has a higher status of transfer. Please download and complete the Transferability Status Form
and then return it to the Curriculum Office. Once the Gen Ed/Discipline Studies request, the Transferability Status Form, and the signature page have been received, the Curriculum Office will contact all the OUS schools to check the transferability of the course. When two OUS schools have replied with the transferability status, you will be contacted and your request can be moved onto the next Curriculum Committee agenda.
If this request is accompanying a New Course Request, the New Course Request will continue forward separately and the Gen Ed/Discipline Studies request will be put on hold pending state approval of the new course. We cannot contact OUS schools to obtain official documentation about the transferability of a course until the course has state approval. Once the state has approved the new course, then the Curriculum Office will contact the OUS schools and the General Education Request process above will continue.
4. Have the Standard Prerequisites unless the SAC has completed the Prerequisite Opt-Out form and that request is approved.
By virtue of being approved for the Gen Ed/Discipline Studies List, it will have, as a default, the following prerequisites: WR 115, RD 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores. Higher levels of any of these prerequisites, or any additional prerequisites that are in place will remain. However, if the SAC wants to set the RD, WR and/or MTH prerequisites at a lower level, you will need to use the Prerequisite Opt-out form.
5. Be an LDC course that is eligible for the AAOT Discipline Studies List.
CTE courses are not eligible for the General Education/Discipline Studies List. CS/CIS courses must be approved by the OCCC for use in the AAOT Discipline Studies List. Currently, first-year foreign language courses are an exception. Check with the Curriculum Office if you have questions about AAOT eligibility.

General Education/Discipline Studies List Request Information Sheet – Page 1