Texas Department of Agriculture / Template | Menu Portion Planning
October 8, 2012
Food-Based Menu Portion Planning | Date for Menu: ______Age/Grade Group ______
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Weekly
Food Item/s | Portion Size / Food Item/s | Portion Size / Food Item/s | Portion Size / Food Item/s | Portion Size / Food Item/s | Portion Size
Component—Fruits: Required Portion Size | Daily | Weekly
Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total
Component—Grains:Required Portion Size/Range | Daily | Weekly
Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total
Component—Meat/Meat Alternates: Required Portion Size/Range | Daily | Weekly
Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total
Component—Milk:Required Portion Size | Daily | Weekly
Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total
Vegetables—Component: Required Portion Size | Daily | Weekly
Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total
Subgroup Component—Dark Green: Required Portion Size Weekly
Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total
Subgroup Component—Red/Orange: Required Portion Size Weekly
Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total
Subgroup Component—Bean/ Peas (Legumes): Required Portion Size Weekly
Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total
Subgroup Component—Starchy: Required Portion Size Weekly
Total Daily / Total Daily / Total Daily / Total Daily / Total Daily
Subgroup Component—Other: Required Portion Size Weekly
Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total
Subgroup Component—Additional Vegetables: Required Portion Size Weekly
Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total / Daily Total


Use this template to assist in planning weekly menus that meet the new meal pattern requirements.

  1. Top Line: Fill in the date and age/grade group on the top line.
  2. Component/Subgroup:Write in the daily and weekly portion size minimums and maximumsrequired for each component and subgroup for the age/grade group.
  3. Food Item/Portion Size: Write in the food items to be served for each component and subgroup and the serving size for each day of the week.
  4. Total Daily: Write the daily planned serving size total for that component/subgroup.
  5. Weekly Total: Write the weekly planned serving sizes for that a component/subgroup.

Keep in Mind

  • Check the Component/Subgroup daily and weekly portion size minimums and maximums against the food item daily and weekly totals.
  • Adjust serving sizes and food items to ensure that all daily and weekly totals fit within the minimum and maximum range requirements.

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Original Template Prepared for National Food Service Management (2012). Recognizing A Reimbursable Meal: New Meal Pattern Training

( | © 2012, National Food Service Management Institute | The University of Mississippi