Avoiding disturbance of asbestos insulating board (AIB) packers

HSE have recently prosecuted a school academy trust and a window installation company following disturbance of asbestos during a classroom refurbishment project. The academy had relied on a type 2 (management) asbestos survey that had not identified AIB packers to window frames concealed behind panels. Nor did any member of the Academy’s management team have knowledge of the differences between asbestos surveys or when a refurbishment/demolition survey would be required. Further details are available at: http://press.hse.gov.uk/2013/school-and-glass-contractor-fined-for-asbestos-failings/

AIB pieces, often cut to size on site, were used to pack out and wedge architectural fittings, including window frames and subsequently covered over. These can be prevalent in modular buildings built in the 1950’s to the 1980’s when asbestos was widely used, particularly consortium of local authorities special programme (CLASP) buildings.

It is important to ensure that the asbestos risk is fully assessed before refurbishment works begin. It is expected this will include a sufficiently intrusive survey to identify concealed asbestos that may be disturbed.

Where work involves CLASP buildings, ‘the Asbestos in CLASP buildings handbook’ free to download at www.scapebuild.co.uk provides detailed information on typical asbestos locations. This is likely to be of considerable value to interested parties including duty holders, asbestos surveyors, window installers etc.